
July 9, 2009

Gary Becker, in limbo...

Kingston Avenue is a quiet, tree-lined street north of the zoo, bordered on both sides by small, well-kept homes, with neatly trimmed lawns. I pulled up in front of the one with a For Sale By Owner sign in the lawn, a flooring company's van in the driveway and a plumber's van parked by the sidewalk.

I walked toward the open garage, where a man was inside, staining three new closet doors. "Hello," I said. The man stopped his work, took off his gloves and came out to greet me. "Hello," Gary Becker replied, shaking my extended hand.

Racine's former mayor is remaking himself, just as surely as he is remodeling the little house at 1019 Kingston Ave. Barely six months after his resignation from office in disgrace -- a week after his arrest on child sexual enticement and pornography charges -- he appears trim, healthy and in good spirits. He's kept off the weight he lost two years ago, before his last election campaign. He still has the closely trimmed grey beard, the broad smile, a hearty laugh.

He was wearing sneakers, jeans, a baseball cap from Kenny's Bar and Grill and a black-t-shirt commemorating the 61st Festival d'Avignon, a memento from a happier time in 2007, when he led the city's delegation overseas to mark the 50th anniversary of Racine's sister city relationship with Montelimar, France.

Becker's delegation-leading days are gone forever, but he seems none the worse for his change in circumstances. Political opponents, and citizens hoping to hear he's leading a miserable life, wallowing in self-pity as the legal process plays out -- his next court appearance is July 16 on a motion to suppress much of the evidence against him -- will be disappointed. Becker's doing OK.

He's been keeping busy all along -- at first working in the dry cleaning business he built from scratch in 1991 -- "I learned as I went along." -- into a five-store chain. He sold the last of the stores, the one on Durand Avenue, in June. Now he's embarked on another career: refurbishing a home bought in foreclosure. "My brother is my partner," he said, referring to John Becker's role as "banker" in the transaction. But Gary Becker is providing the sweat equity -- 10-12 hours a day, he says -- as the home bought for $75,000 is transformed inside and out.

Becker has no formal training as a home remodeler, but neither does he have an aversion to hard work. "You do everything when you have a small business," he says. "Painting, installing, grunt work. It doesn't take a genius to call a plumber, an electrician or someone to sand the floors."

"I love doing this," he says, ticking off the improvements he's making to the house: new doors, new light fixtures, the floors all sanded, new paint, new basement windows, new sink and toilet in the bathroom. "Every piece of hardware will be brand new." ... on and on he goes. "This home is either looking like a million bucks when I'm done, or I'm not yet done. By next week, it should be looking like a brand new home.

"The nice part of doing this," he says, "is that there's a beginning , a middle and an end. Never had a job like that before."

Becker is comfortable talking about the house project, but understandably unwilling to talk about the events that brought him to this place. "My lawyer would kill me for talking to you," he says, making clear that some subjects are strictly off limits, or off the record: the case against him, his relationship with his family, with city officials and the aldermen he worked with for years.

Still, he allows, "The support from family and friends has been phenomenal."

"I feel good," Becker, 51, says. "People ask how I'm doing and I say, 'I feel good,' and they say, 'No, really, how are you?' When I start feeling bad I think: I'm not a baby in Darfur. I've got a roof over my head and a job and friends. I don't lose a lot of sleep.

"I've learned that what other people think about me is none of my business. Whether it's good, bad or indifferent, it doesn't mean a thing." Nor, he says, will he lose any sleep over the abuse we both expect will be thrown his way because of this article. (I'm here, in fact, because of an anonymous tip that Becker has introduced himself to neighbors and that they are concerned because several teen-aged girls live nearby. Becker says the neighbors he's spoken to have been friendly.)

Becker says he's taking care of himself, keeping off the weight by eating better, "regularly working out at the Y, and meditating." He says he quit smoking "back in October, and through all this I never picked it up again."

The only city issue he's willing to talk about on the record is the somewhat controversial Nic Noblique sculpture bought under his watch for Uptown, and recently installed on Washington Avenue. "The sculpture is fine," he said, "But I don't know when the rest of that corner is going to be done. I hope that's not the end of it." As for critics of the sculpture itself, he shrugs. "Art's art. Some may love it; someone else may hate it. That's the fun."

