
August 13, 2009

City Notes: Coe warned over public comments; Main St. club in 'doghouse'; Tousis readies proposal

Alderman Jeff Coe took the unusual step last month of making a statement during the City Council's public comment period criticizing how negotiations over City Administrator Tom Friedel's contract were handled. Coe alleged July 21 that he voted for the contract believing Friedel would make $85,000 per year, only to later find out the contract was for $95,000.

The response to Coe's statement? A four-page letter from the League of Municipalities explaining why it's against the law for aldermen to participate in the public comment period. Doing so amounts to a violation of the open meetings law, which requires council members notice items they wish to discuss at public meetings. By using the public comment period, Coe basically circumvented this requirement.

Coe had a number of alternative options he could have legally pursued. Writing a letter to the council members, publishing an editorial on RacinePost or in the JT, or simply putting the item on the agenda all would have been legal.

Nicholson in city's 'doghouse'

The structure on top of the building at 316 Main St. has to be removed or redesigned, according to the city.

Doug Nicholson's plans for his "Envi" night club at 316 Main St. hit a minor glitch when the Downtown Area Design Review Board denied his plans for a small square building on the roof of the building. Nicholson built the structure without city approval and failed to win committee support. He now needs to redesign or remove the structure, which he referred to as the "doghouse." The structure apparently would have provided rooftop access, though apparently there were no plans to have the roof as part of the club. The committee objected to the construction because it was visible from Main St.

Here's Nicholson's response to the issue:
I had building plans approved and stamped by the city that contained a doghouse on top of the roof. I didn't know it had to go to design review. My mistake, this is my first building that I own and I am new to all of this. I asked the guys who built it to check with the city, they said they did, when in fact they didn't. They then built the thing way oversized. So I went to design review, they said tear it down, move it, or hire a designer to make it look acceptable. So we are in the process of moving its local and redesigning it. my intention was never to get away with anything, as I have been in touch with the building department on a regular basis.
Tousis seeking 'Class B' license

Tom Tousis has yet to submit his plans to the city to build a grocery store, restaurant and gas station in West Racine. The local builder has been soliciting neighborhood support and says the response has been overwhelmingly favorable. His plans also include a bank and a permanent home for the West Racine Farmer's Market. (In response to comments, Tousis said he had no intention of shutting down the market. Actually, he intends to buy produce from local farmers to sell in the grocery store.)

Tousis also confirmed he's seeking a 'Class B' liquor license for the restaurant, which would allow him to have a bank of video slot machines on site. Tousis said he's considering having the machines; if he does, unlike some businesses, he intended to have them legally. Some businesses simply install the machines and take their chances that no one will force them to take them out, he said.

Look for the West Racine plans to be submitted to city development this month. That will kickoff the approval process for the proposal.


  1. Does the license "quota" apply to Mr. Tousis' proposal?

  2. The Translator8/13/2009 1:25 PM

    What does Fritz and Cheri Cape think about Mr Tousis' plans? Dont they have to approve before it goes to committee?

  3. Seriously, I don't understand this. If there is a set quota, and we are already 3 over the quota, what's the point of proposing another license? Unless, of course, there are diffeent rules for different people in Racine. That couldn't be, could it?

  4. The quota is on "Class A" licenses. Tousis is seeking a "Class B" license.

  5. Tim the Shrubber8/13/2009 1:56 PM

    "The quota is on "Class A" licenses. Tousis is seeking a "Class B" license."

    According to Helding's comment in another post:

    There is a city quota on Class As, and we are over that.

    There is a state mandated quota on Class Bs, and we have not yet hit that.

  6. A "bank of video slot machines on site" -- really classy!

  7. No to Tousis and his IMHO attack on the West Racine Farmer's Market.
    I call on West Racine to reject this attack on your ability to get fresh food grown locally.
    I do not believe at all that Touos will keep his word on anything he does on this project.
    The City of course wants the $$$ but we can do better then a Gas Stations with Video gambling

  8. Just talk to those selling or using the Farmer's market for their ideas see what they have to say about this effort.

  9. Thanks to the Design Review Board for not allowing Mr. Doug Rich White Guy to thumb his nose at you and those of us who have any taste at all. Why do such people think they can do whatever they want, as long as they can afford it? How arrogant, and how UGLY. Thanks again for disallowing this structure. Now please don't feel that you must meet him in the middle and approve anything that is less than attractive, and preferably not visible from the street.

