
July 6, 2009

Dickert backs Hispanic Center

Before we get to this story, we'll start with an appeal to commenters: chill out. This story is about Mayor John Dickert, Hispanics and a community center. No doubt any discussions will blow up within a half hour, but can we try at least some sort of civil discourse?

OK, on to the story ...

Rolando Gomez and Marie Olveda Black sent us a press release today saying Dickert is taking steps toward creating a Hispanic Center. Gomez and Black will head an advisory committee on the center and they're looking for people to help transform the idea into reality.

Here's the statement:

During the campaign John Dickert spoke of creating a much needed Hispanic Center. He has kept his word; preliminary meetings have been held to start this exciting and considerable undertaking. He has appointed Rolando Gomez and Marie Black to lead this project. An advisory committee will be formed in the next few weeks. A target date of 2012 has been determined. With hard work, dedication and cooperation from the community it will be met. The committee is welcoming all who want to participate in creating a Hispanic Center to contact the Mayor’s office at 636-9111.

The center will be designed to house programs in Health, Education, Business Development, Arts and Music Programs, Legal Advice, Family Wellness, Housing Resources, Spiritual Outreach and many more needed services. This is only the beginning. "We encourage the public to become involved and assist in making the center a resource for the entire community and future generations," said Ms. Black.

The center will also work as an incubator and resource for new employees as well as companies looking for workers. "Any way that we can work to bring employees and employers together to get people back to work is a bonus for Racine," said Mayor Dickert.

We sincerely thank Mayor John Dickert for his trust and conviction in keeping his word to the Racine Hispanic Community. He has taken it one step further. Rolando Gomez has been designated as his liaison in the Hispanic Community. Mr. Gomez will keep him up to date on concerns, needs and challenges facing our community.

Marie Olveda Black
Dickert's office confirmed the mayor reviewed and approved the press release.


  1. Is this the same Marie Black that sits on the Police & Fire Commission and has over 13 CCAP entries in the WI Court System?

    I certainly hope not Mr. Mayor.

    Just asking a question. I hope I am wrong.

  2. I love the idea! More promotion of a sense of community is definately what Racine needs.

  3. Why should there be an issue - there is a German Club, Roma etc. Why not Hispanic?

  4. Also, is Gomez the guy in CCAP's with all the entries??

    I think the Mayor will have egg on his face if these questions are true seeing how he appointed them.

    Dustin & Pete, are you investigating this yet?

    Help calm my fears and tell me these people are not the same people.

    I think the idea is fantastic, as long as you have fine upstanding, role-model type individuals running this center.

  5. Simply put, because Germans, Italians are NATIONALITIES, not RACES of people. Since we would have a center for JUST a certain race of people, this is RACISM pure and simple! Not to mention reverse discrimnation against ALL other RACES! Why did I support this guy?

  6. I told you he was a fool.

  7. Anon 1:44 & 2:01 bring up good points. Felony Uttering, Resisting Police, Delinquent Taxes.....Please also tell me that these are NOT the same people. If they are, I am OUTRAGED as a taxpayer in this city. It's called a background check Mr. mayor. I also hope I am wrong with this. I will wait for Dustin's input.

  8. Some questions:
    Does Dickert intend to fund this Hispanic Center?

    Is the German Club & Roma Lodge subsidized by the City?

    Who will run the center? I think there are at least three organizations tarteted towards Hispanics-Hispanic Roundtable, Hispanic Chamber and Hispanic Business and Professional; along with the Racine -Kenosha Spanish Center and many Hispanic churches.

    Where will it be located? Will the Mayor offer up an existing commun9ty center-maybe King Center near a growing Hispanic community?

  9. Are they going to teach these illegal aliens how to speak english and pay taxes? This is ridiculous, whats next? Im tired of hearing spanish speaking people all over this city. Learn ENGLISH or go home!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. We should also have an INS inspection team right outside the entrance to this center.

  11. The different hispanic groups in this city will not be able to cooperate long enough to make this happen.

  12. I am 100% for this! Why not?

    Good going Mr. Mayor

  13. Colt:

    What about the hand-picked choices by Mr. Mayor to run this thing??

    If they happen to be the CCAPers??

    He's pretty stupid if they are one and the same.

    Can you agree to that? Or no?

  14. First Freidl, now the Hispanic Center. When does the campaign promises end?

    Alderman Osterman?

  15. I will let the Mayor chose who he will. Folks deserve a 2nd chance. Other then Garry Becker that kind of illness never goes away

  16. BlueRacinian7/06/2009 4:40 PM

    I am ashamed of the commenters on this blog. I am ashamed to say that I live in the same city as such racist, hateful people.

  17. So potential criminals (I say this until it is proven or not) and people who can't pay their bills are suitable to run a city funded center (and yes, I said it, city funded in some way, shape or form, watch and see!!)??

    Keith Fair may as well apply then (not criminal, hard time paying his bills however, unless the courts are lying)).

    He's ALL OVER CCAP, which I will state is all PUBLIC RECORD.