We talked a bit about the mosaic he had Philadelphia artist Isaiah Zagar install on two Uptown walls last summer -- how they've remained intact despite predictions they'd be vandalized. "You've gotta have faith in people," Becker said. "Look at the Adirondack chairs downtown. They said they'd be gone by now (stolen), but every one of them is still there."

Becker gives me a tour of the house. He points out the tree in front. "I planted that. I threw my back out, doing it. It's a red maple, the biggest I could fit in the trunk of my car." He stoops to pull some weeds from the lawn, and to point out the new landscaping around the house, and the lean-to over the back door that he'll remove. There's nothing wrong with it, except aesthetically it doesn't fit the architecture.

He looks up on the roof and points to an ugly roof vent. "There isn't anything I know (about this house) that isn't right. I'm going to climb up on the roof and spray paint that vent, and take the TV antenna down."

Inside, the newly sanded living room floor awaits its finish coat, the bathroom is still gutted to the studs, but Becker is happy because there's room for a recessed medicine cabinet. In the kitchen, he shows off the new Corian counter and sink; in the bedrooms, the new fans and lighting fixtures, new outlets throughout. He's power washed and painted the basement's walls and floors. The house was built in 1947, he says; he knows this because the date was stamped under the lid of the toilet tank.

Today's plumber is loading up his van, and Becker asks him, "How much do I owe you, young man?" The bill is $128 and Becker writes him a check. "I couldn't leave a slow-running drain for the next owner," Becker says. "I'd rather make a couple grand less than have the young people who buy this cussing me."

Becker realizes that home remodeling may be a short-lived career. "The foreclosure business won't last forever," he says. Still, he and his brother are planning to inspect a few more houses this afternoon, looking for his next project. "Entrepreneurs aren't like gamblers," he says. "SC Johnson can spend a fortune on a start-up, and fail, and survive. But a small start-up business can't. The housing market sucks right now. What am I doing swimming upstream?"

Outside again, Becker stands uncomfortably for a picture. "I haven't posed for a picture in so long," he says. He ticks off the few houses in the neighborhood that are for sale, comparing them to the one he will be selling. One is more expensive than the $129,000 he is asking; another is smaller than his house's 1,285 sq. ft.; anther has only two bedrooms to his house's three; another has "grass that's waist high."

"The only reason I agreed to talk to you," he says, smiling, "is to get free publicity to sell this thing. Send me a buyer!" We watch a woman coming down the street, pushing a carriage with two toddlers; she stops at one of the houses for sale and takes a brochure from the Realtor's box out front.

When she gets close, Becker calls out, "Are you looking for a house?"

"I have a house," she replies. "But this is a better neighborhood. How many bedrooms does yours have?"

Interested in a newly refurbished house? Call 414-651-6538.


  1. Good to see his next career choice wasn't running a children's daycare!

  2. Dustin....seriously? wtf?

  3. It doesn't sound like he's expecting to spend any time in jail, either that or he's in denial. I'm not sure why info on aldermen he is in contact with couldn't be reported. Why would his attorney care about that?

  4. I think this story is going to make a lot of people angry. It's a very positive piece for Gary Becker AND racinepost is helping him to sell the house.

  5. Let go of your hate, people.

  6. I don't feel hate, only disgust.

  7. WTF is right. Could this piece be more "supportive" of poor Becker getting a new start on life.
    He never did care about anyone but himself and it still shows in his statements.
    I really hope residents there do all they can to stop anyone from buying that property to show Becker he needs to move along and let the city move along without him.

  8. The guy has to do something - this is probably a good choice.

  9. The city is moving along without him. It is you people that cannot let go.

    Worry about Burlington, Kay.

  10. And, at this point it's not hate. It's the fact that if you have someone like Becker out and about the whole fiasco that was the end of his political career will not be forgotten soon enough.
    You want Racine to have a good image and the last thing you want is someone with this much notoriety making the news. How long before a bigger paper picks this up? Remember he was featured in the New York Times not that long ago. He became the face of Racine.

  11. Wow. The "alleged" child molester has morals about not wanting to sell a home with a slow drain? WTF is right! Wow again. Must be invigorating and make you feel damn good to suppress evidence against yourself. I'm appalled. Spit.

