
July 9, 2009

Mozol requests outside investigation into City Council email addresses; Sets 'no time limit' on how far back investigators can look

Alderman Robert Mozol made an official request today for an outside investigation into the use of City Council members' email addresses.

Mozol said he made the request after reading a story in RacinePost suggesting a City Council member allowed someone outside of city government to log into their email account on a regular basis. The request went to the entire City Council, Mayor John Dickert and City Attorney Rob Weber.

"We need an outside investigation and let the chips fall where they may," said Mozol, one of at least two aldermen who are taking allegations seriously.

"We shouldn't even consider someone close to the city" looking into the matter, he added.

Mozol said he set no limit on the scope of the investigation.

"I have no time limit," he said. "If it goes back five years than so be it."

He said he called for the outside investigation after being repeatedly surprised by news out of City Hall. The email issue is just the latest in a series of allegations and revelations over the past year.

"I wake up in the morning and wonder what I'm going to read today," Mozol said.

RacinePost has filed a records request with the city as part of its own investigation into City Council members' use of emails. The request is pending with the City Attorney's office.


  1. Am I the only one who has come to the reality that this site has become the site to visit to find out what is actually happening in this city? The JT has reported NOTHING lately of interest. I don't think they even know how to "break" a story anymore.

  2. Jeff Coe let the Tingles use his email. Investigation over. Everybody get back to work.

  3. The J-T wants us to belive the Johnson Wax party line.
    All is well shut up and pay your taxes

  4. It is good to see a politician willing to at least put his name out there saying let's look at the allegations surrounding the e-mails...put the issue to rest if there is no issue fine but at least let's look into it. Unlike what went on in the 2008 elections in Mt. Pleasant with two current trustees and one former trustee illegally taking monies from a PAC and not owning up to it when there is enough evidence that they took the funds. This from the village administrator and village president all the way down, no one has said let's look into these allegation...let's put it to rest once and for all but no one has done this, so Kudos to Mr. Mozol for wanting to find answers and restoring the faith in the people of Racine. Let's begin the clean-up in Mt. Pleasant also. Go Racinepost.

  5. It's beside the point, but it seems as though if the city council (and the new mayor)members have emails, it would be most professional it they'd actually answer legitimate questions, even comments.

    Some do. Some don't. Hope that changes soon. If constituents can send email messages to their reps, they deserve answers, especially after a few days or week.

  6. I would guess that whoever hacked into the city exchange server was not stupid enough to leave an IP track back to their home PC. We will probably see the use a public wifi link and multiple IP addresses (constant resetting) or use the PCs at Dunn Coffee or the library, possibly.

  7. Shut up!!! Thank you Alderman Mozel because who ever did this it is criminal and should be dealt with. It is shocking to hear the cover up activity that goes on in this city. Where are the rest of the Alderman and why are they not speaking up?? Are they going to rally around each other or throw MaMa from the train?? Let us see if there is a thorough investigation done.

  8. I work for the city and I have no clue what alderman this article is referring to. Why would an alderman let someone else use their email? Is this story accurate or is there more or less to it? Dustin and Pete - sorry, but I did not like the "feel good" article about Becker. I realize he hasn't gone to trial yet, but he did sign the waiver stating he did send those love notes to someone he thought was 14 years old. I'm not sure what I'd do if I saw him. Probably either puke or punch him.

  9. Under what circumstances would an alderman feel it was justifiable to allow another person to use his/her government email? That's a serious lapse in judgment.

  10. After some thought I am thinking it is Coe letting Becker in on his mail.

  11. How much would this cost?? The city does not have extra money to let an outside agency do anything. How about the committee of the whole ask for a volunteer committee from the community with Mozel chairing the "investigation." I am sure there would be people willing to donate their time to do this. I do not think we should spend money on this.

  12. Now here is some REAL crime to be concerned about. Go get 'em Dickert.

  13. The moment you turned off comments on the Marie Black piece, you became exactly like the JT.

  14. This is nothing - let's go after an approved contract that was not seen by the alderman. How can they approve something when they don't know the cost. And a 6 year contract that is just criminal. Mozol - please address this issue before you worry about emails.

  15. Marie Black doesn't like the fact that people can CCAP her???

    Too F'n bad hun!

    When you are a "movie Star" in this one horse town, you need to keep your personal life squeaky clean dumb dumb.

    The leaders in this city are REALLY stupid. Seriously.

  16. Downtown Denizen7/11/2009 7:26 AM

    The way the article read to me was that somone on the city council allowed an outside entity to access an e-mail account; that is not "hacking" as someone suggests. That is an alderman giving an unauthorized person access to, and use of, government resources. Also, to those who are posting comments without thinking it through, the problem is that whoever the outsider is has had access to the alderman's e-mail and can read the privilaged communications between those that alderman and other city officials. This is equivalent to corporate espionage. A real Bozo-no-no. If this is indeed proven to be true, that alderman should be fired.

  17. Yes I am sure there were highly confidential communications full of City Hall secrets to be had. NOT. First of all, any citizen could do an open records request on the emails being sent between elected officials. Sure it might cost you a small fortune but you can still get it.

    Somehow I highly doubt the real secret goings on in City Hall are going to be put into emails. No, they are probably done verbally behind closed doors.

    This sounds more like retribution by someone who has an axe to grind and I can guess exactly who it is. I wish he'd get a job and move on.

    If rumors have been circulating for months as stated in the article, then why didn't the city do something about it months ago? Did they talk to the alderman in question or were they sitting back quietly hoping to build some sort of case against him to get rid of him? This just sounds fishy to me.

    It's time to put the past ugly methods of the former administration behind us, if that's even possible.

  18. City attorneys office sent emails to aldermen about the city's pending legal cases. Those emails would be ruled confidential and not subject to the open records law.

    City officials did know about it months about, but chose not to act.

  19. Sounds like they were not too concerned about the information being emailed then. This has Hughe's name written all over it.