  10. Doug Nicholson and Gary Becker were, maybe still are, buddies. I would bet anything that Doug started this project while Becker was still in power assuming whatever he did would be given the green light by Becker!

  11. Don't worry. Nobody will be allowed to smoke after next July, so they probably won't come in to play the video slot machines anyway.

  12. At least he wants to do it right. How about the ones all over town in crap holes that have them illegally. Anyway whats the big deal, is it any worse than burning your money at a casino?

  13. Every bar & every restaurant in the state of Wisconsin has them.
    BIG DEAL! Its nothing new.


  15. Those machines may be in bars and "craphole" convenience stores all over the place, but they aren't in West Racine now and I'm betting they won't be welcome there anytime soon.

  16. Colt please take your meds.

  17. Wayne's World!
    Wayne's World!
    Wayne's World!

  18. 10:17

    Some of us would rather have Farmer's Markets than Gas Stations and Slot Machines

  19. Some of us (COlt) would fight like hell for a liquor license in Downtown, but fight like hell to keep one away from his place.

  20. I could care less about the booze its about the Farmer's Market.
    The Green Space should be kept aside for the Market not yet another gas station.

  21. racinetransplant8/14/2009 8:35 AM

    The attempted connection of Doug and Becker is absured. As mayor Mr Becker interacted with many business owners and not all of them were buddies. As far as the "Doug rich white guy" comment grow up. There are alot of people that attempt to work around city approval on projects all the time.

    If that attempt that is it because their rich or human and want to attempt to get away with something?

    This city is becoming an f'n joke of broke fools that want to hate people that have and are successful.

    BTW I work hard for a living and am not part of the "I do as I wish cause I have enough money" club. There is a large portion of this city that hates success and those that attain it.

  22. Colt - 1st of all the Farmers Market is going to stay, but even if were not - to hold up tax generating revenue for an empty lot that is used a few months out of the year is just absurd. Go to the market down on State St. if you are so concerned. You continue to show your stupidity.

  23. Wayne, go water your backyard "herb garden", before there is nothing for you to smoke.

  24. Doug & Becker are still friends and Gary tells him how to navigate the waters of city hall.

  25. OOh, that is classic. They break law with how this contract came about and all we hear about is Coe breaking the law by commenting on it at the city council meeting. Too funny.

  26. "The girls in tight shirts with risque slogans like "When is the last time you had a mouthful of Gus's meat in your mouth." is tacky and downright crude, they barely look 18."

    WTF? Yeah, that will work great with the old timers in West Racine.

  27. 9:03 - you said WTF, it doesn't sound like you'd fit in West Racine either. Very nice language.

  28. Gus isn't that tall of a guy. Must not be putting very much meat on those sandwhiches.

  29. I've been there a couple times the gyro's are loaded with meat and they are great.

  30. Racinetransplant - obviously you don't know Doug and Gary very well. If you did, you'd know they were indeed buddies and Doug enjoyed privileges others didn't because of it. For starters we can begin with Doug's ATM machine in the basement of city hall.

  31. Come on, give it a chance. Where else can you fill your car up with gas, buy your veggies, play some video poker, grab lunch and a 40oz on your way out the door. Add a rack with some dirty magazines and I'd be in heaven. Talk about one stop shopping.

  32. 8:48

    Maybe we should get rid of the parks and I know put in low income housing be a good way for the city to get the almighty buck.
    We do not need Green Space we can just drive out to the County.

  33. Colt I don't consider weeds and dirt green space.

  34. West Racine needs a grocery store and sit down restaurant, not a vacant lot that is sucking tax dollars away. Here is a clue guys, the city owns the site, so it is not generating any revenue at all.