  12. I don't live in Burlington. But, I do live in the county of Racine and every time the city loses our whole county loses.
    Healthy, thriving cities benefit all the surrounding communities. Sick cities hurt surrounding communities.
    And, I take offense that you suggest I cannot have an opinion on Becker since he was caught trying to have a sexual relationship with a 14 yr old child. I suppose you don't have any opinions on sex offenders unless they live in your city? Be serious.

  13. Folks if the deal I keep hearing about goes down he will be able to run for office again or be appointed to one.
    So yes his has not been proven gillty yet. I am thinking he will not be. If I am right (and God please let me be wrong) we will see him having political power again soon

  14. Dustin - you got conned into a real estate commercial and image repair spin. What were you thinking?

    This whole interview was uncomfortable to say the least. Did he invite you for tea too?

    I'm sorry but you just got PWNED by Becker.

  15. Racine Post...

    For sale

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. This reads like something out of Vanity Fair, as if Becker is some hero or something.

    And what the heck is with the quasi weird man love going on?

    And then I saw him there, his body glistening in the sun. His closely shaved beard reminded me of the bark of a juniper, unwillingly dried out in the hot summer sun. My legs quaked and I said "Hi Gary."

    I'd hadn't seen him for months but I forced out a few words. "I see you kept that weight off. You've been working hard. Real hard."

    He gave me a broad smile and hearty laugh that took me back to happier times in 2007.


  18. I like to read my trash on The Superficial. I also like the trash I read to be about good looking celebrities with lots of money.

    Sorry Dustin. I just don't get this. Why? Why? Why?

  19. Anonymous 2:48 PM

    What's with the "take Kristin from RCEDC with you" comment? I can't get how that adds to any intelligent conversation - you seem to be stuck in a anonymous chicken, hide behind a blog pattern here. I should have spelled some words wrong so you could attack that also.

  20. Anon 3:57 - that's funny.

  21. I thought this was written by Pete, not Dustin.
    And, I too thought the article a bit of a fan piece. Maybe they think if they're nice now they can get an interview later?

  22. Dustin or Pete. I'm begging both of you to take this article down, and burn it, delete it and then burn the computer and notebook it was written on and bathe in disinfectant. You're both waaaaay better than this.

    Everyone gets a mulligan, no problem. You guys do fantastic work but to quote the Gladiator, "Marcus Arellius had a vision of Rome Proximo, and this is not it!".

  23. Look, I'm with the folks earlier in the posts: let it go.

    Happy face or not, he killed his career and family life. Don't let the article fool you, he'd undo it all if he could.

    Leave Gary Becker behind with his demons.

  24. No Anon 4:25, they are not way better than this.

  25. Great to know a sex offender has moved into my neighborhood without anyone knowing about it...

  26. Hey! Stop yelling at Pete! He was tipped off and followed up. If he hadn't some would say he wasn't reporting news. Just because the guy wasn't a morose lump isn't Pete's fault.

  27. Chill out people - Dustin and Pete did this as a community service announcement to let the residents in this area know that there is a child sex offender amongst them. They did everyone a favor! Sheesh...

  28. Wait, wait I've got another idea for a picture. I'll bend down like I'm pulling a weed. It will be awesome! Yeah, ley's do one in front of the house too! Make sure to get my waistline in the shot. I don't run a mile a day at the Y for nothing you know! Work it, work it, yeah baby!

  29. I must say, I visited Racine Post, the JT, JT Irregulars, and Racine Uncovered. Wow. People really relish gossip.

    Beth David (also known as RacineUncovered on the Racine Post and as RacineRes on JT) is perhaps the most frightening. This woman reminds me of that nosy neighbor who thinks her role is actually about safety and her community, when in fact, she is actually just a woman who enjoys knowing and sharing other people's business.

    Really, you should take a look at all the comments. There is a sense of glee and joy - and somewhat of a mob mentality. It's disgusting.

  30. Awesome Gary, now my mom won't let my 13 yo sister visit me. Guess I better harden my wireless routers at the homestead.

