
July 10, 2009

Marie Black: Focus on new Hispanic Center

Anonymous commenters on RacinePost have recently attacked Marie Black and Rolando Gomez after we reported the two were working with Mayor John Dickert to create a Hispanic Center in Racine. Black asked to respond to the criticisms in hopes of returning focus to the need for the Hispanic Center. We agreed and we're turning off comments on this post because Black invited readers to call her directly with anything they'd like to share. Here's her comments:
First of all as Mr. Gomez pointed out the center will be funded by private contributions. When Mayor Dickert was running for office, he spoke of a much needed Hispanic Center. Mr. Gomez and I thought it was a great idea, an idea that has been talked about for years and years. We decided it was time to get the project started. We approached Mayor Dicker with a business plan for a center. Other Hispanic Community Leaders could have done the same. But we did it, because we are determined and dedicated to creating this center. An advisory Committee has been formed, not yet completed. There are many prominent Hispanic and non-Hispanic individuals that have been approached. The Hispanic Round Table has also been invited to participate and other Hispanic organizations will also be invited. Let me make this very clear, Rolando and I have not been appointed by the Mayor to be in charge of the center. He simply has given us his support to proceed with a plan. I knew all the dirt would come out. I could have said “No Thanks” but because I feel so passionate about a center, I decided the greater goal was more important. I have made many mistakes and business decisions that I am not proud of . This does not take away from the fact that I am very capable of organizing such a project. We have a banker that will be in charge of financing, so no one has to worry about miss-handling of funds. We have a lawyer, Executive Directors of organizations and dedicated community leaders that will be involved in the project.

I chose to be active in the community, I do not expect everyone to support me or like me. The fact is there are many that do. I don’t say this with arrogance but with humility and gratitude. I am contributing to the welfare of the community every single day and have done so for many many years even when I was at my lowest with financial and personal problems. I am sure that most of you that have written in as anonymous cannot match my contributions nor can you say that you have my bad credit record. Consider yourself lucky, sometimes certain problems arise and we deal with them the best we can. No one can be sure how you would deal with the same situations. I’m not making excuses just stating my feelings. I have ONE judge only. I have never looked up anybodies personal information, nor would I. I have better things to do with my time and respect a persons personal life. I am sure there will be some that are going to BLOG under ANONYMOUS after reading this, please have some nerve and call me at 262-637-4520. I will answer any questions you may have.

I’d like to get all this over with and continue on with the MISSION of creating CENTER for not only Hispanics but the entire community and generations to come. Also, the racist comments are so ignorant and uncalled for, put your negative energy towards making Racine a better place for all of us.

Marie Black

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