    We need a grocery store!

  35. Patrick - you are getting a store and butcher shop along with a restaraunt and gas station.

  36. racinetransplant8/14/2009 12:03 PM

    Anon 9:52- There are always groups that benifit from their circle. Doug has ATM machines in numerous places, not just City Hall.

    Anon 10:06- I don't disagree with you on those individuals and some of there activities. I would say that if your going to put them out there like that you should also include your initials or name to take credit for that kind of statement. I know your response will be "at least I didn't post their name" however anyone that knows that group can quickly identify who they are. I think its pretty low and cowardly to throw shots like that at people and not at least take credit.

    And as I already state, your statement does have some merit.

  37. 11:37

    Your getting a "Stop & Go" type store with slot machines you losing a Farmers Market that brings folks into West Racine.
    Of course this could also be put across the street where the store could be bigger to really be a store but IMHO all the City wants is the money and could care less about what anyone else wants or needs after all "We are Racine why should we care?" Can't wait untill the empty 40's are laying around outside after a hard day of slot machine playing.
    Thinking be a good way to bring the Uptown into West Racine.

  38. "'s against the law for aldermen to participate in the public comment period" sounds like a good way for the city council to control the free speech rights of their own insiders. If Jeff could have put a commentary in the Journal Times, which reaches a whole lot more people than attend city council meetings, then why shouldn't an alderman have the right to speak during a "public comment period"? Do our aldermen lose their civic right of free speech when they get elected? This is stupid. I read on RP when this happened that the deal was for $85K and then Dickert upped it after the vote to $95K. This whole deal never should have happened. Here's proof of the lack of ethics inherent in our, co called, mayor.

    If Doug Nicholson owns the building, he should be able to do whatever he wants with it. I agree that he should have built something that looks better than what a bunch of 10 year olds would have slapped together as their "fort." But, if its his building, who is the city to tell him what he can or can't do, as long as it is not endangering the structure of the building. Regulate, regulate, regulate..., that's all these liberals know. But Doug, remodel it so that it doesn't look like an old rundown eyesore. A little siding would help.

    Do we want a grocery store/restaurant/gas station in West Racine, with a promise to give the Farmer's Market a permanent home AND support it by purchasing their produce to sell out of the grocery store? Well, DUH! That's a no-brainer. Of course we would. Especially after losing the BP gas station and convenience store at Washington & Indiana. Do we want the restaurant to sell alcoholic beverages? Some say yes and some say no. The fact is, it is a legal product and, just like the Chun's, there is no acceptable reason to deny the license. The gambling machines fall into the same catagory as the liquor license; if it's legal and does not adversely affect the neighborhood, then his right to operate a perfectly legal service should not be hindered. I, myself, am not in favor of them, but he has a right to have them and I have the right not to play them.

    It has been implied that Mr. Tousis' word is somewhat questionable. If that is the case, the residents of the area, and the city council, should demand that he sign an agreement with the city to provide the permanent green space necessary for the Farmer's Market to operate and sign a long term contract to purchase the local produce. A violation of either could be financially devistating to him, should he renege on the agreements.

  39. Any business with city hall should be put out to bid, not just handed out to a buddy. This was actually handled illegally.

  40. "Especially after losing the BP gas station and convenience store at Washington & Indiana."

    The clean up cost will be huge why should the public be exposed to another brown fields?

    "the permanent green space necessary for the Farmer's Market to operate"
    Cut 50% or 25% of that space you will not have the room for a Market.
    I do hope that Jim S. keeps his word and stops this from happening.
    I know all the tourist coming to Racine to gamble will be unhappy but they are so many other gas stations and slot machines in Racine

  41. Colt - as I said before weeds and dirt don't make for green space.

  42. Colt do you live in WR? Probably not!! Do you have a job? Probably not!! All you seem to ever talk about is "green space" If you and your tree hugger friends want green space move the f@#k out of the city.