  31. I didn't care for this story. While I realize this is news, and you were doing your job by following up on a tip, I think it's a slap in our faces to see the smug ex-mayor smiling, getting this attention, and publicity to sell a house him and his brother will profit from. I find it distasteful to say the least. He hasn't been convicted yet, but he did admit to being the guy trying to hustle the 14 year old. Someone mentioned Beth David, racineres, and Racine Uncovered. I agree with what you said. She does find glee in the mishaps of others and does have a penchant for gossip. Sad. Pete and Dustin, Gary Becker brought us unwanted attention. We don't need to see it splashed in our faces again. Maybe the person who gave you the tip, was Becker, his brother, or one of his friends.

  32. Free advertising for a pedophile...

  33. Pete you need to retire. Now I know that you have lost it. You turn a story into this meloncholy piece of fluff, but it adds to the perception that the Post is riding right along with the rest of this BS. I can not believe it!!!! Becker smiling and having a good time. I hope you do not drop the toal ball because there are some of us that had a little faith in this sight. Keep fighting Kay, they want you to lay down like evryone else.

  34. Gawd, that was revolting. I can't believe I read the whole thing.

  35. Any cute young girls out there? Call 414-651-6538. Pete, what were you thinking? Is this news? Possibly. Is this big enough to be splashed, rather largely, up front and center? I don't think so. Smaller piece, possibly one small picture. But of Becker NOT looking like a pompous "watch me get off clean" pedophile. Thumbs down on this one guys.

  36. I wish we could pretend he doesn't exist, but he does, and he is still in Racine. The neighbors wouldn't be notified b/c he hasn't been convicted of anything. I think I remember hearing he requested to have the trial outside of Racine. I hope it is in Racine so the residents he screwed over (no pun intended) can give him what he deserves. People with lesser crimes sit in jail right now - he should not be treated special. BTW, who the h--l would want to buy that house knowing it was his?

  37. Pete:

    While I thank you for following up on this tip I gave you, I think it went in the wrong direction.

    It's great that Becker is doing fine and all that stuff, but what about the real questions?

    I heard you ask him something about an alderman helping him out (I was in the next yard, but I didn't hear what Becker's response was), so what did Becker say?

    Does he admit that Coe has been over helping him? If he says no, he's a liar. I saw Coe with my own eyes, he had a large, red in color work type van that had "COE" written on the side of it. I couldn't read the rest of what the van said. Maybe "Home improvements" or something similar?? I am telling the truth that I have only seen Coe at the residence. I have NOT seen Mayor Dickert or anyone else in city govt. that I recognize.

    Also, it seems to me that Gary already has probation lined up with the DA's office for his sex charges. He acts like he will be around for a long time.

    I wont offer anymore tips, but you can rest assured that I will have my video camera and digital camera ready for any "celebrity" appearances at the home.

    I still fear for the safety of my children and other children in the neighborhood whether Gary Becker or city officials care or not.

    Thank you.

  38. Did you see Jeff Coe or his brother? Or did you just see the van with Coe on the side? Don't you think it's a bit much having your video camera ready for any celebrity appearances? You related to Beth or you just a reporter wannabe?

  39. Greg:

    Does Coe have a twin brother who owns a red service van with "Coe" home improvements or something similar to this on the left side of the van??

    If so, then I may concede it was his twin brother.

    I'm not being smart, but does he have a twin brother?? I don't know the man personally.

    It sounds like you do.

    I'm just wondering why Pete didn't include that in this story.

    I'm not related to Beth and I'm not a reporter wannabee, I'm just a very concerned citizen.

    I wouldn't expect you to be concerned because it's not happening in your neighborhood. If it was, you would be singing a different tune and you know it.

    You may not be man enough to admit it, but you would be concerned.

    Thank you Greg.

  40. racineuncovered7/09/2009 11:11 PM

    I would appreciate it if people actually read any of my comments about this issue. 1. I did not issue the story, nor do i live on that side of town. 2. A concerned citizen in the neighborhood posted it at the racine post and jt irregulars. 3. As a parent you darn right I am outraged, I said if that was my block I would and he was truly living there I would be out there with a sign, no gossip at all so please get your comments straight before you accuse me of gossiping. 4. I am tired of crime in this town and the way criminals get a slap on the hand (that is why crime is the way it is). 5. I found it online at 3 different places today (jt, jtirregulars, and racine post). I said that the public needs to be notified about where abouts of "alleged" or convicted sex offenders and if there are elected officials (remember the voters put them into office) that need to get out of that position because they are not representing we the people. Before you accuse me of a gossip monger I just stated my opinion as being a parent and a citizen...

