
July 20, 2009

Spangenberg on West Racine development: 'We're trying to do the right thing'

Alderman Jim Spangenberg is withholding judgment on a proposed development for the corner of Washington Ave. and West Blvd. in his district. But he does want people to know he's worked "tirelessly" for eight years to find the right project for the site.

"I don't toot my own horn," he said, "but I've worked like a dog on this."

Developer Tom Tousis wants to build a combo grocery store, restaurant, car wash and gas station on the corner lot. His plan would also preserve the Farmer's Market that's now there.

But Spangenberg said he has concerns about a gas station in West Racine. Gas stations tend to deteriorate in quality over time and leave an eye sore in the community. He also noted there's a gas station less than a mile away from the proposed site, and that the development is hardly a novel idea.

"We could have had a gas station and convenience store eight years ago," Spangenberg said.

All of this isn't to say Spangenberg is opposed to the project. He's meeting with Tousis on Tuesday to discuss plans and ask questions about how the restaurant will run and whether Tousis's proposed grocery store will really be a large convenience store. In short, Spangenberg is skeptical.

"He's not doing this out of love for the neighborhood," Spangenberg said of Tousis.

What happens at the corner of Washington and West is personal for Spangenberg. His business, Johnson Home Furnishings is just down the street from the site, and his home is just a few blocks away.

"I have a large investment here," Spangenberg said.

For that reason, he's upset to hear anyone suggest he's "doing nothing" to help the area, because he's worked non-stop for eight years to get something going.

"We're trying to do the right thing here," said Spangenberg, who gave an example with the Farmer's Market.

The market needed a sign so he convinced the business improvement district and the West Racine Business Association to buy a sign. But then they needed posts for the sign, so Spangenberg called contractors and begged them to donate the work. The sign is going up within the next week.

"I've worked tirelessly for this area," he said.


  1. You, Mr. Spangenberg, are EXACTLY RIGHT !!!

  2. We DO NOT NEED another gas station, car wash in this city. West on Washington there are plenty of gas stations. I just see a nightmare unfolding with traffic at that intersection.

  3. Jim would you be better off if you had 55 units of low income down the street from your store? Sounds like you are a little confused. Your building could use a little work itself.

  4. I was interested to read in the previous coverage that the neighborhood businesses had been sounded out on this issue. I own a business in West Racine, and nobody involved in this project talked to us about it. I'm planning to attend the City Council meetings about this development, but right now it looks to me like it's more about gas and car wash than grocery store and restaurant. I admit that this is much more in the realm of economic development that the last half-baked apartment proposal was, and I understand the strong desire to develop the corner. I also understand that in the current economy few are building anything, and the best deal for this very desirable corner may have to wait for the inevitable return of better times. Meanwhile, I have serious reservations about the environmental impact of this project, about its impact on traffic, and about the possible consequences of what I suspect will be a glorified convenience store with a liquor or beer license.
    I believe that at this time Alderman Spangenberg's position on this is right on, and I commend him for his support of the farmer's market. It may not bring a lot of revenue to the city now, but those of us who live or do business in West Racine like it a lot.
    I hope to see the other posters and other interested citizens at city hall when this project is explained there. For now, I want to suggest that there may not be the neighborhood support for this project that the previous Racine Post story reported.
    We are all, of course, able to agree or disagree on important issues. My name is Robin Wilson, and this is what I think.

  5. I live in district 13 just 2 blocks from this site. I seem to remember in February that Mr. Spangenberg was all for a 55 unit "GHETTO" property on that corner. I have voted for Jim in past elections but I am seeing his true colors shine in the last 6 months. I am not sure if he thinks that he is above local developers or if this one just won't greese him like an out of town one would. I have lived in West Racine my entire adult life and plan to remain here. Futhermore I believe that the project as shown in an earlier article is a great fit. People are we so foolish to believe that a real Grocery store will come back? This is not "The Pig" it is not "Pick n Save" it is somethine smaller, a place to stop in and grab last minute items, a place that fits the bill for the area. In closing I would like to show my support to the developer and let him know me and my neighbors are behind him.

  6. Concerned Citizen7/20/2009 6:39 PM

    Sounds like a conflict of interest.

    He's worried about his "investment" and his constituents?? Very interesting.

    On a positive note, at least he's not hangin' out with Becker, which is more than I can say for another Alderman.

  7. All I can tell you Jim that of all my neighbors around my house, I have not received one complaint about this project. You better have our opinions in mind when you state your opinion in public. Because it sure didn't seem like you did when you pushed for 55 unit cell block. I gave you my vote last time but you did not give us yours, I am sure we can find someone more competent than yourself to run against you. Think about your people not yourself.

  8. "it is somethine(sp) smaller, a place to stop in and grab last minute items"

    I think that's called a convenience store. A gas station and car wash? Nothing new here.

  9. My name is Mike I live here in West Racine and I am one of four people that has been working with Mr. Tousis. When I was approched by another individual regarding this project I felt as if it was a development that revitalize West Racine. It has been, since we started in March, Tom's request that the residents of West Racine and local business owners be made aware of this project and support it. That being said we (Tom and the rest of us) never intended this to turn into a battering of Aldermen or any public officials. When the residents of West Racine (myself included)opposed the 55 unit building, some of us made comments in bad taste against Mr. McCarthy and Mr. Spagenberg. Our attempt to draw residents favor has and should be in good taste. Mr. Spangenberg has agreed to meet with Tom and discuss his intent, before he makes a decisions on this matter, for that I commend him. Our attempts from conception to the point we are at now, to make people aware of this project and gain their support is not based on degrading individuals that do not agree with us but rather give them a chance to sit down with us and dicuss it in a manner that is professional and moral. These request came from Tom, that we the residents of the area, get to have a say in what type of development we would like to see there, before the city was approched. This is away of doing business that we do not often see but is the way it should be done.

