
July 15, 2009

Note on RacinePost comments

We're getting a lot of comments about our comments these days. It's a good problem for us because it means we're reaching a critical mass in the community. But it's still a problem.

The main issue is the negative comments on just about every story. It doesn't take long for discussions to turn personal, nasty, inappropriate and counterproductive to our efforts of promoting positive dialogue about Racine. Our challenge is addressing these comments without stifling debate and reader interaction, which is immensely helpful in running a news website. (For example, JJ McAuliffe corrected one of my stories this morning. I made the change the story is more accurate for it.)

We delete comments on a fairly regular basis. Nearly all of those comments are an unsubstantiated attack on someone's personal character, but we have no set policy. It's like the Supreme Court ruling on obscenity: We know an offensive comment when we see it.

Other comments we let stand, but respond to. For example, I jumped in on Alderman Bob Mozol's behalf because my experience is he's a sincere, hard-working politician who deserves better than to be insulted by an anonymous blogger. But he's also an elected official subject to public ridicule; it's part of the job. Same with comments about the Post. We generally let them stand because we believe in giving people their say. But we don't expect everyone to take on a thick skin; that's not fair of us to ask.

So that's the problem and our current responses to negative comments. Hardly satisfying, right? I'd like to propose a new alternative. We are shifting to a registration system, but it's taking awhile to work out the bugs and there's no guarantee it'll stop the negative comments (ie. The Journal Times).

From what I can tell, negative commenters make up about 10 percent of our readership. They're a vocal 10 percent, but they're definitely outnumbered. It's up to the rest of us to drown out their voices. We all support and believe in our community, so let's say so. If you see a negative comment, respond with something overtly positive. Here's some examples:
  • I love North Beach. What a great resource for Racine.
  • The triathlon is in town this weekend. What a great event!
  • First Friday was hopping last month. Can't wait for the next one!
  • Kringle!
Just go with whatever pops into your head. Let's wash away the negative comments with a collective effort to present a positive image of Racine. This post will be our first test. No doubt someone will make a cynical, negative comment in the first few minutes. Respond with an optimistic, positive comment. You can change the tone with a few words. Give it a try!

On a related note, I'm thinking through a letter-writing idea that focuses on what we like about the city. We'd create a written record of the many wonderful things about Racine, from Kewpee's to Frank Lloyd Wright buildings, to the REC center and so on. If we can create a written history of what we love and support in Racine, officials in power will have something to rely on if they ever need to make a decision about the Zoo, the library, Monument Square, farmer's markets, the Root River, golf courses, etc.

But more on that later ... for now, let's try hard to keep it positive.


  1. I like Dustin and the Racine Post.

  2. Thanks for helping to keep things positive around here!

  3. I prefer reading the comments on here - you guys do a better job than the JT about monitoring comments. Over there, not only does it get nasty, but often, it gets seriously off topic and turns into an argument between bloggers. Constructive criticism is very different than the anger that runs around sometimes.

  4. so if I tell you to not put up a positive comment, is that negative?

  5. Dustin research's great articles, Pete captures artistic and interesting photographs. People who practice an optomistic, positive attitude will be healthier both mentally and physically. Thanks Dustin for taking the lead in asking bloggers to keep their remarks to a healthy debate and positive.

  6. From someone who chose to live in Racine, I find one of the few negative things is the freedom the press, including the Post gives those that comment on almost everything. Many posts become racial, for example the story on the sixth street club. One post said "blacks do not know how to act". This is not appropriate and should not be allowed. The web is international and the perception people get of Racine is that it is a horrible place full of racist not a place they would like to visit. Instead we should be pointing out the great beaches, the historical district that is not official, Frank Loyd Wrights buildings, a real downtown and so on.

  7. My worry is this. Will this just jell into a nothing is wrong here move along blog?
    I would agree with name calling is wrong attacks on kin is wrong etc.
    We should I think be able to say I think X is wrong when they did Y.
    if this is taken away your readership will drop far past the 10% of those who post negatively

  8. I agree with colt, take KRM for example. I didn't attack the people involved with it, just their conclusions. And I only wanted answers, which no one could or WOULD give me, knowing the truth would be more damaging than rhetoric. I feel that it's not negative to dissagree, just how you present it.