  41. Is there any relevance here that the Jonas Brothers are playing in
    ilwaukee tonite...

  42. Ms. David (aka Racine Uncovered and Racine Res):

    You can keep crying "public safety" and "concerned parent" all you want, but we bloggers can see right through to the apparent joy you take in receiving attention.

    I will never forget when you spoke before the city council in regards to the Becker situation. The next day you kept bragging on JT that you had made it on the evening news and made it a point to post a link to the clip. You weren't talking about Becker that day. You were talking about yourself. It was obvious from that point forward who this was really about to you.

    Now, you have created a website to "uncover" crime in Racine. Is that really what its about or is it another way to put Beth David in the spotlight?

  43. Anon 3:57 I think your post is the best post I have ever read and I totally agree with you!!:

    This reads like something out of Vanity Fair, as if Becker is some hero or something.

    And what the heck is with the quasi weird man love going on?

    And then I saw him there, his body glistening in the sun. His closely shaved beard reminded me of the bark of a juniper, unwillingly dried out in the hot summer sun. My legs quaked and I said "Hi Gary."

    I'd hadn't seen him for months but I forced out a few words. "I see you kept that weight off. You've been working hard. Real hard."

    He gave me a broad smile and hearty laugh that took me back to happier times in 2007.


  44. Jeff Coe and his brother do look alike, but I don't believe they are twins. The brother is in construction. I am just as concerned as you are about Gary Becker in the neighborhood. I'm just tired of people spouting off without knowing what they are talking about. Tabloid gossiping and tabloid journalism. Never liked it and don't think it's constructive. Anonymous 3:45 AM, you stated the facts and I agree with what you said. I don't blog often, and I don't even read the blogs that much, but when I have there are certain people that always have to be in the center of things. Racineres/Racine Uncovered/Beth David is right there. Is she related to Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson?

  45. Yes Jeff Coe does have a twin brother.

  46. Jeff has a look alike brother, huh? That's odd - bloggers spouting off without knowing the facts. I thought they were all "journalists".

    On a lighter note, didn't Becker support Obama?

  47. Did tou ask him if he could get you his email file without paying the $12,000 the city wanted?

  48. There is something really distasteful about this whole article. It comes across as though Becker could care less about the public opinion of him, and the impact his alleged acts have had on the community. To say he lacks humility is an is almost as though he's thumbing his nose at the community at large. There is an aspect of pedophilia/sexual abuse that is very antisocial. The perpetrator does not care about others or how his actions may hurt others, he only cares about meeting his own needs. Becker's participation in this article, and brazen picture posing, suggest to me that he is as narcissistic as ever. It is all about him. I'm not so sure that treatment in Brookfield was a success............

  49. I dunno. I think this is pretty interesting reporting. It gives a view of 'Gary's World', for better or worse.

  50. Thank you Pete and Dustin for reporting this. I don't see why people are attacking you guys for writing this. It is what it is -- this is Becker's current situation and mindset and life, and you put it out there for us to see (and it is somewhat strange and disturbing given all that's going on.) People deserved to know, especially those in the neighborhood.

    I think sometimes people attack the messenger when it's really what the messenger reported that disturbs them.

  51. HATERZZ! At least the dude isn't flipping burgers with fourteen-year-olds. He's doing honest work and making honest money. Do you really think he's going to try to get with a neighborhood teen with all the attention on him? And with Anonymous, who seems to be videotaping his every move, on the scene? I hope some illegal immigrant lesbian satanists buy the house, just so all that expensive surveillance equipment doesn't go to waste.

  52. This isn't an article, it is a commercial. There's always choice in publishing and it seems the original intent was lost. If the real story wasn't there and Becker wasn't cooperating then you shouldn't do him a favor by publishing his ego driven rags to riches tale. He attempted to rape a child for crying out loud.

    The tone and content of this piece was inappropriate. Pete does a phenominal job and I thank him for all the hard work that both he and Dustin put into this site, but this is not indicative of their ability.

  53. In the last couple days I have lost total respect with Racin Post and Dustin with how they have handle this story along with supporting past criminals for the Hispanic Center.

  54. Hope he has permits for all this work

  55. I posted earlier about finding this article distasteful. While that is absolutely true, I don't fault the author/RP for writing it. I think many, many people in the community frequent this website and I think by and large it is a great asset.

