
June 19, 2009

Dickert plans a fundraiser for June 25

Mayor John Dickert is wasting no time in gearing up for the 2011 election.

His campaign is holding a fundraiser on Thursday, June 25 from 5-7 p.m. at Infusino's, 3201 Rapids Drive.

An invitation to the event lists "Host - $500," "Sponsor - $250," and "Supporter - $100." It also says, "All contributions are appreciated."

Dickert, elected mayor on May 5, is serving out former Mayor Gary Becker's four-year term. He has less than two years to build an advantage over potential challengers, including several sitting aldermen and candidates who ran in this spring's special election. Building up a sizable campaign warchest is one way to discourage opponents from entering the race.


  1. and how many plates will be sold to SCJ 'employees' who want to 'donate' to the cause?

    I expect this event to be loaded with members of SCJ, the DRC and RCDEC.

    Politicians only care about the special interests who donate, not the people who elected them.

  2. How about addressing crime and unemployment and actually taking some small steps in FIXING HOW SCREWED UP RACINE IS... Before thinking about running for mayor, put your money where your mouth is and doing something for this town.

  3. Did you know the mayor of this city hasn't even gone around to the city departments to talk to the employees. Yup, he's already shown city employees what he thinks of them. Right back at you Johnny Boy.

  4. The Mayor will need cash to run for reelection
    You may chose not to bevie this he has all ready upset the powers that be (I would give a name but its one of the Forbidden names).
    I see much to hope for with Mayor Dickert.

  5. Will the mayor be stopping in Racine for his fundraiser?

  6. Remember Mayor... Not Guts, No Glory, let Racine be the was it has been you won't be back and you'll probably be laughed at. Anyone can run around and play Mayor DO SOMETHING.

  7. independent16/20/2009 5:42 PM

    He was just elected mayor and he is still campaigning. Yo, mayor - in which order are your priorities?

  8. Smart move. Build up the coffers now and make sure that 2011 isn't the circus 2009 was. All these detractors don't know a thing.

  9. Anon 8:34-

    Perhaps he is showing the city employees that he trusts the jobs they are doing and doesn't need to check up on you.

    Also, the guy has only been Mayor for four weeks and is a little busy cleaning up some of Becker's messes. Give the guy a little time on the job before you trash him.

  10. Oh wow!, what a moron.

    Deal with crime in this dirty filthy city first!!!

  11. New mayor so far hasn't met with employees and that's supposed to tell the city employees the mayor trusts them doing their jobs? The only thing that tells the city employees is that he doesn't care about them. He's had plenty of time to come around and hasn't made the effort. Not very considerate and not very smart. He slapped every employee in the face. Too late now John.

  12. Yet another Mayor with SCJ in his back pocket?? Oh my god, say it isn't so.

    That huge flushing noise you hear is what's left of this crime ridden city going down the toilet.

    I voted for Becker and now this guy, god I am stupid!

  13. I don't know him but I don't trust the people around him.

  14. Word is the new mayor, prior to being elected, had much misinformation on how the city operates. City managers are shaking their heads.

  15. There are a couple of anonymous postings that are just pure fiction.

    See why Racine is in the postion its in.

    How does some of these people know what he has done? Gearing someone up for next time??

  16. Mayor Dickert rocks!

  17. The mayor should have made getting to know city employees of all depts. a priority. He no doubt has had several other meetings. Feels like a snub and not a smart one. He is the leader, they are the team. No meeting? logical?

  18. Geez, John, you scheduled it on the same night as the dem party ex bd mtg.
    Now, I have to go and give him a $100 just to bitch at him about who ever is doing his scheduling and then race over to the board meeting. LOL

    Seriously, this is a smart move on his part to start the war chest early on.

    And, did I miss it in the actual article where it says he hasn't met with any department heads? Or are some people just guessing? Or has he scheduled meetings and the public doesn't have that info, perhaps?

    I think the guy should at least get the 100 days we give Presidents. Maybe he doesn't have to deal with Iran but Racine sure has it's hot spots and problems galore.

  19. Key

    The carpers are just started the Internet attacks early. However they will meet operation STORM. My guess is Kim P who is behind this group.

  20. Whiners, whiners, whiners - let the guy have time to do his job. If you don't see some results in the next 18 months you'll have a chance to vote him out, but until then give him a break.

  21. I like John Dickert. My question is why such a change in opinion Colt? You didnt have anything good to say about Dickert during the election. Glad to see Dickert is going to be campaigning hard for reelection in 2011

  22. An elected official raising money? I am shocked, shocked I tell you.

  23. If the employees are bitching about him then I like him even more. Go get em John! Your job is to worry about us, not the fragile egos of overpaid union hacks.

  24. Still waiting to hear about the mayors 10yr plan.

  25. Yes, where is that plan? Go meet with your depts. Really that is a no brainer. He has been on the job long enough to do that several times by now. Gosh, what would have happened if we elected someone without a plan? Where is the plan?
