
June 2, 2009

Hal the Halibut makes his first appearance

OK, all you people who said you hadn't heard of the Civic Center's new Music for the Halibut concert and Friday fish fry series: Tell it to Hal.

Hal the Halibut, that is. He's the Civic Center's new mascot, designed to improve awareness of the concerts wherever Racinians hang out. We told you last week he was coming, and today he made his first appearance. Rik Edgar, executive director of the Civic Center, says you're liable to see Hal anywhere around town. "With no formal agenda," he says, "Hal has let us know that he only wants to bring a little attention to Festival Park and the Music for Halibut Music Series."

No, we have no idea how he'll do that, beyond pointing to the banner above. Anybody know what kind of accent a halibut has?


  1. Is that Rik Edgar in the costume ?

  2. Accent should be Norwegian. We had that quite often at home when I was growing up...and my father came from Norway.

  3. I thought I heard Hal singing a selection from Porgy and Bass the other day in front of two people sitting at a picnic table at the lakefront. Maybe Hal can stand on his perch and carp about the fees being charged to use the Festival Hall. But I bet Hal is most interested in this SCJ tax dodge deal and how it will affect salmon his legacy.

  4. It will be salmon chanted evening . . .
