
June 12, 2009

Track city road projects online

The city has a nifty page on its website that updates summer road projects. Click here for the latest reports on roadwork in your neighborhood and throughout the city.

For example, we looked up the roadwork near 16th Street and Taylor Ave. The site said work is on pace to be done by July 31.

Another good example was this report on roadwork on LaSalle Street from Augusta to Melvin. The report gives a detailed explanation of the project and lists the completion date as July 6 - a month ahead of schedule.


  1. What will they do when it shows they tore up 6th St. 3 times in the last 5 years? Taylor project took all summer last year and here it is again messing things up and then there is Ohio St. I don't think we are actually fixing streets as much as we are trying to have job security for the road workers. In this day and age we do not have a better way of dealing with streets. BS.

  2. Why in the world would the city work on 6th street and State St. and Main St at the same time. Talk about poor planning! We are trying to get people downtown to visit our wonderful local shops, not keep them away.!

  3. One of the Sixth Street projects was a utility job by Time Warner. They have rights of way and needed to do work on their service. It was done before the street reconstruction because we don't want to cut into a new street unless it is absolutely necessary.

    The reason Sixth St. was done over two years was so that we could do all of the utility work and then do all of the road re-construction. Splitting the job this way made it easier to complete on schedule. In fact, the utility work completed ahead of schedule last year.

    As has been explained many times before, Taylor took longer than expected because of problems with a utility contractor and gas pipes that were located in places not indicated on their own maps. That added weeks to the project.

    What is wrong with Ohio St? It is at the end of its useful life and needs to be replaced. The work is being done in sections because of budgeting and because it is a major arterial street. Ohio street is beyond fixed - it is completely rebuilt.

    We have indeed learned much about how to fix streets. The new roadbeds and roads are much better than the ones they are replacing and will last longer.

  4. You are using the same materials to fix them. How is that better? We have technology to build streets that will not have pot holes. Job security and bilking the tax payers is the reason we are not using it.
