
June 26, 2009

Mason: Budget is balanced and on-time

A 51-46 Assembly majority voted Friday to approve the legislative conference committee report on the 2009-2011 state budget, sending the budget to Gov. Doyle for signature. The majority consisted of 50 Democrats and independent Rep. Jeff Wood of Chippewa Falls.

State Rep. Cory Mason, D-Racine, said, the budget makes significant spending cuts to close the record $6.6 billion state budget shortfall.

“No one would argue that this budget is perfect. But in the face of a record-breaking deficit caused by a national economic crisis, we have succeeded in producing a balanced, on-time budget that protects Wisconsin’s priorities of education, job creation, economic development, the environment and public safety,” Mason said.

The budget includes $3.2 billion in spending cuts and 6.1% in across-the-board state agency cuts. It also includes more than $2.1 billion in tax and fee increases, like a reduction in the capital gains tax exemption, an income tax increase for the wealthy and a 75-cent per pack increase in cigarette taxes.

Mason highlighted several items:
• Keeps the KRM commuter rail line on track to be approved by the federal government and to bring $250 million in investment and jobs to the region;
• Provides relief to property taxpayers by increasing funding for the First Dollar Credit and increasing funding for county-owned nursing homes;
• Reinstates tax deductible college savings accounts;
• Eliminates the proposed gas tax increase;
• Increases municipal recycling grants by $5 million to help local governments recycle and keep down property taxes;
• Maintains the safety net for county human services to assist those seeking work and assistance during these tough times;
• Indexes the Homestead Tax Credit for renters and homeowners to keep pace with inflation; and
• Requires that all drivers on the road to carry auto insurance.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Corry Mason lives in his own world. Thanks for the hikes in taxes and fees, I and other will work day and night to see you out of office

  3. The new budget proposed was $19 billion higher than the previous 08-09 budget. Talking about budget cuts is dishonest when you start with $19 billion increase. For us to return Wisconsin to a viable economic home for business and workers we will have to dget rid of those who think increasing taxes and spending ar good things.

  4. Balanced???? I wish I could thrive in a career in which I would get to buy my own bullshit.

  5. 7% increase in spending during the worst recession in 30 years. Mason, you either lack good judgement or are arrogant or both.

  6. I don't know but it sounds pretty good to me. From what I read I won't be paying much more in taxes. What are the hidden items? The everybody should have insurance is a great idea. Tho it goes along with everybody should drive sober. You'll never know until they're caught.

  7. Sassa,
    What you are missing are the hidden fees and raised taxes on things you buy. The biggest tax you haven't seen yet will be the property tax increases from every local government and school district will seek to make up for all the lost State funding for schools and local government. The first example is the tax hike coming from Gateway just approved. It will land on your property tax bill in December.

    It is an old state trick. Race the budget through now so that the taxpayers and voters forget that the State caused the local property tax increases or cuts in service due to the lack of funding from the State. Mark my words, if you pay property tax you won't be so happy come December.

  8. The budget is NOT balanced Corey. It specifically contains language that EXEMPTS the state from its own balanced budget rule for the 2010-2011 term. Nice work


  10. And thank god Cory's idea for a wheel tax never got off the ground.

  11. Mason is a mess. He is not a leader. He doesn't even understand that we should be cutting back not increasing spending by leaps and bounds. They spin this PR BS but he knows they just stuck it to us.

  12. Corey the Carpetbagger is an idiot!!! Plain and simple.

  13. We're on the wrong track!

  14. Corey has got to go. He's the tax man - tax mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!

  15. Just when I think I have seen the worst with Cory he tops himself. I am flabbergasted. When is he going to figure out we need to pay for the things in the budget. Going into debt is a bad thing. Where will he be when Wisconsin is bankrupt?

  16. Corey - how about that transportation for pregnant high school students - you know the one you said would reduce infant mortality. How do you get away with making this crap up? Or lowering the voting age to 17. Do you think that those kids with bagging pants that hold them up by the crotch will vote for you. Corey - sorry fella but your days are numbered.
