
July 14, 2009

Aldermen lean toward appointing 10th District council member

Chatter among aldermen suggests the council is leaning toward appointing a replacement for Tom Friedel to represent the 10th aldermanic district, which is located in the southeast corner of the city.

Aldermen Jim Spangenberg, QA Shakoor II and Bob Mozol kicked it around Monday night while waiting for the Personnel and Finance Committee to reach quorum. Alderman Bob Anderson was running late for the meeting, Alderman Mike Shields was on vacation and Tom Friedel's spot on the committee is vacant because Friedel resigned to become the city administrator.

Friedel's seat won't be up for election until April. The council could leave the seat vacant until then, but another alderman would have to address constituent issues until then. It's also one less person to sit on committees and handle city business.

"It's a long stretch without an alderman," Spangenberg said.

Shakoor added about leaving the seat vacant for 10 months: "We can't do this."

Mozol, who was waiting to address an issue before the committee, said the seat should be filled to avoid problems like the lack of a quorum at meetings.


  1. On Monte.........

  2. Yes, it is important that there is an 'insider' representing the 10th district. Better appoint someone and not put the decision in the people's hand...


  3. I think they should hold a special election. Are there any elections happening prior to April that they can combine this with?

  4. Maybe I'm slow...but who is Monte??

  5. They'll consult Becker - he'll tell them how to handle it.

  6. The statutes are pretty clear on this. Because the vacancy happened after June 1, we are not able to call a special election. The statute says that the position should be filled by appointment by the common council. The appointee would serve until a successor is elected and qualified. In this case, the law says that happens in the April 2010 election.

    Case law on this says the position should be filled in a "reasonable" time. Leaving the position vacant until the next election (almost 8 months) would be unreasonable.

    It seems like the reasonable and prudent thing to do would be to appoint someone to fill the office. The appointee, and anyone else who lives in the district, is free to file the paperwork starting in December and run for a full term that would begin in April of 2010.

  7. Pete or Dustin,
    Do you know if the appointee has to be someone who lives in the district? Curious question for the interim...

  8. Yes. The appointee needs to reside in the 10th District.

  9. In order to hold office, you must be a "qualified elector" for the office. Chapter 6.02 of the Wisconsin statutes defines that as being over 18, a US Citizen, and a resident of the district for at least 10 days prior to the election. (or, in this case, appointment)

  10. ok, so the appointee has to reside in the 10th district - don't you live in that district Pete? or is it Dustin? - maybe you guys should step up for the ol' gipper...

  11. The Translator7/14/2009 12:56 PM

    And another Hack joins the group. Do us a favor Greg, Find someone who has never served in government before and offer it to them first.

  12. Urban Pioneer7/14/2009 1:07 PM

    I understand Roland Burris is offering donations for consideration to the position. Furthermore he still has just enough room on his mausoleum for "Carpetbagger Alderman".

  13. How about holding a special election? I don't like the idea of appointing either, because it's going to be the same little group making the decision.

    Maybe the aldermen can take more advice from Gary Becker as to who to choose? Shame on you all.

  14. The statutes are pretty clear on this. Because the vacancy happened after June 1, we are not able to call a special election. The statute says that the position should be filled by appointment by the common council.

  15. Can't ther districts be re-aligned and eliminate one position. In this economy I'd suggest downsizing.

  16. Aldermen make about $7,000 a year. It's hardly worth the savings.

  17. It sounds like a done deal to me. Anyone willing to put some names out there for who is being made King? (Or Queen for that matter - but that would be forward thinking on part of the council. Its hard to gain membership to the old boys club without a member).

  18. Urban Pioneer7/14/2009 1:56 PM

    I suggest we install a "Wise LAtina" to this we can get more balanced legislative descisions rather than correct or "Legal" decisions.

  19. here comes Kim Plache, is she going to rent an appartment and move into 10th dist ?? LOL

  20. A Latina would really shake things up around here. Gender and ethnic diversity would be a drastic change.

  21. Greg has a lot of information in the form of facts, but it sounds like he is already trying to defend the councils decision. They already know who it is going to be, and I think Greg is doing some spin ahead of time so the new guy isn't dragged down right away. Is this about right Greg?

  22. dustin - it's more than just the money - city councils, county government, boards etc. around the country are downsizing their sizes. Get with it.

  23. Smaller government and board bodies are more efficient. Eliminate the spot.

  24. I have facts because I do my homework. I am not defending a decision, I am advocating one that I feel is the right one given the law.

  25. Greg - can the city council be re-aligned and eliminate on alderman position?

  26. Yes, it can. We are allowed to do that anytime as long as it is no more than once in a two year period. However, we would have to work with the existing wards, which may or may not work because the law requires us to re-draw all the districts and they have to contain almost equal populations.

    Another caveat - we are required to do it again after the census - which is taking place next year. The costs of doing this twice in a 2-3 year period would probably outweigh any savings you gain eliminating a position.

  27. Greg - it is something that should be looked at either now or after the census. It's not so much about the money but more about efficiencies. I've been to a few council meetings. They last way to long. With fewer alderman (women) you would be more efficient.

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. Concerned Citizen7/15/2009 4:33 PM


    Can current alderpersons hang out with Gary Becker??

    Is this an ethics violation??

    Please respond.

    I feel that any alderperson hanging out with Becker should be removed from office, it's a huge conflict of interest.

    What do you think. Either in facts or opinion.

    Thank you.

  30. What the hell is the conflict?

  31. It's not a conflict. Whether it's a good idea is a whole different question.

  32. It is NOT ethical for ANY current council member to be associating with Becker UNTIL his trial is resolved. You can play stupid and spin it any way you wish.

    Greg, are you going to respond to that question??

  33. Yee Haw Greg, Yee Haw. Dat Dem Der Good Ol' Boy system is alive and well Partna. Your silence speaks volumes!!