  9. I see. If you don't like the triathlon, you are "negative." Never mind that the triathlon benefits only a small clique of business owners in Racine who continually take our streets and resources hostage for their personal profit. I have nothing against people partying. My problem is with a small percentage partying on everyone else's dime while spouting that their parties promote "economic development" in Racine. They do not. Our unemployment level is at 17%, crime has overrun our city, and our schools are a mess. Ignoring those problems, or partying while they fester, is NOT positive. We need jobs, not parties.

    The Racine Post has become Pete and Dustin's blog. I have nothing against that, except that they portray themselves as a "news source." Your opinion is just your opinion. It is NOT the news. It's sad to see a once valid alternative to the Journal Times degenerate into another propaganda site for the status quo.

  10. O.C

    With respect your wrong the event this weekend will bring a lot of money to Racine. Far more then just a few will be able to make a few more dollars because of this event.
    Hotels-Diners- shops around town have a chance to get more business. The RCVCB has all kinds of opportunities to work with these events to get more business too. I hope if you have a small business you call Dave to see how you can work together.

  11. That is the same lie that has been told for over a decade in Racine. A few restaurants and bars and hotels make money. How many JOBS does the triathlon create? How many JOBS do all the other parties create? They are parties, they are fun, they are great for those who enjoy them, but they do nothing for the unemployed and the poor. Nothing.

  12. Sir events like this bring millions of dollars into Racine Millions.
    That helps JOBS stay in this city if nothing else

  13. I like the triathlon so it benefits me personally, not financially. I also like the parades and it is he same story. However, I sometimes post "negative" comments where they are warranted, whether they are about the news or Pete's/Dustin's reporting of the news. For example, from the "Best candidate to lead city's Health Department can't apply" article:

    "The best candidate to be the city's next public health administrator isn't qualified to apply for the job. "

    What an incredibly ignorant comment, Dustin! How is she the best qualified? She knows lots of people around here? You like her? The City should advertise this position and you will be amazed at the incredible candidates that apply, people with great state school or even Ivy League MPHs and lots of experience running programs in cities the size of Racine or bigger, astounding records of publication and grant writing, etc.

  14. Happy thoughts... Happy thoughts... Happy thoughts...

  15. It would be nice to have one of our local "promotion" organizations in the area do some sort of impact study that would show what kind of economic benefit various events in the area really have and share it with the public. They'd need to be clear on how the numbers were determined, and be clear that it's just an educated estimate, but I do think it would be interesting. We tried to do something like it when I was involved with a local festival that is gone, but it was going to take more work than we were willing to do, and we didn't think we had the required expertise to do a good job.

  16. Anonymous 3:20, that is exactly what I seized on in that story. The personal bias is out of line. I'm sure my comments were received "negatively."

    I mean it when I say it's sad. An independent news source could be a vital part of re-energizing Racine. To be blunt, I suspect the Post is now completely in Dickert's pocket. To be even blunter, I voted for the guy, too!

  17. Orbs is in his own world - he's not happy about anything. Did you ever think if it were not for events like this, some of those people working in bars, restaraunts, stores may be out of a job? And yes, it does bring money into the community, and it gives Racine a good name and it's fun. Orbs you are just a grumpy old man.

  18. Concerned Citizen7/15/2009 4:28 PM

    And calling Orbs a grumpy old man is OK Racine Post?? Dustin?? Pete??

    Orbs is a fine and decent man.

  19. He probably paid for those banners on the 4th, too!

  20. Concerned Citizen said... Not one positive word comes out of his mouth - you know what? 83% of Racinians are working and we enjoy these events. So take the grumpy negative comments elsewhere.

  21. And ooooh - grumpy old man - bust me.

  22. RacinePost will delete negative comments if it is about a person they like.

    If a comment is posted about a person they do not like, anything goes. Then they do not delete anything unless someone complains.

    If RacinePost wants to be treated as a true news source, then they need to start operating like one.

    It is very obvious they have their own agenda and certain people they support, like Gary Becker, Ben Hughes, Tom Friedel, to name a few.

    It is fine to remain opinionated if all you are striving for is a local political blog, but it seems to me that Dustin and Pete want to be a real news source.

    Well guys, then start acting like one.

  23. I do not feel it was appropriate for racinpost to proclaim that Adlerman Mozol is a "sincere and hard-working politician".

    Ok, I have no problems with Alderman Mozul, but who is racinepost to say whether he is "sincere" or "hard-working"?

    How can they make these statements and yet at the same time, try to be a true news website?

