
August 11, 2009

Local girls take part in 'Adventure Sail'

Girls Inc. at the YWCA, the Racine Yacht Club and the National Women’s Sailing Association hosted the 10th annual Adventure Sail for local girls. Below is a slideshow of photos from the event:

Photos by Marie Block


  1. Looks like fun! I hope the girls had a good time.

  2. I understand Gary Becker was one of the instructors.

  3. We've got an economic crisis in this badnews burg, we lead the state in minority infant mortality and we're playing with silly sailboats? There's something wrong here.

  4. Anonymous 8/12/09 4:02 "we've got an econocimic crisis...." these were young girls 8-17 years old that took part in this do you expect them to spend their summers solving the city's and country's problems??? They are children, let them play on silly sailboats. That is what summer is for. As far as the adults that helped make this day happen for the girls thank you for volunteering!!!

  5. Dear 12:04 PM, Certainly kids should play. However, I don't think they need pricey sailboats to have fun. We all know who promotes expensive high-status nonsense in this pathetic company town:the Waxtrash Corporate Crime Family plus its entourage of elitist yuppies. By all means, children should enjoy themselves. Even so, we shouldn't let the Waxies bamboozle our youth into believing that Racine is anything but what it really is--an economic disaster zone for any poor soul who wasn't born into a privileged family.

  6. I certainly wasn't born into a priviledged family, but would have loved to sail on the lake as a child. Being on the water can give you an entirely different perspective on the city and life itself. Sounds like Anon 3:35 is attempting to brainwash everyone into thinking that Racine is trash for everyone that lives in it (minus one certain family). Give the trash talk to yourself Oscar.

  7. Alas, for most ordinary people, Racine is a poverty pit. Unless you're related to the oligarchy or you're one of their beloved yuppies, there's nothing here for you. Teaching girls the fine points of sailing won't solve their economic problems. All it will do is depress them when they discover that their new hobby is beyond their budget.

  8. Maybe we can find a way to make sailing affordable for the girls. As for your comment on the unemployment situation here, the lack of decent jobs is a problem that won't disappear soon unless we bring back good government programs like the WPA. Like it or not, the private sector is destroying ordinary people's livelihoods in the name of profit. Government is going to have to step in with job programs and guaranteed annual income checks for our vulnerable people or this country and this city will explode.

  9. The bottom line is that Racine is good for the fortunate few but bad for us folks who have make do. In view of the expense and the danger involved, I wonder why girls from rank-and-file backgrounds would be interested in sailing...

  10. The slogan about this toadish town is: "very good for the fortunate few/ and very bad for those who must make do." Even so, I agree that sailing isn't a safe hobby and I can't see its point for girls unless they're going into the Navy. I'd still like to know where the rich and their yuppie acolytes get these bright ideas.

  11. to the anonymous person who dislikes being in racine....what have you done that is positive in the community?

    if that greedy company left where would the employees go to work?

    what are your solutions to particular problems? just pick one or two and explain.

    finally how hard is it to pick a screen name?

  12. Dear Firefly, If we nationalized all the major industries in our land, the government could provide jobs and incomes for our people. Contrary to what we've been taught, free enterprise benefits only the oligarchy. Once our industries are under government control, unemployment and poverty would cease to be problems and communities wouldn't have to worry about the corporate elite and its sick whims. To improve this sad city, I work for a legal and peaceful transition from capitalism to socialism. I realize that the wealthy and the would-be rich segments of our population wouldn't like this. Therefore, I maintain a low profile and write anonymously.