  56. I'm not sure why everyone is getting upset with the authors either. I'm no expert on journalistic ethics but it seems to me that the authors had little choice in the matter. Gary made it very clear what was on the record and what was off, and I believe standard codes of journalistic ethics pretty-much handcuff them to abide by that.

    With that in mind, the authors had two choices, it seems to me. Either not run with the story because they couldn't write on anything other than Gary's remodeling efforts, or go with it and at least get the word out regarding the whereabouts of Gary Becker. I guess the third option would have been to report on the meeting, then turn it into a op-ed piece ripping apart the ex-mayor for being a pervert. But what's the point of that? I already know he's a potentially dangerous pervert.

  57. Where's the story about his poor wife and family that has had to suffer through all of this? Gary Becker is NOT the victim here! This article is sickening.

  58. Illegal Immigrant Lesbian Satanists, yes, now that's a great name for a band.
    I disliked the story about Becker. Some good could come of it in that he's been pegged. Now that thousands know where he is...

  59. Some ironic statements that stand out from this interview:

    Becker: "You've gotta have faith in people."

    Oh, really? Didn't the people of Racine put their faith in you, Mr. Becker, and look what that's gotten them....a tarnished image because of you.

    It's guys like you that are the reason people put little faith in anyone these days.

    Becker: "It's been a while since I posed for a picture"

    Yeah, a few months ago to be exact when you sent that image of yourself to the teenage girl you were trying to entice, wasn't it.

    One can only wonder what other types of pictures you posed for and distributed while trolling for kids.

    I'm truly offended that the (Com)Post has chosen to publish this article and interview a pedophile.

    And you have the guts to take the J-T to task for its crime-related stories? At least they're not wasting the time interviewing the suspects about how great life is in the wake of the latest drug bust, murder, etc.

    And Pete, I certainly hope you washed your hand shortly after shaking Beckers when he came out to greet you.

    God only knows where its been.

  60. I think we also need to take a step back and think about why Becker would do this article given:

    1. He was not going to talk about anything controversial.
    2. This would not help him sell the house.
    3. His whereabouts and business dealings would be known

    So why do the article?

    Pure arrogance. This was his way to send a big f-u to the city and let everyone know he is doing just fine, thank you.

    The other possibility is that he know wants to position himself as a sympathetic figure, working hard to reform his life.

    In either case, he used the Racine Post as a vehicle to make that happen. And they accomodated.

    Pete is a smart guy, and the phone number being published is no mistake. People can use it tovoice their outrage and make it difficult for Becker to do business. It also lets people in the area know where Becker is for their own protection. There is value in that, hence the decision to print in my opinion.

    At the end of the day though, Becker got what he really wanted and we gain little. The gratious descriptions of his remodeling paints him in a sympathetic light and empowers the f-u Racine, I'm doing fine message. A slap in the face. We can be upset about it but can do little or nothing at all about it. One more insult on top of the damage already done, and sending a message to future rapists that their lives can be good too.

    I don't think this story should have seen the light of day.

  61. Who in their right mind would buy this house?

    If they do, I strongly encourage them to tear out every wall in the house to look for any surveillance cameras Becker likely installed to spy on the new owners.

    He probably won't even sell the house to any family that doesn't have a teenage daughter or two he can use his cameras to spy on.

    Creepiest story EVER and a disgrace to the world of true journalism.

    Shameful, Dustin & Pete, shameful.

    Sounds like both of you have a man-crush on Becker the way the story's peppered with comments about his trim physique.

  62. thanks for the photos for my dartboard

  63. Gee, golly WHIZ! How I would LOVE to make a HUGE HONKING MISTAKE and then have a (pseudo) newspaper do a story on me to reform my image!

    Way to get used, guys...

  64. Becker will end up selling this house and laugh all the way to the bank with the added bonus of saying screw you Racine in the process.

  65. Good story. More power to 'em.

  66. why does Gary Becker like twenty eight year olds? Cause theres twenty of them!

  67. If I was Becker, I'd be standing guard at this rehab house, cos now that the address is known, anyone could decide to vandalize the property out of hatred or disgust. Maybe this piece didn't do him such a favor.

  68. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  69. Good Story
    Every thing in it clear and easy to understand.