    Do they have documentation that proves Mozul is "sincere"? Do they have his work log and hours to show he is "hard-working"?

    Seriously, this is a joke and a slap in the face to anyone with an ounce of intelligence.

    Writing an article on the website trying to explain is not going to make up for the total lack of professionalism guys.

    Either take a quick course on journalism, or hang it up, please.

    Or, just identify yourselves as just another opinionated blog in Racine, not a news site.

    I used to think the JT was bad...

  24. Downtown Denizen7/15/2009 5:21 PM

    This isn't Disney Land where everything is happy and fun and positive. I agree about the personal attacks on people, like the biased "Jody hater" that constantly accuses her of campaigning on company time, regarless of the fact that management gave her their blessing. Or like the jealous idiotic people that attack Mrs. Dickert when she seems to have done nothing wrong. Unsubstantiated remarks and attacks on someone personally should be removed from the site, but to suggest that every weed needs to be overshadowed by a rose (that's a negative buried by a positive for those who have difficulty with metaphores) is just plain rediculous. Good open hostile debate can be just as effective as everyone agreeing on a single issue. When you try and control the content that is not harming anyone on a personal level, that's censorship and supression of freedom of speech and expression. Don't get carried away with this Dustin and Pete.

  25. I rather like the definition of a gentleman (or gentlewoman, I presume):

    'A gentleman can disagree without being disagreeable.'

  26. I love Racine. I am not from Racine originally. I love the triathlon. What a fantastic event with amazingly positive people who spend money in Racine. I love first fridays. The love that the fountain is still available for kids to play in. What a sight it was to see kids on the lawn in front of Dekovan standing in a circle throwing a rainbow colored sheet up and down in a teamwork fashion. I wish I had my camera. I love kewpees, the Lighthouse Run, the chairs downtown. I would love to see those that are so negative put their efforts where their mouth is (or fingers typing are). What things have the negative ones done to make things better. You shouldn't complain about something unless you offer to be part of the solution. If you are not offering to be part of a solution, you are part of the problem.

  27. Just throwing this out there- but WHAT IF RP did not allow anonymous posts? Would it deter those who continually hide behind their anonymity? I personally will not reply to those who target my comments and post anonymously. I can't recall if you must register to post on JT... thoughts?

  28. This really isn't about anonymous posts, as most savvy posters would know they can be anonymous even if they have to register.

    This is moreso about the racinepost's selective censoring.

  29. Why has RacinePost decided to start going after jtirregulars blog?

    If having to choose between you and jtirregulars, I will choose jtirregulars.

  30. Anon 6:04: I wasn't aware we had. Show me.

    But, of course, you're free to go anytime...

  31. Cheap shot, Pete. Trying to close down another blog because they disagree with you. This is the new journalism in Racine?

  32. Stop allowing anonymous comments, it will help immeasurably

  33. We outlasted the Journal Times and the censorship there, we will prevail over this very, very, very cheap shot too.

  34. kkdither,

    I love that you guys got together after getting upset with the JT. You're site is great. I'm really sorry, but I don't understand what you're alleging. We didn't report any spam or whatever it is you're claiming. If we're doing something to mess you guys up, let me know and we'll fix it ASAP.

  35. Just wanted to say that at this point in time, I no longer suspect the Racine Post of reporting the JT Irregulars for an alleged terms of service violation.

  36. I'm all for freedom of speech, but their are LIMITATIONS here folks!

    There is NO REASON why someone has to CCAP everyone that is mentioned in an article and post it online.

    Thanks for working to keep this clean Dustin and Pete!

  37. This is a joke right? Take a step back for a second..........only positive posts? Please don't, the best thing about Racine Post is the ability to speak your mind right, wrong, positive, or negative..Keeps it exciting.......

  38. I don't see a prob with negative feedback as long as it is tasteful. Too many couch sitting, trailer trash, ghetto bums that have nothing better to do than embarrass our community and its media outlets by posting garbage comments.

  39. Solutions come only after problems have been identified.

    We're going to have to hear about and acknowledge some negative things if we want to become a better city and community.

    I don't mind hearing negative things - even the overtly racial comments like those recently posted. People are thinking and believing those things. Eliminating their ability to discuss their ideas in a blog does not eliminate their mindsets. However, allowing free exchange of ideas offers and opportunity to change another's mind with the power of words.

    Because of this, it is my hope that Dustin and Pete will continue to keep the blogs open (all articles) and the censorship minimal.