    Colt, for god sakes, please stop embarrassing yourself just to schmooze up to Monte and John.

  18. Dickert's choices need to looked at. If we look too close we may see who they really are. We have already had a mayor that was a felon, followed by a child molester. We deserve the opportunity to look.

  19. Monte will open all doors for you.

  20. Monte is a great person and no tool of the DRC.

  21. Bach - job
    Friedl - job
    Gomez - building


  22. Gomez?, know that guy from years past, has left some things unfinished and unpaid, guess not a lot of thought was put into this from I can see, and is Racine that hard up for Hispanic leadership? As for Marie, she is a dear person and very well liked(as her husband Mr Black) but she does have some interesting issues in running a business as Rolando does. Wow, unbelievable. It's good to be the king.

  23. that's great pulling weeds, opening a center...What about crime? Got a real eye opener at and I guess this got started by someone who is just sick of crime and wants to truth to be known

  24. Oh wow, I can't believe this.

    The idea itself is fine, but these choices.

    I think he got too much sun on the head while walking the parade.

  25. Dickert's out campaigning for sure. Can we have an American center? You remember the minority of people legally living here in the US, the ones whose rights are constantly being trampled on.

  26. Huge waste of city money, and we don't have a lot of it to be wasting. If people want a center based on race or whatever, fine, but not with city money. It's a waste, and it's probably not even constitutional.

  27. Heather in Caledonia7/06/2009 8:47 PM

    I'm all for having an Hispanic center, but does it need to be funded by the city? Why can't the Hispanic groups in town fund their own center? Can anyone tell us if Roma Lodge receives gov't funding?

    I can see it being setup as a Not for Profit, so it doesn't pay taxes, though. Just seems strange that the city has to be involved with setting this up.

  28. There are several other credible Hispanic leaders and organizations as was mentioned in a prior is too bad that Dickert was hook-winked by these two individuals...please Mr. Mayor, do your own search to look at the character of people you have chosen to place your stamp of approval to organize such a project.
    Or is it a case of the blind leading the blind?

  29. Oh just wait, this is just a drop in the bucket with what's going to happen with Dickert and this city in the next few weeks.

  30. Oh just wait, this is just a drop in the bucket with what's going to happen with Dickert and this city in the next few weeks.

  31. Great job Mayor Dickert!

    Keep up the good work and leave these negative people in your wake.

  32. The center should be put on the city's south side. We have a large Hispanic population. There are fantastic people who could be put in charge of the center.

    People do deserve second chances.

    What about the building on 17th & Center? It is all boarded up but has a lot of space.

  33. If people deserve a second chance, then Ex- Mayor Becker deserves one also right?? Right??

    Do you see how stupid you people are??

    Mr. Mayor aka top boss, Please dot your "I's" and cross your "T's" in the future. You are now under a microscope 24/7. You chose this lifestyle, now YOU must live with it.

    There are plenty of exceptional Hispanic Leaders in this community. Plain and simple, you dropped the ball on this one.

    Now YOU and only YOU have to correct it.

    Concerned taxpayers are watching, closely.

    Thank you sir.

  34. Wow, I really hope that's not the same people from ccap! The names are rather generic, but I find it interesting that both of the names have a long history in Racine. I really wish Mayor Dickert would address the crime issue in Racine instead of using taxpayer dollars to support some center about 5% of the population will use. Dickert needs to stop catering to his buddies and start getting real. Oh, and building some Hispanic center may get him some votes come re-election, but if things continue this way, that won't be enough.

  35. It is the Rolando Gomez in ccap borne in `60 that is referenced in this article.

  36. You guys do know the difference between Sr and Jr right? Different birth dates? Cases being dismissed?

  37. There is plenty on both of these individuals on CCAP. Why would the mayor or the hispanic community want crooks to represent them. There are many qualified, dedicated, law abiding hispanics that should work on this project. Come on John, I voted for you, let's use some common sense in choosing people to represent the city.

  38. There is not.

    People need to learn how to read CCAP before posting misinformation that can hurt someone's reputation.

  39. Then inform us, what are the exact names of these individuals so that we can get their records straight. It appears there is something out there on them.

  40. John - still waiting for an answer or was your comment just a cover?

  41. John, do not be so naive. At least one of the people you selected is in debt up their neck in taxes, not paying sales taxes, has entries by companies that are money by this person.
    This person's credibility is horrendous. Why would you select someone that is not credible to be part of a project such as this.

    People are watching and waiting Mr. Mayor.

  42. Rolando Gomez Sr.7/09/2009 3:38 AM

    Citizens of Racine

    I am available anytime that you wish to get information from the source. 262-752-8882 But let me try to express what this is about.

    First and formost it is not about me or anyone else. The Hispanic Center is above this. I am putting this out against what people may think. But the truth must be told.

