
August 14, 2009

90th Street Expansion paves way for new Mount Pleasant municipal building

By Heather Asiyanbi

In order for Mount Pleasant to get busy on its new municipal campus just northeast of Highway 20 and 90th Street, the latter avenue has to be expanded.

According to both Village Administrator Mike Andreasen and Engineer Jeff Sykes of Crispell Snyder, the $1 million road project, while a separate project, is the first step to developing the 90th Street property for the municipal campus.

Because the road is located within a tax incremental financing district (TID), those special funds are available to fund the cost.

The goal is to eventually connect 90th street so it runs continuously from Spring Street to Highway KR, though that depends on getting right-of-way from Heartland Village at the north end of the street. Heartland Village is the developer of a community of Arts & Crafts style homes along Old Spring Street near Highway H. 90th Street currently ends a few hundred feet north of Highway 20.

"This is a major north-south arterial," Sykes pointed out. "It could serve as a nice alternative to taking Highway 31, which can be very congested at certain times of the day, or Highway H as it runs through the Renaissance Business Park."

Infrastructure like water, stormwater, sewer - anything that involves a service pipe - is expected to complete by mid-November. The goal is to have at least a gravel road in by winter for access to the new village hall site. Construction on that new building is expected to begin in the spring with possibly completion by the end of 2010 or very early in 2011. The current village hall property at the corner of Highways 11 and 31 is for sale.


  1. Heather: The Crispell-Snyder consultant's name is Seitz, not Sykes.

  2. Are these the same people that did that "new" depot thing......that was brilliant! I hope whomever came up with that is out of the country already. What an absolute joke.

  3. Just a note to our politicians....WE'RE BROKE. You, the State, and the FEDS. Learn to live within your means.

  4. NO, we are not broke. You greedy selfish people just decided you don't like paying your taxes anymore. Screw the poor, screw the public good, I want an extra $100 in my pocket at the end of the year!

  5. Boy, you touch a nerve with one of the MtPleasant officials there, that they think it's wrong to keep $100 in our pocket. They have been for along time just spending without limits. Not listening to people or working with people.

  6. yes, that administor and board is out of control.

  7. Out of control or not, we're stuck with them. Village staff and admin work full time and trustees part time - trustees can't really do much. Just get used to paying more. When you run out of cash, move out.

  8. Until the current Mt. Pleasant administrator and his cronies are removed, the residents of Mt.Pleasant, Sturtevant and eventually Caledonia will be slowly led to the poor house. For the taxpayers, look out because in a few year it will not be pretty.

  9. Why didnt Mt Pleasant do this last year, then there would have been no reason to cut 150 mature trees down on Stuart Road.

    Glad I dont live in Mt Pleasant, what an arrogant group of "leaders" there.

  10. The work on Spring Street near Stuart Rd is now finished. How will everyone like this-Stuart Rd now dead ends just south of Spring St.

    I remember reading it was planned, cant believe it was done. What was the point of widening a road that leads to a dead end?

  11. The new Spring Street project is a mess. I observed a driver yesterday facing confusion as to what to do. The road is two lanes then one lane then two lanes. Another well planned road of confusion. Stuart Road is another road of a mess but the village people had to have their widen road that ends in a dead end. I have relatives that live on Stuart Road and travel it often. It is heartbreaking what they did to that road and those beautiful old trees.