  40. Pete and Dustin -- doing a great job; far superior to JT news and reviews and comments. I feel for the most part they get it, and NO, are not in "Dickert's pocket."

    Should everyone agree to sign in with first name, at least. If may mean less posts, but YES.

    Example of right and wrong posts: If I comment that a certain candidate is a loudmouth and a bully, that may defame him. But if in fact, he yelled at me, a constituent, on the phone when I called him and respectfully made my feelings known on an issue, that's fine to relate. He bullied me and shouted me DOWN on the phone. calling, no. Slander and abuse and racial epithets, no. But to relate something that occurred, it's ok.

    Keep it clean and honest.

  41. OC - may I ask what you personally have accomplished to promote Racine, its quality of life and economic health?

    I am an elected official, I'm a long time volunteer to the United Way and continue to volunteer with numerous activities and programs, which include this weekend's triathlon, and still have time to work 50+ hours a week at my full- time job.

    I constantly promote my home town will not hesitate to criticize those that deviate from that objective.

  42. I do not think that "hostile" comments are welcome or even OK. "Hostile" means abusive. If people can't discuss their concerns in appropriate and civil language -- with accuracy and honoring the dignity of the human person -- they should be banned. Period. We don't allow bullies to beat up each other on the school yard and we don't allow people to throw stones from the overpass on the interstate. Cyberbullies shouldn't be able to freely contaminate what has the potential of being a really fine online newspaper.

  43. Isn't the unbridled comment section was one of the more popular features of the Post? Granted there are plenty of morons out there but it can be entertaining. I reminds me of conversations I over hear at local taverns.

    As far as the triathalon goes......I support it not because it contributes money to the town (it really doesn't IMO) but because it's good for the image of the Racine. It showcases our best assets.

  44. I would rather know where someone stands on an issue, than quiet them and continue on with the naive belief that all is well in our community.

    Again, the things people are saying are no different than what is said every day on street corners, at water coolers, on the noon basketball court.... These are the opinions of our fellow citizens. Telling them to be quiet does not end the discontent, and can, in fact, hinder progress towards uniting and creating success for our community.

    It's so simple. If you are offended by what someone posts, you have options. You can ignore it, or you could respond by explaining your own thoughts in a manner that might give them something different to consider. Really...It's an OPPORTUNITY to present new information and possibly change a mindset. That opportunity will cease to exist if we begin to silence people because we don't like what they say.

  45. First let me thank Dustin for coming forward and contacting us. In retrospect, we should have contacted you. I think a panic set in that the JTI was under attack and we reacted. You made a step and that is more than the JT ever did.

    I do like your site as well. I like that I can come and see things from another point of view. However, your slant on some things does need to be called to task from time to time.

    Censoring comments is a slippery slope. That is what got the JT in trouble. I think when you start getting messages that are unacceptable, the best response is not always a deletion. That, in itself, is an open invitation for more rage and more trolling.

    People are smart enough to realize how stupid someone looks when they use racist logic to prove their point. Much like in life, they will take themselves down all by themselves. Give your readers more respect. Take down the true trash, but tread very, very, lightly. The comment that you might deselect the anonymous feature might not be a bad one.

    And nothing is wrong with positive. We need positive. We also need to be able to vent and bring forward the negative. Thanks again.

  46. It takes five minutes to create an alternate identity. Deselecting the anonymous feature is pointless.

  47. I think a better way to look at this would be to think about the differences between a “critical” and a “negative” comment. A critical comment typically offers some kind of constructive suggestion as to how to handle a problem. A negative comment is usually just disparaging remarks that offer no valuable input to problems or situations.

    We should be able to post whatever we want, but we should also really think about whether our comments are offering any sort of contribution to making Racine a better place to live.

  48. The test will come if there is a deal made for Garry Becker that will be a firestorm. Just think if he walks (and he just might) we could see him as at least Councilman again.
    Folks would want to vent on that

  49. colt

    not sure why you think Becker will hold office again....I can't see him getting enough support to win a vote.

  50. 4:19

    This is Racine, do not under estimate how dumb we can be.
    If is not found guilty of the crimes nothing is stopping him from running. Garry can claim he was not proven guilty. He runs in a low turn out area say the 1st or 8th and can win.
    Interesting fact one Councilman is all ready gearing up a run for Mayor.

