
July 4, 2009

The parade in pictures...

Racine loves a parade, and is rightly known for hosting one on July 4th that is better than most communities. Here are some pictures from today's three-hour extravaganza, mostly in the order of march in which they appeared.

John Dickert and his wife, Teresa, in his first parade as mayor

Miss Racine, Sha-Nita Rhea

American Legion Boys of '76

Tripoli Motor Corps' hair-raising precision

The Academy of Dance

The Lighthouse Brigade

Re/Max Realty brought a fiery hot air balloon demonstration

Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 767

O&H Bakery's float made us hungry

SC Johnson's float won the Ken Weill Grand Prize Award

Park H.S. Cheerleaders

Bill Reid's Art Car Assn. entry won the Tex Reynolds Award

Rotary's Dragon Boat reminds us of next weekend's festival

Racine Threat football club had a float...

...and here is the Raiders' mascot in action

Kilties played Auld Lang Syne at the home of a former member,
Mike Meredith, who was killed in 1992


  1. Does anyone know which channel on TWC they will be rerunning the parade coverage? I haven't looked for it in so long, I can't remember.

  2. I don't mean to be rude here, but the coverage of this years parade by twc was atrocious! The hosts were unprepared, unaware, and spent too much time on useless banter. The camera work and editing were 3rd grade at best.My wife and I were shell-shocked. It was soooo bad we couldn't turn the channel. I don't know how many times we both blurted out "OK shut up already!".

  3. Post-parade garbage along the route was horrible! Kudos to Red Apple for picking up recycling- but parade goers- PLEASE do your share next year and carry out your own garbage. It's the responsible thing to do.

  4. The same could be said for the trash left at North Beach and on the hill. If you take it with you -- or buy something for the kids -- take the trash back with you. If the garbage is overflowing why play jenga and add more -- just take it with you.

    Haven't seen any parade coverage on tv -- will look for it just to see how bad it is.

    Did try to watch "Operation Recognition" on 1403 on demand twc. No luck -- error 101 -- currently unavailable -- please try again later. This is put together by the folks at Maresh Meredith and we watch every year. What's going on with twc???

  5. THe commentators were boring and downright bothersome. Good grief, the useless chatter and they were obviously unprepared. It was annoying. We had to turn the sound down completely. Isn't there anyone who can narrate? It was almost as bad as the post prom useless chatter.

  6. Heather in Caledonia7/05/2009 7:11 AM

    If anyone knows the schedule for the re-broadcast of the parade, please post it! I wasn't able to find it online and they weren't broadcasting any scheduling yesterday.

    I just wanted to thank all of the people who worked SOOO hard to put the parade together. Fourth Fest folks were so organized and helpful and the police did a great job with traffic and crowd control. Thank you all for your hard work! It was a great parade!

  7. Time Warner did not do the coverage this year. This is CAR25 (your tax dollars) at it's finest. The same group of clowns did the prom. Last year was Time Warner and the difference was quite obvious. The city is to blame.

  8. I didn't stick around for the end of the parade (yawn), so I didn't see the refuse left behind, but I believe it! What can you expect from people who litter on a daily basis? Come on! If you're too afraid to say something to the litterbugs, pick up after them yourself! The city should do more to promote a clean city culture, starting with enforcement and programs in schools. Have you seen all the trash in the restrooms and hallways? Yuk! Scumbags!

  9. Car 25 did not do the parade coverage
    Somebody Hired a "Professional Group" What a joke!!!
    Car 25 would have done a much better job!

  10. Very nice photograph's - this really picks up the essence of the parade.

  11. Slightly off topic but did anyone elso notice that the Johnson float was unopposed in it's category? That is a sad commentary on the state of Racine's manufacturing base.

  12. It is to bad about the garbage!
    Maybe we can hand out garbage bags near the end of the parade. Then folks can help!

  13. Commenting on the "That is a sad commentary on the state of Racine's manufacturing base"
    There was not as much extra money this year. Floats are not the first thing on a business owners mind. Keeping the Company going and people working!

  14. Just an FYI, CAR25 is NOT taxpayer funded. CAR25 does NOT play a part in the production of the parade, only broadcasting the event to Time Warner subscribers. I guess with the economy the way it is, the production company is trying to do the best it can with very little resources. I for one am glad those of us who could not attend were able to watch it all. Thank you!

  15. To avoid the broadcast fiasco that was this year's parade -- thanks for the pictures, by the way, I didn't see many of them because of crummy coverage -- I think that a video section of the parade should be the basis of AUDITIONS by those who'd want to do the play by play and then have one (or 2) STATIONARY cameras and only 1 handheld. At least then we'd be able to match commentary to what is actually being broadcast. And PLEASE don't just cut to Dr. D and some horror flick to fill empty time!

  16. Anon 1:21 - How many people do you think are knocking down the door to VOLUNTEER to be downtown at 4:00 a.m. and spend 8 or more hours of their holiday announcing the parade?

    The entire Fourth Fest celebration is put on by VOLUNTEERS. So if anyone wants to see changes, please donate your time and talents to the cause.

    Personally, I appreciate all they do.

  17. I know, these idiots are never happy....Be happy you saw the damn parade! I can just imagine what type of music you fools listen to....

  18. The announcers were paid. ECCH

  19. It was our first year in the parade, we had no idea what to expect and it was extremely difficult to get any information about anything. They had us driving all over down busy streets to get to our "spot" and half of our float was flying off from trees. It was all very frustrating. Once finally in our spot, every one's blaring their music like it's some sort of competition. I for one was exhausted before the parade started.
    Thank you crowd, you all made the day worth while. Thank you Racine for coming out, we appreciate it!!!!!

  20. I just wanted to see the parade and ALL the participants. I missed seeing a lot of groups when they were cut out to go an unimportant interview or commercial. Next year please focus on showing all of the parade instead of what YOU think is important. People work very hard to perform in the parade, only to be cut out by CAR 25 who didn't think it was worth showing Next year please focus on the parade, not the announcers.