  10. My fellow citizens, let me put this in very simple terms how this will play out.

    The gas station / convenience store will open and will become what the "Total 24" is to uptown - a haven for thugs and misfits only this time in West Racine.

    Our incompetent police chief will come along with the bright idea of turning the Christmas playhouse across the street into another one of his famous and ineffective COP houses. (Since the other half dozen we have already are producing such great results for this city - yeah right!)

    Mayor Dicket will come along keeping up the tradition of his pal and disgraced Mayor Becker by declareing West Racine the new art district and buy a $50,000 sculpture to attract artists to the area. It will fail.

    Alderman Helding will come along after Dickert's plan collapses and suggest we demolish the entire West Racine.

    You see the story in Racine plays over and over again...

  11. 9:16 - you hit the nail on the head. welcome to hooterville.

  12. "But he does want people to know he's worked "tirelessly" for eight years to find the right project for the site.

    "I don't toot my own horn," he said, "but I've worked like a dog on this."

    And Jim, you have done a dandy ob. The block looks swell!

  13. Stick to your guns Jimbo, don't let them wave some money and do what ever!

  14. Concerned, there's currently an alderman hanging with G?

  15. Is it true Mr. Spangenberg, that you have been seen visiting with Gary Becker in the front yard of his remodeled home for sale on Kingston. I guess it true, birds of a feather flock together.

  16. 9:16 YOU ARE AN IDIOT!!!!!!!!

  17. Simply writing "grocery store" on the plans does not make it a grocery store.

  18. Alright then- moving forward- where is the BEST place to share and learn about any upcoming information/events surrounding this development? When the housing development was looming, an amazing network popped up- People WANT to know and no longer rely on one news source. Info/listening sessions? eBlasts? a ning? Let's clarify GROCERY STORE- Let's hear how traffic is being addressed-

  19. He's worked non-stop for eight years to get something going. And what does he have to show? A sign for the Farmer's Market going up next week. He's not going to hoot his own horn, probably because he has nothing to hoot about.

  20. Jim Spangenberg supported Tom when he wanted to build a gas station at the old Schaeffer Pontiac site in uptown but his opinion differs for this location. Mr. S. are you saying it's good enough for a black neighborhood but not good enough for your neighborhood. Is your membership to the Aryan Nation current.

  21. Hey, Jim!

    Why not get IBM to locate there? If Dubuque can do it.....

  22. "Concerned" Citizen -

    Put up, or shut up and go the hell away!

  23. That will be a great place to get $3 of gas, a pack of Kools, and a 40 oz.

  24. Anon 1:52 - no racism implication there.

  25. It will also be a great place to get something from the butcher shop, some cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, and milk. It is a grocery store people.

  26. maybe jim can fix his building and the empty carpet store next door to him. eyesore? ever counted the dead flys in the window?

    big investment jim? then get the landlord to sell that eyesore and get a compatible business with yours into that front. .we have lived in the maple park area since 1998 and that store was closed then.

    who in racine actually buys jims furniture. no one i know. maybe he is selling to higher end clients who cannot afford porters.

    you jim have done a nice job unifying west racines awnings to reflect a united area. i remember that from years ago when my wife and i were on the west racine business and community group. nice name for a group who can do effectively nothing.

    you jim should join join liars anonymous.

  27. Stunning.

    Anytime someone wants to invest money in this city with an 18% unemployment the whiners come out of the woodwork.

    This City suffers from Banana syndrome.

    Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything.

  28. Does anyone actually shop at Johnson furniture? I've been in there a couple times and they have God awful looking furniture.

  29. Anon 10:55 - You are correct, that is some ugly stuff.

  30. Maybe everyone should find out the truth about what this good family has in mind-looks to me it would do alot of good for the neighborhood. Grocery store with butcher & deli, local owners, permanent home for the farmers market, green built, local bank, 50's style restaurant serving breakfast & lunch and a Fri. fish fry, indoor carwash and gas pumps. What they have built on Douglas sure isn't an eyesore. I've lived in the West Racine area all my life and look forward to doing business here. Shame on you Mr. spangenberg!

  31. Shame on you Mr. Spangenberg, thinking a low income 55 unit housing project won't be an eye sore, but a Gas Station, Deli, Restaurant, Grocery's Store ect. would be. Tom Tousis has a nice clean BP on Douglas Ave and takes pride in his business. I feel that the project would be a shot in the arm for West Racine. I have lived in Racine my whole life and feel that the young families that are moving into the West Racine neighborhood would appreciate what the project has to offer.

  32. Spangenberg is nothing but a back stabbing liar. He could care less about West Racine.

  33. He's just mad that Dickert beat him out for Mayor. He was hoping that he could collect that check from the city, now that he isn't making squat on furniture. Karma can be a son of a you know what, don't you agree Jim. Mayor Spangenberg, never will happen.

  34. I almost forgot. I heard that Jim was telling someone that he will try to block any project that is brought without his "blessing". So he can make Mr. Dickert look like he hasn't accomplished anything during his term. So Jim can try to collect the Mayor's salary, oops I mean help Racine become a better place. I don't think people in West Racine will forget what Jim did to them by the time the next election is here.