  43. I agree having a grocery store in West Racine would be nice but this is not a grocery store.

    This is not even close to the Pick-N-Save or a real grocery store.

    I guess to be politically correct, I'd call it a expanded mini-mart (at best).

    Also, another thing I dont understand .... why would the sell produce from the Farmer Market inside, when the FM is right out the door? WOuldnt they need to mark it up to make a profit?

  44. Regarding the mini penthouse on DN's building...I was driving down Main today and there is an almost identical structure being built on top of a building across the street and North of Dougs. Is that one being disallowed as well? It looks shorter than Dougs but is also visible from Main and looks identical in every other way.

  45. A little more on the Nicholson and Tousis stories:

    People seem to easily forget Doug bought a former porn shop on Main St. and is turning it into a high-end club at considerable personal expense and risk.

    Tousis is in a similar situation. He's trying to invest millions of dollars into a vacant West Racine lot other developers have ignored for five years.

    Neither should get a free pass, but both should get credit for attempting significant projects with the potential to benefit the city. (Certainly neither deserves personal, off-topic attacks from anonymous commenters.)

    Now, whether Nicholson's "doghouse" design was inappropriate for Main St. is best left to the experts, and they want to see him make some changes. Nicholson seems OK with that (see his comments posted above) and the project is moving forward.

    Tousis is thinking about including video gambling machines in his development. The machines are located all over the city - often illegally - and I've never heard about about them until this story. Are they a bad fit for West Racine? We'll find out during the public approval process. But hopefully Tousis' entire project isn't evaluated based on the developer considering machines that are perfectly legal in the state.

    As for the personal attacks, frankly, they're cowardly. Pete and I can take them as operators of this website, but coming on a blog to settle a long-standing grudge is a sad way to deal with anger, and is counter-productive to hashing out the merits of city issues.

    Here's a simple rule to avoid getting a comment delete: Write about the issues, not the people. It'll make for better stories and a better debate.

  46. Herb Gardens8/15/2009 1:15 AM

    Spangenberg & Wayne AKA COLT
    What a party that must be when those two get together. Both are raving looney tunes and both think they own West Racine. I wonder if they share a common "herb garden".

  47. I cannot wait to get a grocery store in West Racine. I looked at the plans that Pete posted on an early post and the floor space of the grocery store is the same size as the old Piggly Wiggly.

    Racine needs this.

  48. Deleted posts and not even saying a post is deleted. Guess not allowed to have opinion about the food at Gus's. The tight shirt wearing barely legal girls who I doubt are old enough to sell alcohol. Wearing slogans about creamy sauce in your mouth. Did that go over board a bit too much for this blog? Then why is it allowed in the restaurant?

  49. With respect because The Post likes Tousis idea he will get a pass and with the power of the Post a nice help when it comes to getting what you want in this city.

  50. Colt- you are extremely inconsistent in what you support and what you do not. I have yet to figure out why you are opposed to this. Did you cook up a deal with Spangenburg, since you are the only two who oppose this project.

  51. Colt, just because one business has caused a problem I don't see where someone else's business should be penalized for it, especially when it does not yet exist. I believe this is the premis on which you defended the Chun's.

    Also, I can not make a practical determination as to whether you are correct about the "50% to 25%" remark. Could you supply me with the exact location of this proposed project so I can go look at it for myself?

  52. I am talking about the West Racine Farmers Market West/ Washington (about)
    Note The Brownfield is very expensive fir gas station clean up that is why new stations are not often built. .

    I do believe that many folks are upset about this and many do not believe the man we can no longer name plan to destroy the Farmers Market for IMHO that is what will happen when anyone would builds on the site

  53. COLT IS NOW EXPOSED8/15/2009 12:12 PM

    Mr. Clingman AKA Colt, would you explain to all your followers why you are considered a felon or why you sat in prison for a while. Why did you break the law by driving without a drivers license. By the way that you throw stones at people, all of us thought that you had a perfect record. Little did we know, that Wayne Clingman AKA Colt is convicted felon.