    Good Day

  70. Having lived in Racine my entire 48 years, I have learned that 98% of people need to get a life - or at least educate themselves to the fact that a world exists outside the parochial small-minded racine vision of reality.

  71. Like, oh my gosh!

    Gary is like, soooo hot I can't stand it! And he likes Obama!

    And he's so much more mature than those boys in my 8th grade class!

    Gary, if you're reading this, please call me at 635-7700!

    A Really Hot 14 year old girl

  72. Racine,
    I think all of you crude Racine people are the same racist Racine people that refer to the fountain by Festival Hall as 'Ghetto Fountain".

  73. Gary.........the neighbor eyes are upon you.... you are a rotten pervert....why don't you get lost!!! I hope you have "Bubba" for a roomate REAL SOON!!!!

  74. After reading this, I get the feeling that Pete likes Becker.

  75. The way things are going in the mayors office right now, meaning Tom's behind the back appointment as City Administrator, I am expecting John to be appointing buddy Becker to a postion next.

    And I agree too, that if a public official would comment that public opinion doesn't bother him, he has his own agenda, and it's most likely not in the public interest.

  76. I was at the Raider game last night and who showed up, good old Gary acting as if nothing has happened in his life. Even said to his "buddy" QA Shakor. I do if it were me that got caught doing what he did I would not want to show my face, but I am not an arrogant putz like Gary.

  77. WOW!!!!! The commenters are worse than the accused!!

  78. Kay:

    Surely Jeff Coe has called you back by now. If he hasn't, I think you've got your answer as to whether or not he was helping Becker.

    Did he admit it to you or no???

    We all want to know.

  79. Maybe Gary can get his own home improvement show.

  80. They can call it "This Old Pedophile".

  81. First, Becker did not ask for this interview. Some nosey neighbor told the reporter that he was there. He was caught off guard and answered some questions about what he is doing now, which he should not have done. Now the neighbor does not like the article. If the neighbor would have kept his nose out of other people's business in the first place he would not need to be criticizing the article.
    Second, Becker received treatment. Any type of treatment would include trying to live as normal a life as possible. His life will never be the same again. It was his own fault and that is not to suggest anyone should feel sorry for him, but the fact that he is trying to be positive hardly means that everything is okay.
    Third, I hope the neighbor with the camera is not "protecting" my neighborhood. This fool is just a vindictive busybody.
    Fourth, he is trying to earn a living. Someone does not like that he might make a profit. No one would hire him now. Would you rather support him on welfare? You should be glad he is doing something. It sounds like most people here need to get a life.

  82. RACINETRANSPLANT7/14/2009 12:42 PM

    Ok this has to be the strangest article I have seen in a while. As I was reading it, I knew there would be nothing but anger in the posts below.

    Think about it this way. At least he is attempting to keep himself in work and keep his bills paid. He is not sitting at home looking to see what the state is willing to "GIVE" him like many other unemployeed people in this town! For the neighbors, he will not be there long, and if you help him sell that house he will be gone sooner.

    I think this piece was a little too positive about Becker, and his responses seemed very dismissive of the communities concerns and their anger. I think that might bite him in the ass sooner than he thinks. I think the sad part is that this guy will not spend anymore time in jail/rehab whatever and we are filling our prison system with non violent offenders!

    JUSTICE????? I have to ask!

  83. RACINETRANSPLANT7/14/2009 1:45 PM

    Jimmy Cliff-Sitting here in Limbo

    Sitting here in Limbo
    Waiting for the tide turn.
    Yeah, now, sitting here in Limbo,
    So many things I've got to learn.
    Meanwhile, they're putting up a resistance,
    But I know that my faith will lead me on.

    Sitting here in Limbo
    Waiting for the dice to roll.
    Yeah, now, sitting here in Limbo,
    Still got some time to search my soul.
    Meanwhile, they're putting up a resistance,
    But I know that my faith will lead me on.

    I don't know where life will take me,
    But I know where I have been.
    I don't know what life will show me,
    But I know what I have seen.
    Tried my hand at love and friendship,
    That is past and gone.
    And now it's time to move along.

    Sitting here in Limbo
    Like a bird ain't got a song.
    Yeah, I'm sitting here in Limbo
    And I know it won't be long
    'Til I make my getaway, now.
    Meanwhile, they're putting up a resistance,
    But I know that my faith will lead me on.

