
July 10, 2009

Friedel will make $95,000; Starts Monday as city administrator

City Administrator Tom Friedel starts work on Monday.

The former mayor, City Council member and vice president at Twin Disc will start out making $95,000 per year, according to Friedel's contract, which was released Friday afternoon.

Here's additional details from the contract (download a copy here):
  • Friedel won't receive a raise in 2010, according to the contract. He'll be eligible for his next salary increase in 2011.
  • He starts with 60 sick days and accrues additional days like any other employee. If he leaves the job, he will not be paid for the 60 days he started with, but can cash out sick days accrued on the job.
  • He'll start with 10 vacation days and accrue additional time at the same rate as an employee with 18 years of experience. He can carry over 10 unused vacation days until June of the following year.
  • He receives a $100 monthly car payment.
  • The city will provide him with a cellphone.
  • If he's terminated, he'll receive a severance of six months salary.
Friedel's starting salary is $15,000 less than what previous City Administrator Ben Hughes made when he was hired. It's $20,000 less than Hughes' salary when he left the city.

A press release from Mayor John Dickert's office specifically noted that Friedel's contract was negotiated by the mayor and City Attorney Rob Weber with input from the City Council's Executive Committee and other aldermen. The Executive Committee is made up of the mayor, the City Council president, committee chairman and an appointment by the mayor.

Friedel has resigned his aldermanic seat representing the city's 10th District on the south side. He also leaves behind Twin Disc, a company where he's worked for 37 years.

Here's the press release from the mayor's office:
Mayor John Dickert hires City Administrator.

RACINE – Mayor John Dickert announced the hiring of Tom Friedel as City Administrator on Friday. Friedel will begin his work with the City of Racine on Monday July 13th, 2009.

Friedel, who accepted the appointment as City Administrator has signed a 6 year contract at $95,000 with no increase for 2010. The contract was negotiated between Mayor Dickert, Mr. Friedel and the City Attorney, along with input from the City Council Executive Committee and Aldermen.

The Common Council approved the appointment 12-1 on Tuesday the 7th. The appointment has met the criteria set by Mayor Dickert during his campaign. “The three goals we discussed were hiring someone locally, saving the city taxpayers money (over $40,000 in year one alone) and hiring someone experienced who can hit the ground running, have all been met as promised.”

Friedel, who worked for Twin Disc for 37 years, resigned as the Manager of Aftermarket Operation. He also resigned from the City Council where he served for 10 years to take the job with the City.

“I would like to thank the residents of the Tenth district for electing me five times to represent them. I would also like to express my gratitude to the members of the Common Council for giving me this opportunity to serve the citizens of Racine on a full-time basis. I look forward to working together with Mayor Dickert as we address the challenges and opportunities facing this city.”


  1. It's good to be the king.

  2. Dickert, You are UNBELIEVEABLE. Thank you for stabbing everyone who voted for you. Enjoy the 2 years. Jesus Christ!

  3. I truly do not believe it. I have heard rumblings around the oity about his contract and how they managed to slip it through. It makes me sick -shades of our past administation. Recall is the answer and it needs to be done real soon before anymore damage can be done.

    Let's bring all our pals in and forget about the crime in this city.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


  6. beyond pathetic it's sickening. people are trying to better this city and work hard and yet government has their heads in the cloud and feel they can do no wrong, I thought Friedel was retiring from his previous to enjoy his "older" age guess when you have everything handed to you, its hard to have morals

  7. maybe people should start electing nobodies that care into office, pay for performance if you are the mayor, not given a crown and expect the peons to kneel before you and all alderpeople to just nod yes in agreement, hell recall the entire city, couldn't be any worse with a clean slate then what we have now

  8. don't ever complain about normal people complaining and yelling at least they care and they will go head to head with these morons anyday and aren't afraid to stand up for us even though they don't know us

  9. dickert, guess people are talking the "R" word now (RECALL) how about when you get recalled you can go right back into real estate and sell everyone's houses in this town because noone will want to live here... Poo on all of you elected officials, you really don't care about a person that casts a ballot until election time comes and you talk out of your behind.

  10. The next scandal will not get swept under - the eyes of the every day person will be watching and questioning everything that goes on. Every day person attend the council meetings and question your alderman about every decision that is made. we need a clean sweep in this town and don't complain just do it!!

  11. How does one start a recall? Let's start now

  12. Unbelieveable is right! Not only do we got Dickert, we got his wife. She's a regular Joyce Smith. Remember the aldermen during the next election. Who is going to put their hat in the ring and run for mayor and alderman? The next election can't come soon enough.

  13. I emailed my guy Q.A. to enplane his side of the story so far nothing. What is HE hiding?

  14. 60 sick days plus 2 weeks vacation time?