  54. And you Mr. Spangenberg, you should be more careful about who you make deals with, especially convicted felons.

  55. DN., C.A., D.B., & J.M. - what do they all have in common besides their own business??

  56. Right on. 1990 is when I quit drinking. Thank God I was able to do so. Many can not many more do not try. I am blessed with a wife who loves me and a great group of kids.
    I do hope that the past 19 years of helping in Madison to Racine has made up for a drunken past. I am good with me, if your not well that's up to you. I do not care.

  57. Colt- What deal did Spangenburg make with you to try to kill the grocery store?

  58. Sounds like Coe has been partaking in Karas's stash. It is hindering his judgment.

  59. There is no deal. I rather have a farmer's market that brings neighbors together and helps everyone get locally grown good organic food then a gas station.
    Since this public property I think we have a say in this.
    Looks like by the reaction of posters perhaps Mr. Touis thinks not

  60. Just another socialist8/15/2009 4:40 PM

    Clingman, how is the west racine proposal different than the stop and go convenience store you support for downtown. Downtown has a convenience store downtown-the former open pantry on Main St.
    And Clingman, why do you want to have a 6th Street convenience store that sells beer but you want the beer license revoked for the convenience store down the block fro you. You are all over the map. You rail on RINOs but you spew this crap about green space, community gardens and organic food. And KRM. If you are such an environmentalist- you'd know the train would be better than cars.
    You think you're an insider but you get it so wrong. Maybe you should put up or shut up-run for alderman, run for mayor.

  61. Wayne or Colt, How long ago was it that you got busted for driving without a valid license? Did you have a drinking problem then too? If I heard correct that wasn't to long ago. I heard about a few more laws that you like to break. You must be quite the guy to party with when the crops come in.

  62. Smokey & The Bandit8/15/2009 6:15 PM

    Why is it dear Colt, that you didn't have a valid drivers license? Please don't again blame it on the alcohol dear child. Maybe it is due to inhalation of illegal substances.

  63. OK, so this has turned into a "let's bash Colt" dialogue. I'm not interested in someone's personal attacks on Colt. I don't care that he was busted almost 20 years ago for driving without a valid license. It's not like he's a gangbanger or drug dealer. And it sounds like he's a REFORMED alcoholic. It sounds, once again, like when liberals can't offer any real facts or common sense on a subject that they just digress to personal attacks.

    The topic here is Jeff Coe, Doug Nicholson and Tom Tousis. So why don't you Anonymous liberal a-holes back off. The man is entitled to his opinion whether you like it or not.

  64. Mr. Clingman has been getting in trouble in the more recent years, not just twenty years ago.He has been a busy man and a naughty one I might add.There is a lot that Colt doesn't want you to know. The moral of the story is don't throw stones at glass houses,and Colt's house has a lot of glass. To be continued, if Wayne Clingman wants it to.

  65. Looks like if you put your name out there and disagree with the powers that be, They will dig in the dirt going back 20 years in order to negate you in some way.

    nice. Too bad no one gives a rats butt about Colt's personal life. His opinion will still be heard and will still convince others.

    What about that wasted gas station on Washington and Indiana?

  66. Hello, what was Dustin's guidelines for comments? If it pertains to the issue and not personal attacks?

    So it's OK to personally attack the Colt guy?

    Hmmm, standards? What standards?

    You're becoming much like the powers that be. Give the connected guys a pass. Unless it's J-wax.

    Tell me I'm wrong.

  67. Yeah I've noticed a long time ago that Dustin is just fine with personal attacks depending upon whom you are attacking and what Dustin's personal opinion is of that person.

  68. Its their website folks, if ya don't like their rules move to another Racine site or start your own.

  69. Oh, come on! Screw the topics, let's just bash Colt some more. What a bunch of pathetic losers you socialist liberals are. When you can't win the argument with facts and/or logic, attack your opponent personally.

  70. Yes it is their website but they propose to be a "news" outlet which implies some sort of journalistic standard. If they don't apply them then they need to be called out. And who better than their faithful readers. Let me say that again with emphasis, FAITHFUL.