  51. No. Not even here.

  52. Rees Roberts7/17/2009 3:22 AM

    I totally agree with Joan Roehre. Allowing anonymous comments is only going to invite additional irresponsible response. I have said that a number of times here. This practice of allowing anonymous comments will, by it's very nature, always produce negative comments. It simply has no journalistic value.

    All it really does, and everyone knows this, is incite poor irresponsible comments which, by their very nature increase reader traffic. Why? Because those who get their jollies with bad taste comments want to see just how everyone reacts to it. It's a circus atmosphere.

    Dustin and Pete, you have a difficult decision to make. Decide whether you want a real journalistic news site or a gossip column complete with many authors at no dollar expense to you. But it will be Racine Post who will feel the "price".

    The real news site will obviously have fewer traffic numbers but will have much better "long term" results. People will support an honest journalistic site and pay for it. It will take time, true.

    If you want numbers, just keep what you have now. Ultimately, it can not be managed in the spirit Dustin and Pete seek when the least responsible control the content.

    In the end, Dustin and Pete will ultimately need to bite the bullet. What's it gonna be? Long or short term gain?

    I would gladly pay to get rid of the circus atmosphere. Is there risk in that for Dustin and Pete? Of course there is. But they have what the Journal Times does not. The advantage of not having to pay for the paper they print on. So, what are the odds they will succeed? Pretty darn good, in my opinion. Editorials and commentary are one thing but blatant gossip is another. Until the demise of the gossip I will never pay a dime.

    Rees Roberts

  53. Here's my upbeat comment -

    Racine Post is a great news source that supports free speech, and choice.

  54. I am fully aware that savvy posters can register alternate names and find ways to continue to post. I just think the anonymous selection is too easy and by requiring registration- it DETERS those who "shoot from the hip" and would in turn, require some THOUGHT and slight reflection as to their final posting before hitting publish.

  55. racinepost has stopped being a news source and is now the opinion of the two blog owners.

  56. I guess it's back to the funny pages for entertainment.

  57. Yeah, I have to agree with several others. I only come here to see the debates.

    Fine over the top nastiness should go.

    Overly protecting friends though, a bit dishonest.

    If I have to register to leave comments I won't. Someone else will provide another blog that will suit me better.

    Why fix what isn't broken?

  58. Hey...Dustin & Pete:

    On issues that you feel strongly about, and have trouble remaining unbiased, why don't you present an opinion/editorial, then invite someone like OrbsCorbs to present the other side in his own opinion/editorial? Just a thought.

    I know the Insider did it a few times, and it was pretty interesting. Both sides were presented equally and in a manner that gave everyone a chance to consider all angles.

  59. I agree with jas. Racine Post has become the opinions of Dustin and Pete. That's fine I suppose if you are not striving to be a real news site.

  60. I would also agree that blatantly nasty comments should probably not be allowed. But, if Racine Post goes that route they should keep those rules for every person on every blog.

    I've noticed that it's only when the comments are about certain people that they get deleted. It leaves me with the impression if Dustin/Pete like the person in question the nasty comments will be deleted, if they don't, well then I guess you can say whatever you want.

  61. The Post has come a long ways but if it is to be a real source it needs to offer differing opinions but not on the blogs and not do it yourselfers who have nothing better to do than sit behind their keyboards saying the first thing that comes into their little minds. The JT is IMHO not a legitimate news source the Post has the chance to become one but it will not succeed long term if it does not control what is allowed to be said by any kook. The racial slant permitted is in many instances over the top and insightful. I look for information that is thoughtful and contains a bit of reason much of what is allowed to be said is done by someone with an axe to grind.

  62. Someone needs to improve upon what Dustin and Pete have done because I think they are strongly leaning toward registration and more biased censorship.

  63. What we're leaning toward is more civility and less profanity.

    Our problem with the comments has nothing to do with supposed bias or sacred cows. Why is this so hard to understand?

  64. Rees Roberts7/19/2009 6:04 PM


    We agree more civility and less profanity is good. But what you do not seem to understand is people with time on their hands and not much else will use all the tools at their disposal to incite and push people's buttons to aggravate. Where did you learn this is good journalism? Is that what you want?

    Pete and/or Dustin, I would like you to address this publicly. I doubt you can justify this if you want to have responsible content on your site. Keep your excellent news content and eliminate the circus material.

    As I said above:

    "Ultimately, it can not be managed in the spirit Dustin and Pete seek when the least responsible control the content."