  15. I find the dealings within the City government as being disgraceful.

  16. Why is anyone surprised by this?

  17. The council approved this? $95,000/year and 3 months off?

  18. My understanding is they did not even want to look at it. Want to know there side of the story better be good.

  19. Who do you have to be related to get that kind of deal?

  20. $100 car payment? What the hell is that for? Doesn't he have a car? Does he get paid mileage too?

    This is insane. The salaries should be tied to city performance.

  21. The only ones to blame are the citizens. Instead of demanding accountability and questioning everything that goes on, most people (frpm what I have seen there are a few that are sick of the BS, don't care what others think of them and will stand up for whats right and for change and don't want anything other than a better community) and on this post they get "yelled at" for trying to do decent things. Well all of you believe what you want, false promises plain ol' bs from the mouths of elected officials, you got what you voted for. And the city is stuck with friedel for 6 years, feel bad for the next mayor because it won't be dickert

  22. I'm surprised they let us post comments about this! Wow, thanks for the honor!

    $95K is too much with all of the extra perks and guaranteed 6 years. What if he really stinks at this after a year?

  23. With that salary, maybe he should give us the missing 10 year Dickert plan.

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  25. he can't give a 10 year plan because the only ones that will be living here in that time frame will be thugs, criminals, gang bangers and the finest upstanding felons you can find. It's pretty obvious Dickert doesn't give a rats arse about the people that put him into office and he's got is own personal agenda.. Another fine example of how politics work, next thing his wife will be sitting in some city position (they don't live in the 10th district, heck he could appt. her for alderman)

  26. pay attention to the ordinary people who yell and scream about this town, criminals, elected officials at least they care about us and have nothing to gain.

  27. beth, settle down. we know you are all-important and want attention.

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. We should have hired William "Priceline Negotiator" Shattner to work out a better deal for us.

  30. This deal sucks compared to the last to city administrators. The got more pay on top of the vacation days and sick time.

  31. whitepeoplecan'tdance7/10/2009 9:22 PM

    Tom Friedel retires from Twin Disc, so he has income from that. He gets above grade pay for a cushy job from a man whose last job was to try to swindle people into buying real estate. Those reality TV shows got nothing on Racine.

  32. If we're paying for the car, does that mean we get to use it too?

  33. If they're going to give money for transportation, then it should have been a bus pass. At least that would bring revenue to the city.

  34. Sheesh! What else? Foot rubs and ice cream?

  35. Colt:

    Still think Dickert is a great guy??

  36. Wouldn't it be smarter to hold back on all the Dickert and Friedel attacks until you actually get to see them at work for more than a few weeks?

    This is an excellent time to establish some serious transparency in the city hall. Demand it and you might be surprised at what you get.

    I'm just saying that you get more with honey than vinegar. No one wants to talk to anyone they think is about to bitch them out. After everything that's gone on, and is going on, in the city maybe these guys needs a bit of time to get a firm grip on things?

  37. You people are crazy. Do you not know how much this type of position pays? I know it is hard to understand, but sometimes smart people get paid good money to use their brains instead of their backs.

    You backwards attitudes are what is keeping this city down.

    Shame on all of you who are bashing the Mayor's wife. Why would anyone run for anything in this town with all of you morons waiting in the weeds to anonymously throw garbage at them?

  38. Reason people are upset is because of the way this has been handled. They started out on the wrong foot and people are very leary about what will now happen and how these so-called leaders will lead. The citizens have a right to be upset by all of this and how it all went down. As for the wife, people have a right to voice complaints. Especially when what is said is true. Ask around, talk to the school, talk to the church they belong to. Then you will understand.

  39. Kenosha's administrator was hired at $133,000/year and he had absolutely no experience running a city, but he is one of the cronies!

  40. Downtown Denizen7/11/2009 8:06 AM

    Let's look at a few facts here:

    1. Dickert specifically said during his campaign that we do not need a city administrator and could not afford the cost.

    2. He hires a man with no formal education to fill a position that should require at least a B.A. in business administration or economics.

    3. The city administrator's position answers to the mayor only, which negates any responsibility to the citizens of Racine and eliminates any transparency in government.

    4. Dickert spends $95K per year (plus perks and bennies) on a position he earlier denounced as unaffordable and then has the gaul to say he's saving the city $40K per year?

    5. He puts in the contract that if Friedel can't handle the job and is dismissed he gets $45K as a severence package? Why not just two weeks severence like anyone else would get?

    The point is, Dickert lied to us during his campaign and is now costing the taxpayers of Racine over half-a-million-dollars over the next 6 years to pay someone else to do his job for him.

    Oh, and the "10 year plan" that Dickert won't disclose is simply this: to get re-elected for the next 10 years. Wake up Racine! You've been had once again by this unethical, smooth talking, suave and debonair trickster.