    I don't know where life will take me,
    But I know where I have been.
    I don't know what life will show me,
    But I know what I have seen.
    Tried my hand at love and friendship,
    That is past and gone.
    And now it's time to move along.

    Gonna lead me on now.
    Meanwhile, they're putting up resistance,
    But I know that my faith will lead me on.
    Sitting in Limbo, Limbo, Limbo.
    Sitting in Limbo, Limbo, Limbo.
    Sitting in Limbo, Limbo, Limbo.
    Meanwhile, they're putting up a resistance,
    But I know that my faith will lead me on.

    Sorry I couldn't resist!

  84. You should have resisted.

  85. The man had/has a problem. While not 100%, the problem he has can be overcome with counseling. Wisconsin has the lowest sexual offender recidivism rate in the country. To me, it sounds like he is getting the help he needs. I found this an interesting read and a much different angle than any other piece out there. While not great journalism, it gives a different side. We all have flaws, some that others may find morally repulsive and others that aren't. It took getting caught to get help, but it sounds like he's getting help and that's a good thing.

  86. RACINETRANSPLANT7/14/2009 3:12 PM

    a Classic tune 2:36 and it kinda fits with this story

  87. "judge not, lest ye be judged."

    This is a classic warning that shows up in all religious teaching, all over the world.

    There is nothing wrong with this GB story; people are curious about the former mayor. He will have his day in court; that's all there is to say.

    These bloggers are the meanest and most venemous people.

  88. Maybe when Jody leaves CNH, she can give Gary a hand.

  89. Concerned Citizen7/15/2009 4:45 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  90. Racine post sinks to a new LOW.

    good job guys

  91. "Anonymous said...

    First, Becker did not ask for this interview. Some nosey neighbor told the reporter that he was there. He was caught off guard and answered some questions about what he is doing now, which he should not have done. Now the neighbor does not like the article. If the neighbor would have kept his nose out of other people's business in the first place he would not need to be criticizing the article.
    Second, Becker received treatment. Any type of treatment would include trying to live as normal a life as possible. His life will never be the same again. It was his own fault and that is not to suggest anyone should feel sorry for him, but the fact that he is trying to be positive hardly means that everything is okay.
    Third, I hope the neighbor with the camera is not "protecting" my neighborhood. This fool is just a vindictive busybody.
    Fourth, he is trying to earn a living. Someone does not like that he might make a profit. No one would hire him now. Would you rather support him on welfare? You should be glad he is doing something. It sounds like most people here need to get a life.
    7/14/2009 8:25 AM "

    congrats on defending the pedophile

  92. Harry Michaels, VOTP7/22/2009 7:08 AM

    No matter what Becker did wrong, there is going to be a ton of interest in every little thing he does from now on. This kind of stuff sells news and we the public eat it up.

  93. You know everyone here that has something negative to say get a life. Gary Becker may not have made the best choice in trying to pick up a underage girl. However if you have talked to him ever and I mean talked to him in person. You'd realise it was a poor judgement choice. He was not found molesting a 14 y/o he was found talking to a undercover cop posing as a 14 y/o. Was is sick and disgusting... yes very. But he understands that, he knows that... and unlike the Racine citizens that are sitting on their butt whining that he isn't suffering and that he's actually doing something. Fixing housing in Racine which is important since we have a lot of ghetto and trashy people ruining the "image" of racien that everyone seems so important in keeping, is a fresh start house for someone to move into. Is he asking for a lot? I don't think so, he's doing hard labor he's working, which is a lot more to say compared to the many people on state assistance.

    When will it be ok for someone to move on and start life again. You'd prefer to hear that he's in hiding, gained 60 lbs and eating bonbons and chunky monkey in a stained dirty bathrobe and sweat pants.

    Nam myo ho renge kyo!
    I wish him the best. I hope that he finds true happiness and balance in his life. As for the rest of you I hope you can all free your anger and hate.


  94. Gina congrats on defending the pedophile.

  95. What's wrong with Alderman Sandy Weidner that she continues to spend time with this guy? She has a daughter of her own so I can't understand why she'd condone his behavior.

  96. If this was Texas he wouldn't hang out for long.
