
July 30, 2009

Racine Concert Band to split from city

The city will spend an additional $10,000 next year to cut ties with the Racine Concert Band under an amicable agreement pending before the City Council.

The concert band, which has been playing concerts in Racine for 86 consecutive years, would receive $35,000 from the city next year. In exchange, the band (which received $25,000 this year) would provide its own insurance, transportation and storage.

The agreement settles a question that came up last July over whether members of the concert band are city employees. If approved by the City Council on Tuesday, it would clarify band members are not employed by the city.

The additional $10,000 will be at least partially offset by shifts in "hard and soft costs," City Administrator Tom Friedel told the Personnel and Finance Committee this week. Hard costs are generally considered money and soft costs are things like services.

The finance committee approved the agreement unanimously.

The Racine Concert Band, under the direction of Mark Eichner, is scheduled to play a free show at 7 p.m. on Sunday at Zoo Park. The theme is baritone and flute solos.

The band's free Aug. 9 concert, also at 7 p.m. at Zoo Park, will feature soprano and oboe solos.


  1. $35,000 for a concert band?
    Wow - we sure have a good quality of life around here.
    How much does the city give to the Racine Theatre Guild?
    Hysterical Museum?

  2. Freedie the Freeloader was an oboe7/30/2009 4:09 PM

    $35,000 for oboe solos? I bet these are very good oboe solos.

  3. A good investment by the City. Best of luck to the band in the time to come

  4. Downtown Denizen7/30/2009 11:58 PM

    Why is this even an issue? In the worst financial times we've seen over the past 80 years I find it absurd that the city is spending even a single dime on music or art. The purpose of government is to govern, not finance entertainment. Art and music organization should be funded solely by the community through donations, ticket fees, sales, etc. if the community wants them. Tax dollars should not be spent on anything but essential services for the city. A concert band is not one of them.

    In the next elections for mayor and aldermen, the citizens of Racine need to VOTE OUT EVERY INCUMBENT on the city council and get some people in there who understand what governing really means.

  5. Why is it costing us $10,000 more to "cut ties"? Cutting the ties should be saving us $25,000 next year, not costing us more!

  6. The reason we're saddled with arty-tarty crap and taxed into the ground to support it is the the influence of the Waxtrash Corporate Crime Family. Way back in the Dirty Thirties, a member of that calamitous clan of private sector predators fell for Frank Lloyd Wright's spurious spiel. For Wright and his flighty flock, aesthetic excellence as defined by "The Master" trumped all other values. The pursuit of beauty reigned supreme while ethics, morals and attention to the needs of rank-and-file humanity received short shrift. Because the Carnauba Court and its clique of hyper-privileged Ivy League leeches followed--and continue to follow--"The Master," Racine's rulers blow working class taxpayers' dough on nonsense galore.The pernicious influence of the John-Swine Porker-Ation is the reason why our people cry.

  7. I think that translates to "blowing $50,000 on that stupid modern art statue on Washington Ave. and blowing even more money on the Racine Concert Band is a stupid move and completely disrespectful to the taxpayers in Racine."

  8. Anon 10:10 & 11:16 - you two need to get some class. Racine does not need whining bottom feeders like you.

  9. Anon 1:05 - you should learn to write as well as Anon 10:10. Agree or disagree, that was well done!

  10. Downtown Denizen8/01/2009 8:04 AM

    Anon 1:05, it's people like you who waste our money on this frivilous crap and cause the police/fire departments and school system to go begging for money and pushing us beyond our means. You endorse throwing $85,000 to the wind when the city has a $250 million dollar deficit? Get a grip!

  11. anon 8:04 - I'm for a complete city which includes the arts, recreation, an active downtown - a city we can be proud of and attracts new people and business. I am not one dimensional like you.

  12. One dimensional is a compliment to the art haters. These people don't understand what life is all about.

  13. Downtown is right. In a time of financial deficits and strife the money needs to go where it is NEEDED. In a time of surplus go ahead and spend a few dollars on nonessentials. But this is not the time.

  14. We need to continue to be a complete city. for you penny pinchers - get a job.

  15. I expect what you mean by a "complete city" is to waste money on feel good stuff while people can not find work and are wondering where their next meal is coming from. Downtown Denizien is right: when there is a surplus, spend money on the frills - but when there is a deficit, pay the bills first.

  16. Graham - there are jobs out there. People may need to commute, but there are jobs. Plus if you take out those that don't want to work the unemployment level is probably closer to 10%. That means 90% of Racine is working - so why not have these things avialable. Plus they are free entertainment to those you are so concerned about. In addition we need to attract more quality people and business to Racine. By not spending money on these frills as you call them - they won't come. I'm tired of people always worring about the 10% - don't be so damn cheap. In the scheme of things, these dollars are nothing.