    To the Post: Don't lose track of why you started this endeavor. We won't.

    We read you. We may disagree sometimes but we read you. We want to be here. We want you to do it right. We need you to do it right.

    And I will post this anonymously again.

    To the general public anyway.

  71. You are protecting a pathetic loser that constantly blasts people for rediculous claims. Meanwhile he has a warehouse full of skeletons. If you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen.

  72. I wasn't refering to Colt in my last post. Although personal attacks are supposed to be taboo.

  73. Skeletor, I suppose you're squeaky clean.

  74. Racinetransplant8/17/2009 7:59 AM

    AHHH good old Wayne Clingman. You can't blame a man for being passionate, even if you feel it's misdirected. Keep on Keepin on, Wayne.

    Did you ever clear up your judgements regarding that DUI from the 90's? They don't seem to have been cleared up by 2004 at least?

  75. How do we have this big issue about Coe commenting in the public comment time? Where is the bigger issue of the contract and us as tax payers being committed to pay for a contract that was not approved in the correct way.

    I am so disappointed to see that Dickerts people find that attacking Colt is easier than confronting that they messed up.

    I want to know more about this contract and less about Coe and Colt.

  76. What about Jody running her campaign on CNH time???

  77. I want to know about the secret deal that Spangenburg tried to work out for that property.

  78. Spangenberg cutting side deals for the West Blvd property doesn't suprise me. Sounds very similar to getting his best buddy Freidel hired to a fat 6 year contract. I would like to find out exactly what other "side deals" he's cutting.

  79. Spangenberg cutting side deals for the West Blvd property doesn't suprise me. Sounds very similar to getting his best buddy Freidel hired to a fat 6 year contract. I would like to find out exactly what other "side deals" he's cutting.

  80. Anon 9:15, Jody did not run her campaign on CNH time. She ran it on her lunch hours, after work, on weekends and she took some vacation time when she needed to have certain days open for radio interviews, etc. In fact, she had the blessing of upper management who always encourages CNH employees to become involved in local politics and civic issues. The person that spreads these lies is a woman that works at CNH and either just doesn't like Jody or is jealous of her. Anything else is a lie. I know, I was privy to every step of her campaign.

    Dustin, why doesn't my password work when I try to publish my comment with the Google Account? Please email me on that issue.

  81. Graham - sorry but you are wrong - she used to comment out here on this very blog during her work hours.

  82. Anon 6:38, YOU AR WRONG, Jody used her lunch hour and breaks to respond. And what business is it of yours anyway?

  83. 9:03 as a stockholder I am concerned about anyone who abuses comapany as she did - quit with the cover up. Plus some of her ideas are so off the wall. Fortunately she does not have enough support to be mayor and I have plenty of influence in this town, I'll make it my mission that she never holds any office.

  84. 9:14 - it sounds like you are nothing but a loud mouth nothing trying to make people think you are a somebody. Otherwise I don't think you would be here using "Anonymous."

    I work with Jody and am not a supporter of her political endeavour. But I never saw her do anything on company time that was not company business. I also know this other woman that is constantly bashing her in this blog. She is commonly known as a busybody who is always sticking her nose in other people's business and starting rumors and generally being a b*tch. There is nothing to her lies.

    Keep after them Graham.

  85. Jody is a nutcase - withg no ability for politics - plus I know for a fact she did run her campaign on CNH time and there are other above her that know that also.

  86. Anon 10:09 you are a liar.

  87. 1:23 - that's not very nice - do you have something going with Jody?

  88. What part of, "I work with Jody and am not a supporter of her political endeavour. But I never saw her do anything on company time that was not company business", don't you understand?

  89. 8:55 - now both you and Jody are blogging on company time - why should I beleive you - ha, ha!

  90. Because I'm on vacation. Open your mouth and put your foot in it again.

  91. Yea - that was Jody's line also when someone who knows, knew she was at work.

  92. What an ass.

  93. 7:59 That's no way to talk about Jody.
