
July 7, 2009

2,000 and counting ...

Please excuse the self promotion, but RacinePost hit a mini-milestone over the holiday weekend. We posted our 2,000th story on our main blog since it was started on Sept. 29, 2007. That averages out to about three news posts a day (not including Racine Kiosk, Pete's haiku posts, Obituaries, ads and the dozens of links we post weekly.)

Truly, thank you to our readers for your support and comments. You keep us going and push us to keep expanding. Here's to the next 2,000 posts!


  1. Congrats and thanks for all of your hard work and dedication!

  2. Congratulations. Thank you for your efforts on behalf of the city of Racine. I appreciate your insights into the local political scene.

  3. Good work Pete and Dustin. You have been very kind to downtown and we appreciate that. Your photos are awesome and your stories are interesting. Thanks for all the work you do to keep an interesting site.

  4. Pete and Dustin,
    Congratulations! Thanks for providing this great alternative news source. I appreciate the immediacy of your posts - your ability to report almost as an event is happening gives you an advantage which you have used well. Your photographs are first-rate, too. Here's to your continued success!