    I say Yes to all that you have read and seen about me. I am no different than you with one exception, I can proudly and honestly put my name to this comment. We are in the midst of a beautiful community being dragged down by people that seem to know what Racine needs which is more than just words. We need more jobs, more communications with sister cities, and the common sense to work together. What I have seen in these blogs have been nothing more than words that do nothing to our current state of affairs.

    I too am a tax payer and a true patriot born and raised in Wisconsin. You are looking for the the wrong guy the people that you ought to be against is politicians that are trying drag us down with tax increases and loop holes to provide a paycheck for themselves and not even think what it is doing to our local economy. We finally have a great leader in Mayor Dickert, one of us! This is what Racine needs unless you want a pervert or a career politician that will drain us.

    The Hispanic Center will be funded by concerned citizens, private industry, and by it's own assests. The city will have nothing to do with funding. The reason is that we are in a crunch time and cannot expect to take from the city when the city needs us more than we need them. Aside from that we "Hispanics" are a growing community, we are bringing businesses to Racine and creating jobs. We are part of the solution and we are in need of a centralized center for services. Yes I agree there is much about the "Illegal" issue but that is a problem we must contend with just as we must contend with local crime and poverty and poor housing and people taking advantage of these individuals. We are not going to solve this issue alone. It is a national issue that must be addressed by our leaders in government and by "US" the community that will provide the answers.

    So let me tell you that aside from providing services to the community, because the Center WILL BE for the community focusing on the Hispanic population, I am in the process of bringing many new businesses to Racine. Green products that will increase our share of federal monies, manufacturing facilities for the production of these green products and technologies that will decrease our dependancies on current energy practices, and the creation of approx. 275 jobs that displaced and unemployed people may be able to get. This is what "I" bring to the fold.

    So with that I say to anyone that is caught up on minor infractions to provide a true commentary about their part into bringing back to life this great city we live in.

    So if you want to be in the "light" so I too can drag dirt from the past, which I will not waste time on, and can provide documented proof, as I can, about how you are helping our city please feel free to call me at 262-752-8882 and again my NAME IS Rolando Gomez Sr. 45 year resident of Racine married 27 years, 3 children, 8 grandchildren, and an American!

    Support the solution and be part of it!

    In your service,

    Rolando Gomez, owner an propietor of 3 businesses and with still enough business sense to give to the community.

  43. Well Rolando between you and what I assume is your son Jr., you are quite a pair. True leaders in this community do not have records the likes of yours. True it is difficult to decipher the crimes between you and your son, but let me take a stab at it. Your wonderful record includes, mortgage forclosure (sounds like your business has been very successful), Small claims, interfering/obstructing and officer, DUI and tax evasion - did I get it right? I don't consider these minot infractions as you do. A true leader in the community would not have "ANY" infractions on CCAP - I certainly don't.

  44. Rolando, Thanks for your elegant reply. It's much appreciated.

  45. Anonymous- Once again you are misreading CCAP. Several of the cases you cite were dismissed or for someone else. As a small business owner in Racine myself, I understand how hard it is to make a go of it.

    From my reading of CCAP, it looks like he had a hard time getting his business off the ground, but now there is nothing recent. And frankly, who is Wisconsin does not have a DWI, especially one that is 16 years old.

    Oh, and sorry I do not constantly check the Racine Post to see who is commenting. Some of us have to work for a living.

    I like how you are attacking someone's credibility, but hide under the cloak on anonymity. Takes real guts doesn't it.

  46. Ok John I am looking for the truth. Which crimes is he guilty of?

  47. Dustin - how can you support someone with his criminal background. Is that what the Racine Post stands for?

  48. Take a look at CCAP. Or better yet, ask him. He put his contact info in his post.

    I do not know him and frankly do not think it is appropriate to post CCAP information, especially, like you have shown, when you do not know how to read it.

  49. Pretty amazing they have blocked comments on the latest story. Dustin what are you afraid of? And to respond to her question, I am very involved in the community, I have an excellant credit rating and I have never been arrested or have anything out on CCAP, I believe those are the type of credentials I respect and would want from a Hispanic stand point to represent me.

  50. "And frankly, who is Wisconsin does not have a DWI, especially one that is 16 years old."


  51. I am totally amazed at how some anonymous person would lie about someone. Why don't you post your name so we can CCAP you and confuse you with someone else.

  52. I'll tell you right up front - never been arrested, nothing on CCAP, active in volunteering in the community, great credit rating. So I'll ask the question again which no one seems to want to answer. Of all the activity out on CCAP for the Gomez family which one apply to the Gomez heading up the center? I want to know the truth, but no one wants to admit to it.

  53. I do not believe you. Publish your name so we can all verify it.

    You know that Gomez is a pretty common last name. I bet that most of the ones listed are not family members.

  54. I could care less if the likes of you believe me - you put your name out here.

  55. Game, set, match. Anonymous will criticize, but not back up his statements. Bold, stay classy.

  56. Idiot - where is your name. No one in their right mind would put there name out here.

  57. I guess Gonzales and Black don't really want the public to know what the true crimes they were convicted of since they are not willing to clarify.