    Rees Roberts

  65. Rees: At the moment, we appear to have two choices:

    1. Provide a forum and allow comments.

    2. Or don't.

    Neither Dustin nor I has the time, or inclination, to babysit the comments. We've set the system up to send us a copy of every comment via email -- we must be masochists. Each time I log on, there are 20-80 new ones... and most are not fun to read.

    Somehow, this "community" must come together and police itself. Or we can shut it down. It is impossible to satisfy everyone; each time we delete a particularly egregious comment (erected around the four-letter word or prejudices of your choosing), we are beset with accusations of bias and favoritism. When we let one or another slide, we are beset with the same accusations of bias and favoritism.

    So far, it's a lose/lose for us.

    I wonder why we bother at all... maybe I'll go off and create my own site and not let anyone in!

  66. Pete:
    (1) You are overly concerned with the negative comments. They are a part of any website. The greater your readership, the more negative comments will occur. That's just part of the business.

    (2) The "community" of your website users has not really been given the opportunity to police itself. Why not just step back from constantly overseeing every comment for about a week or so and see what happens. You might be surprised. Most of us know how to properly respond to or ignore statements that we feel are immature or inappropriate. If you're worried about the potential for swearing, name-calling, etc. -- just put a disclaimer on your site. Again - most of us know how to handle these issues.

  67. Or you could literally allow us to police ourselves by altering you to inappropriate comments when they occur. If you put the power in our hands, moat of us will probably use it wisely.

  68. Rees Roberts7/19/2009 7:21 PM

    Stop the pity party.

    You have totally disregarded the 3rd choice. To do what you do best. To report the news. Why do you keep on believing you don't have this option? Why is it so dang important to keep the blog segment? Blogging is NOT news.

    You and Dustin have done a damn good job here in Racine. So many people respect you more than the competition. You call it like you see it. If people don't like that SO WHAT? Like others have said, there are other blogs for people to go to. If you are true to your values and I know you are, then believe in yourselves. Report what you know to be true. Keep on digging for the information people really want to know.

    Bottom line is don't get wrapped up in what others think. Do your job. Get and then report what you see happening here in the Racine area. People will support you. PERIOD. Believe that. If you keep on providing the comment you just did no one will believe in you. You have to believe in yourself first.

    Just get rid of the material you don't have control over.

    3rd Choice: Keep news, get rid of blog. That is a win/win.

    Tell me I'm wrong.

    Rees Roberts

  69. Rees Roberts7/19/2009 8:24 PM

    Oh, by the way.....

    Just think what you guys could do if you didn't have that time wasting email checking of blogging posts.


  70. As a lifelong Racine resident, I have come to the conclusion that Racine residents accept many unacceptable behaviors as acceptable.

    To name just a few old standbys: racism; smearing a person's name; elitism by income and color and job; and valuing unstudied opinions over facts.

    IMO, these traits lead to rude and crude behavior on the part of many, and keep Racine racially and socially and economically devided - just look at the demographics of festivals and such. They tell the story.

  71. Nicholas Ravnikar7/20/2009 10:42 AM

    The Racine Post is indeed a new source, albeit one with the limited capabilities and occasional subjectivity of private independent media. Consider how young the publication is though, and you start to see how many of the difficulties they've encountered have been and will continue to be surmounted.

    And, hey, at least they don't allow Paul Ryan unlimited page time. And if they did, it stands to reason that they would let their readers comment on his editorials.

  72. Racism exists. Elitism exists. Saying that does not mean that I accept them - it means that I accept the reality of their existence.

    Closing one's eyes to reality is what maintains division. Open dialogue, welcoming experiences with groups and people from a variety of backgrounds -- that is what heals the divide.

    However, it is impossible to have a productive dialogue if one or more persons won't bring up the problems. Problems must be acknowledged in order to be addressed. That means bringing up racism, stereotypes, biases, etc. That means letting people talk about uncomfortable things - things they may believe passionately, but with which you completely disagree.

    Dialogue that results in progress is not comfortable. So, let's allow the discomfort and use it as an opportunity to move forward.

  73. Gina,
    So when does this take place?

    I am 48, and Racine is more racially and economically divided than in my childhood.

    White folk still use racist language in daily life, such as calling the fountains by festival site "ghetto fountain", amongst others.