    Maybe Jody Harding will agree to run against him in the next election. We need someone fiscally responsible to do the job!

  41. 1) When asked to go on the record in the paper, Dickert said, "We need to get our fiscal house in order. If having a city administrator allows the mayor to go after state and federal money and aggressively seek jobs then the city should consider keeping the position. Attracting new businesses and new jobs is the only way Racine can survive." The answer is a little weak, but he did not come out against the position.

    2) He hired someone with many years of operations management experience and years of experience in local government. Friedel was not a back-bencher or one who let the staff do everything. He dug in, did his homework, and got the job done. He was on more than his fair share of committees and he gained experience negotiating union contracts.

    3) This is straight out of the ordinances: "The city administrator shall be responsible for planning, organizing, coordinating, and supervising the day-to-day city operations, programs, and activities under the direction of the mayor and pursuant to the legislative and policy decisions of the mayor and common council" The position is responsible to the elected officials and the council has the power to fire the City Administrator.

    4) The position is worth at least that. It is a savings over the current salary and it has a freeze for the first year - something NO other city employee has. They all get automatic bumps.

    5) Read the contract. If he is dismissed for cause, he gets nothing. If he is terminated for another reason (a new Mayor doesn't like him or want him or the position is eliminated) he gets 6 months, instead of the remainder of the contract, which could be years of pay.

  42. Moved to Racine from a small town and find the mentality of the bloggers the same here as in that small town. Racine is a big city in a metro area and yet the bloggers think it should run as it it were located in the middle of Arkansas or Mississippi. There are problems in every city, Dickert has just taken office, let him run the city for his term of office, if you think he's done a poor job find someone who will do it better, which is probably impossible since you people will find reason to critize the next person. I just hope you don't encourage Jody to run again, you will be wasting your time and money.

  43. It is really sad that people are already criticizing Teresa Dickert. It seems people can't stand to see an attractive intelligent woman who is not afraid to be vocal, have an opinion, and be involved.

    I've seen it time and time again sadly. It's usually other women who are their harshest critics, usually women who are middle aged, unattractive, and generally dissatisfied with their own lives.

    It gives them pleasure to bring down the type of woman they can never be. They usually find ways to criticize or attack the other woman in the name of morality, when in reality it's pure jealousy.

    I witnessed a really classic case of this about a year ago between 2 female coworkers. One was attractive, intelligent, well liked, etc., the other was the usual unattractive, overweight, dissatisfied, frumpy woman. She went out of her way to find ways to go after the other woman under the guise of some twisted sense of morality. In reality, she plunged a knife into someone who thought she was a friend. Why? Jealousy. Nothing more.

    Reading people's posts so eager to go after Teresa Dickert just makes me ill, because it's more of the same - jealousy.

  44. "Moved to Racine from a small town and find the mentality of the bloggers the same here as in that small town."

    You got that right. The "bloggers" are a bunch of ill-informed, small minded, malcontent Archie Bunker types who would not have a platform for expression other than a barstool if it were not for sites like this one.

  45. Yes, "attractiveness" is a moral quality that all women should aspire to.

    Appearances are everything, reality is nothing.

    Party on!

  46. The Counsel NOT the Mayor fell down on the job by not having an open hearing.There job to reveiw what is going on. They also have to grow a spine/balls I would hope after Becker they would have done that.
    Q.A. has yet to answer my Email about why they did not bother to have a hearing. If anyone needs to go be the council who it seams are sheep.
    IMHO if you want to understand Dickert,the book we all should be reading is The Prince.
    Oh not I read and understand The Prince and have no issues with The Mayor at this time.

  47. Anon 8:20, 8:26, 8:36 and 9:00 :

    All the same person. Probably Dickert's relatives.

    Maybe Monte or Colt??

    Party On!!

  48. I'll bet the majority of the whiners here are also unattractive, sitting at their Saturday morning keyboards in their underwear or pj's. I always shave and put on a suit before I start blogging.

  49. Stan Francais7/11/2009 9:49 AM


    If I were you I would stay silent on the Dickert supporting.

    Do you remember a blogger at the JT named "Sir"??

    He defended Becker at all costs and got run out of the Blogosphere by humility and embarrassment.

    This could happen to you. be careful.

    When sh*t REALLY starts to go south, you will be mercifully called out and embarrassed. LOL.

    I'm just trying to help you out.

  50. Orbs:

    Don't forget to put on your dirty boat shoes before serving appetizers to the FIB Boaters....LOL

  51. Trust me if Dickert backs taxes for KRM Colt will be pissed.
    If The Mayor builds on the West Racine Farmers Market Colt is pissed.
    If Dickert cuts Police/Fire and plays numbers games Colt is pissed.

    I may like him now but am not marching lock step.

