
July 25, 2009

PHOTOS: Racine on the Lake Tennis Tournament

The Racine on the Lake Tennis Tournament is going on this weekend. Here are photos from Saturday's preliminary round actions. The finals are Sunday afternoon at Lockwood Park. Stop by and support some great local players!


  1. I agree that we are always looking for more players. And if we could ge the courts redone it would probably help.

    Thanks Justin for the pics!!!

  2. That would be "get"

  3. I thought the pics were great! Nothing real bad about the courts. I've played on worse in my days. The weather was perfect. A bigger draw so I can play people at my level, and return a serve.

  4. Just curious about something. This event is held in a public park which everyone who pays taxes has contributed to. What would happen, for example, if someone not involved in the tournament showed up at Lockwood tennis courts during the tournament and wanted to play tennis. Would they be turned away from the facility that everyone's hard earned taxes pay for?

  5. Michael Kroes7/27/2009 8:02 AM

    I'm guessing that the city would not stop a city-sanctioned tournament so that individuals not entered in the tournament could play a few games. The same thing occurs with softball. If there is league play, the city ball diamonds are basically unavailable to the general public while those games are in session.

  6. Mike Brehem - pull that tongue back in. You are no Michael Jordan!

  7. Wow after the years of complaining about the condition of these tennis courts I expected them to look like WW2 Dresden.
    Looks like they work fine.

  8. For the amount of money that has been put into those courts they look terrible!!!
    If the paint on my house looked like that the UNIT would cite me (and has for much much much less)