  74. I just discovered this site and was so pleased to find a positive, upbeat news source about Racine that hasn't been created by typical sensational news reporters. The intention for this site seems to be just what Racine needs. I don't get onto the site and immediately read the latest crime reports with pictures of orange jumpsuits plastered all over the front of it. Yes, Racine has it's share of way too much crime but do we have to focus on that? If I were considering moving to this city and picked up a JT I would think again.
    Thank you for this site! I am not burying my head in the sand, I am not in denial nor do I wear rose colored glasses. I simply appreciate learning the latest about this city without the negativity canceling out the good. Good job Dustin and Pete!!

  75. Rees Roberts7/20/2009 6:23 PM

    Let's focus on what we are talking about in this thread. The following definitions are all from The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. I think it would be good to understand what we are talking about here because much can be gained by defusing all the confusion there is by combining blogging and news in one web site. I for one, am not willing to give up the definition of "news" that has served us since the 15th century, for example. Just because we have the technology to combine traditional news and current blogging does not mean it should be used that way. Let's get back to some real definitions of news and let Pete and Dustin do what they do best instead of monitoring a blog site. By the way Pete, I have forgotten to mention how much I appreciate your photographic skills add to the Racine Post. Thank you.

    Now to the Definitions:

    Here is the definition of blogging:

    Main Entry:
    short for Weblog

    : a Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer ; also : the contents of such a site
    — blog·ger noun
    — blog·ging noun

    Here is the definition of entertainment:

    Main Entry: entertainment
    15th century

    1: the act of entertaining 2 a archaic : maintenance, provision b obsolete : employment 3 a: amusement or diversion provided especially by performers (hired a band to provide entertainment) b: something diverting or engaging: as (1): a public performance (2): a usually light comic or adventure novel

    Here is the definition of journalism:

    Main Entry: journalism

    1 a: the collection and editing of news for presentation through the media b: the public press c: an academic study concerned with the collection and editing of news or the management of a news medium2 a: writing designed for publication in a newspaper or magazine b: writing characterized by a direct presentation of facts or description of events without an attempt at interpretation c: writing designed to appeal to current popular taste or public interest

    Definition of news:

    Main Entry:
    \ˈnüz, ˈnyüz\
    noun plural but singular in construction
    often attributive
    15th century

    1 a: a report of recent events b: previously unknown information (I've got news for you) c: something having a specified influence or effect (the rain was good news for lawns and gardens — Garrison Keillor) (the virus was bad news) 2 a: material reported in a newspaper or news periodical or on a newscast b: matter that is newsworthy


    That last item is the kicker. "matter that is newsworthy". Blogging is entertainment. News is a function of journalism. How do you responsibly combine a blog with a responsible news site? I say you can not.

    I suspect the reason the number of comments have been reduced in this thread is simply because it is no longer entertaining. But I will tell you that people who want the real news of the day will continue to grow knowing that the blogging segment is gone. I'm hoping that will become reality.

  76. Anonymous 1:47...

    It has the potential to happen everyday.

    When you hear people address the fountain as "ghetto", that is your opporunity to create conversation that can alter their thinking. How do you respond when you hear that? Do you address it directly?

  77. The Racine Post has news, but it also has commentary from Pete and Dustin. It certainly is not unbiased. It is their site, so they can do what ever they want, but this is not true newspaper journalism. The Post is also a happenings and current events site.

  78. Most forum based websites have moderators other than the principles. I would suggest you cultivate a couple volunteers to act as moderators. Give them a policy regarding editing.

  79. GinaB said...
    It has the potential to happen everyday.
    When you hear people address the fountain as "ghetto", that is your opporunity to create conversation that can alter their thinking. How do you respond when you hear that? Do you address it directly?

    If I have conversed with racists once in Racine in my lifetime, I have conversed with them 1000 times...and they do NOT change,

    Racine is the same.

  80. Talk about a windbag! Rees Roberts, why don't you shut up and sit down? Damn!

    The site belongs to Pete and Dustin, period. What they decide to do with it is completely up to them. I appreciate that they are seeking our input as to what to do, but I don't see how they can do any more than they already have without changing the venue or putting in a lot more time to screen the content to eliminate the profanity. Maybe running each post through a filter would help, but if they start censoring content, that would be going too far and the blogging should then be shut down completely.

  81. Isn't that what Rees has been saying all along? That the blog be shut down? Seems you two are now saying the same thing. Only Rees is out in the open and Anonymous isn't.

  82. Looks to me like Anonymous 12:22am wants to censor Rees's comments now. What a hypocrite.
