
August 26, 2009

Elaine Kinch named 'Peacemaker of the year'

The Wisconsin Network for Peace & Justice (WNPJ) will designate Elaine Kinch of Racine as a "Peacemaker of the Year" for 2009. The award will be bestowed at WNPJ's annual fall meeting, Saturday, Oct. 3, in Madison.

Kinch was a founder and longtime organizer of the Racine/Kenosha Central America Solidarity Coalition (CASC) and a founding member of the Racine Coalition for Peace & Justice (RCPJ). As a volunteer she has participated in cotton and coffee harvests in Nicaragua and last fall in the olive harvest in Palestine. She has also traveled extensively in El Salvador, Mexico, and Peru.

She was the lead organizer of RCPJ's recent successful fundraising Concert for the Children of Gaza.

Besides her other accomplishments, she plays guitar and accordion in the Racine-based musical ensemble Wilde Thyme.


  1. Can I ask where the check (cash?) for the "Children of Gaza" goes? I remember people collecting for Irish children years ago and my dad wouldn't give them a dime because he said it was all going to the IRA. Does anyone have any evidence that "the children" get any of these donations or does it work in Gaza the same way it works in the RUSD?

  2. Tim the Shrubber8/26/2009 7:57 PM

    No doubt Anon 4:55.

  3. Ellaine Kunch has never met a Anti-American cause she doesn't like.
    She is in a league of heer own when it comes to bashing anything and everything that the US stands for or supports.
    I don't believe there is a bigger "leftie" in the state.

  4. She is no peacemaker but certainly a rabblerouser

  5. anon 10:42 nailed it. Elaine is anything but a peacemaker.

  6. The ignorant comments about Elaine Kinch illustrate how utterly foolish and stupid are so many of the "know-it-alls." She is a calm, gentle, loving soul who does more than anyone I know to advance the cause of peace and justice here and around the world. Nothing is for her, it's all the work done for others who suffer.

    If you knew her and had spent time with her, as I have over twenty years, you would keep silent and understand the goodness of people like her who labor quietly for the greater good.

    Children of Gaza? Yes, they benefit.

    Anti-American? Indeed, she is not. She loves her country and works to make it more just. She is not inclined to whine and "name call" and do nothing else.

  7. Carol - are the Gaza Children donations in the form of food, clothing and medicine or do they go to Gaza as cash?

  8. She is a left winged extremist. Anyone that would give her an award must be kooks. She does not love her country - she is against everything this country stands for.

  9. Congradulations Elaine you are a neighborhood hero and I am so glad to know you. Rachel

  10. Rachel - open your eyes,she is a socialist.

  11. Will Hamas and Iran be giving Elaine an award too?
    Will she be on the platform when Iran celebrates the burning of Israel in a sea of fire?

  12. Time the Shrubber8/27/2009 9:33 AM

    "Children of Gaza? Yes, they benefit."

    And by Children of Gaza, we are referring the the rockets that the Hamas militas shoot over the border at Israel. Far to many incidents of Palestinian charity money being diverted to less than peaceful purposes for us not to skeptical.

  13. Tim and others, give this Carol a break. I want her to answer - do the donations go as food, medicine and clothing or as cash? If Carol knows that this work "benefits" the children of Gaza then she must know how the donations go there.

  14. Congrats Elaine. I am so happy for you. I am proud to be your friend.

    Elaine is much more than politics. She actually cares and gives of herself for things she believes in.

    It may not be what you would do, but are you doing anything besides bullying?

    You can be spoon fed your opinions by the media or your could personally visit these areas and make up your own mind.

  15. 12:30 - I am very involved in the community, but I still respect the constitution unlike her.

  16. Okay so you differ in opinions on the constitution. Can't say that I don't either.

    But she does work hard helping in our community. You say you do to. We don't have too many people like that.

    I'm happy for her and I know her.

  17. There are not different opinions on the constitution. It is what it is and Elaine does not live or potray what is in it.

  18. Congrats Elaine. You are a gem. I know the kids in the neighborhood and your neighbors appreciate all you do and give of yourself.

  19. Carol - where are you? Please answer the "benefits" question -

  20. Is Children of Gaza teaching youth as suicide bombers, or just how to rockets into Israel?

  21. I helped with the Concert of Gaza and contributions were made to a choice of three internationally recognized organizations involved in providing urgently needed humanitarian aid. They included food, education and health care for the children. Elaine is tireless in helping others who are in need, locally and afar. She doesn't sit back as so many do saying, I got mine so screw the rest of you.

  22. Thank anon 11:13 for answering my question (I think). Working for and giving to charities is the ultimate sacrifice anyone can make, but I do my best to make sure that the donations aren't ending up in a very different place than advertized. As for Gaza, the "adults" there voted Hamas into power, a terrorist organization with the announced intention of killing Israelis. The children are innocent but taught at an early age to hate and kill Jews. Does any of the "education" provided to the children of Gaza include love and respect?

  23. Your ignoring the facts. Jews are also killing. When you are faced with kill or be killed it is not so simple. The media does not tell the truth of what is actually happening over there. How do you blame one side and think the other side innocent?

  24. Why are so many people along with many celebities (Oprah)with charities outside of the U.S. There are many starving and sick people within the U.S. Let's help them - eliminate our problems here before we spend our money and energies a far.

  25. Elaine Kinch named Socialist of the year!


    What her good friends are saying.
