
August 28, 2009

Racine surrounded by emerald ash borer

OK, it's official now: Racine is surrounded by the emerald ash borer. They're north of us, and south of us. So far, none here ... but most experts say it's just a matter of time.

One was found in Milwaukee County yesterday, and confirmed today, according to the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection. An EAB larva was discovered in the City of Franklin, after city public works officials observed ash trees with D-shaped exit holes, on Aug. 26. State officials were notified, and survey specialists found a larva after peeling the bark on a suspected tree.

HERE's the state's press releas on the latest confirmed sighting.

This makes seven Wisconsin counties where the tree-killing insect has been discovered. Kenosha was added to the list two weeks ago, after a sighting there. Other counties with the insect are Brown, Crawford, Ozaukee, Vernon and Washington. Quarantines exist for those counties, as well as Fond du Lac and Sheboygan.


  1. This reminds me of "The order we were given was to kill and destroy everything that was in the village. It was clearly explained that there were to be no prisoners."

    It's time to cut down the ashes before the EAB comes!

  2. I thought I saw one a few months ago at Camp Wadewitz... That's in Racine Co. So we got it too then.

    They are this Green Emeraldy looking bug, right? Then we got em too.
