
July 4, 2009

Dream comes true for bubblewrap poppers

Doug Wick, the owner of Common Scents in the 300 block of Main Street, filled time before the start of the 4th Fest parade with a giant bubblewrap stomp.

Wick brought a 100-foot long roll of bubblewrap into the middle of Main Street, unrolled it to the song "Wipeout" and invited kids and their parents to pop the bubbles. Dozens of people took him up on the offer. Here's some photos:

Getting ready to unroll the bubblewrap ...

The crowd swarms ...

"Pop, pop, pop!"


  1. He's done this for quite a few years. Looks like everyone who participates has a good time.

  2. Anon 11:25
    AllI have to say to you is GET A LIFE

  3. What fun!
    I'm glad we have people who make a differance in Racine!

  4. Anyone see the cat fight by the VFW? Pretty amazing - the 1st time I've seen two girls at it. A lot of scratchy and pulling of hair. One of the girls was taken away in handcuffs. Shortly after some guy was also put in handcuffs in the same area. Anyone know what precipitated the arrests?

  5. What a Shame!

    I'm sad that people can't spell difference.

  6. I'm confused... do the good citizens of Racine really just spend their day waiting for someone to spell a word wrong so they can criticize them? Do you have nothing better to do other than anxiously waiting for someone to say something POSITIVE so that you can cut them down? The bubblewrap was harmless fun for the kids at the parade. Get over it.

  7. If you want poppers check out for liquid gold poppers and room aromas.