  52. Josh, my move to Racine was business related and I had no idea who Dickert was but figured he was the best of the lot. Right or wrong he was elected and should be left to do the job and voted out if he does not perform. Recall is a joke, as I said reading theses blogs I feel like I am living in Mississippi,Arkansas, etc.

  53. The reason some people are saying things about the mayor's wife is because they (men and women who happen to be well-educated, community involved, and happy with themselves) have seen her, have been with her, and are saddened by her behavior. There is a right way and a wrong way to act and speak to people. So far the mrs. is not doing well.

  54. HWMmcbride, can you be more specific about that? I know Teresa and have no idea what you are talking about. She has always been kind, considerate, and very pleasant to be around. She appears to be a great mother as well, what's the problem?

  55. On these blogs, you can attack the mayors policies and decisions. He is an elected offical and those comments are part of the job. However, for those who attack the mayors family is going far beyond any semblance of decorum and basic human decency. Speak on the issues and not on anonymous personal attacks.

    Be part of a moving Racine forward and not moving backward.

  56. Teresa Dickert? OMG, maybe she will humiliate the office of Mayor's wife by wearing a sleeveless shirt next?

    Does this mean I get to rip apart Wanggaard's wife on my blog and you will all support me at reeling his family into the political war zone?

    You know, the goose and the gander goes both ways.

  57. As I have said previously, Dickert should have had a search to find the best candidate. That aside now a 6 year contract is unheard of in this economic environment. John I voted for you because I could not possibly vote for Turner - but this is just bad judgement and a poor business decision. I will be waiting to see what future decisions hold. You may end up as a 2 year term mayor.

  58. Jody may need a job before two years when CNH gets done with her.

  59. Why don't you ask Mr. Dickert why he told the city council they were voting to pay the adminstrator $85,000.00 when the vote was 12-1. It was later, after the vote that the $10,000.00 raise was proferred. Go ahead ask him! I thought when the council voted it was final. I guess executive orders can be seen at the local level to.

  60. Who's Jody?

  61. Jody Harding - the one that ran her mayoral campaign on CNH time.

  62. Downtown Denizen7/14/2009 8:12 AM

    Jody was the ONLY true conservative contender in the last mayoral primary. She is the ONLY one who registered to run against Gary Becker (our previous mayor), before he got caught trying to lure little girls into hotel rooms. If Becker hadn't gotten busted, she would have been the only one to run against him in 2011 (as he ran unopposed in the last election). But because Becker got busted and had to resign, she suddenly found herself confronted with 10 other opponents who were "so concerned" about Racine that they had to declare their candidacy. Where was their "concern" while Becker was ruining the city? Jody is the only one who had guts enough to stand up to Becker!
    I will make the exception for Jamie Charon in that he was also a truly concerned candidate in that he had no prior political experience, like Jody, and really wanted government down-sizing, fiscal responsiblility, tax relief and common sense used in governing our city. Unlike the remaining 9 contenders who were all established liberal political figures. And when you consider that Jody had no name recognition and very little funding to run a campaign in only 2 month, she did very well coming at 7th place.

    As far as attacking Mrs. Dickert, if she was an outspoken, belligerent, racist fanatic like Michelle Obama, I could see attacking her. But, I have never met the woman, have never seen nor heard of anything untoward that she's done or said, and, as far as I know, holds no public office or city position, leave the lady alone. Just like us who blog here, she's entitled to her opinions too, whatever they are. I myself, do not like the slick, smooth talking, unethical, backstabbing John. But, Teresa appears to be an innocent target here for people's meaness or frustration. Stick to politics until she does something worthy of criticizim.

  63. Rich Harding (Jody's husband)7/14/2009 8:20 AM

    Anon 8:03AM: you are a liar. Jody did not run her campaign on CNH time. She dedicated her campaign time to lunch hours, after work and weekends. I know, I handled her calls, emails and appointments. Her blogging and commentaries were all written at home from her own computer. Even if she were to have done so, what were you doing spying on her when you were supposed to be working? Hypocrite!

  64. People are just jealous of her (Mrs. Dickert).

  65. 60 days of sick leave is excessive - that is 3 (not 2) months.

    It would have been more palatable (and more consistent with the private sector) had he been provided a disability policy instead.

  66. Richie - big brother is watching - I hope she has her resume in order.

  67. Anonymous bloggers who make accusations and threats like Anon 11:25 AM and Anon 4:19 PM are cowards.

    What John Dickert DID say during his campaign was that Racine could NOT afford a city administrator. Now look what he turns around and does. Gee, I wish I was related to him.

    I don't care how you feel about John, he's a public figure and a target for ridicule. But you anonymous cowards that attack Mrs. Dickert, if you are going to do so, why not tell us what she has done that is so wrong. You spew your hate and venom but give no reason for it.
