
June 11, 2009

Dickert floats 'Riverview' as new name for inner city

Dating back to the campaign, Mayor John Dickert has said he doesn't like referring to central city neighborhoods as "Census Tracts 1-5." The term is generally used to mean Racine's inner city and includes about a quarter of the city's total residents. (See an example of its use here.)

Dickert is floating a new title for the inner city: The"Riverview" area. He gives two reasons for rebranding the inner city:

1. The highly technical term creates a "horrible connotation" for the area. If you think about, most suburban subdivisions have a poetic name like "Pheasant Run" or "Campbell Woods." They create a more pleasing feel than the bureaucratic "Census Tracts 1-5" that's come to signify the inner city.

2. It's stuck in the past. Dickert said he's trying to energize the entire city. Part of that, he said, will come from cutting ties with old ways of thinking.

"We have to talk about the positive things Racine offers and not all of the negativity," Dickert said. "We have to start building people's hope in Racine."

Dickert and his wife, Teresa Dickert, are spreading the name with a volunteer work session in Riverside Park on June 27 at 9 a.m. Volunteers will focus on a 30- to 40-foot embankment between the bike path and Kinzie Avenue.

They're recruiting neighborhood residents to help with the work and inviting anyone in the community to help out. If you'd like to sign-up, call the mayor's office at (262) 636-9111.


  1. Better name

    The Land the City Forgot

  2. How about Pointe Blank?

  3. How about a mayor that will do something more constructive than walking the bike path and making up fancy names for our neighborhoods.

  4. The Translator6/12/2009 11:41 AM

    Lets rename it, so people dont think we need to fear for our safety in these areas. Better to rename them then clean them up. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

  5. It's a fine idea, it's fresh and positive, more than one can say for the negative and hateful bloggers.

    Mayor Dickert deserves a chance, whether you voted for him or not. We can take a page from other thriving cities and give a strong name to the inner city area.

    I like it.
    Let's step it up, stop whining and name calling and move forward...for the sake of kids and teens and our future!

  6. The Translator6/12/2009 1:33 PM

    Anon 12:27- You FAIL! How about some tax cuts, job creation and crime reduction in that area. Thats something I can get behind. You can rename a pile of crap Eddie but it's still a pile of crap

  7. The Translator6/12/2009 1:33 PM

    Sorry, Anon 12:07

  8. It is unbelievable how many negative comments to something that is at least a positive move. My guess is that these people do not quite understand the concept of voluntary service

  9. Anon 12:07 - I'm with you, and hope the neighborhood peeps chip in.

  10. Why do we need a name? Seriously is this on the 10 year plan? I thought it was already named Towerview. Now I am lost and I live here. Negative bloggers, blah, blah, blah. Where is the plan? This guy has done nothing but talk. Talk about the plan. People are losing their homes. We need jobs yesturday. Go get the businesses you promised. Talk is cheap.

  11. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, well ITS A DUCK. It's nice to change the name to make it seem like a great place, but until you fix the problems there, clean up crime, etc. It's just going to be a name that people laugh about. quack quack

  12. Heck change the name of Racine to Heaven too!

  13. anona 3:23 - I'd say your talk is cheap. I suggest that everyone give the mayor some time to get his ideas implemented before you begin your whining. Furthermore 85% of Racine is working, so what's your beef. 10% probably don't want to work. What are they doing to refine their skills - Gateway, Parkside or watching Jerry Springer during the day. There are jobs out there - people just need to put forth some effort.

  14. The name Towerview was dreamed up by a couple people working at NHS and forced down our throats. The neighborhoods NEVER had any input into that and most people I know hate it. Sounds like a prison camp - Towerview. Crap name.

    Riverview has a much nicer ring to it, and includes a larger area than "Towerview".

    If we have to give the area a name, I don't mind Riverview at all.

  15. Becker Jr., already taking expensive trips on taxpayer dimes and now this feel good BS.

    All sizzle, no sausage.

    Party On ODB!!!!

  16. I swear to god if you left Dickert's name out of this article and other recent "mayor" related articles, you would think Becker was back in office. Unreal.

  17. Why not start by firing Police Chief Kurt Wahlen and getting someone with the balls to fight crime so we don't have to rename to cover up problems within the city? People see through the smoke and mirrors or in this case, phony names.

  18. Whereas I like and do not mind the name Riverview, it still remains that is the name what the government is going to use (census tracks). I believe that we should give him a chance and hope he does not surface as a Gary Becker type. Dickert has to realize that he only has these two years and I believe he had better make hay while the sun shines and make everyone all inclusive.

  19. What we call the area is not the issue no big thing really. The fact that Mayor Dickert is simply thinking about new ideas is what is critical.
    I myself plan tyo help in the clean up.

  20. Thinking of new things is a great idea, but think of things that will impact the residents of Racine. Very nice name, but what are you going to start promoting it as a tourist attraction? You can change the name of anything but Racine is still what it is.

  21. What pettiness and lack of any kind of progressive thinking on these blogs.

    Thanks Mayor for thinking about the future of Racine. Don't pay attention to the same old worn out bloggers who can't get out of the basement. I like the name, more reasons why than why not!

  22. Mayor Dickert hasn't been in office very long. I didn't vote for him, but he has shown us that he is both committed to Racine and he believes in Racine. I like the Riverview name. I also believe it's important for the Mayor to attend these conferences. What better way to network, bounce ideas off of each other, solve problems, find solutions to the many issues cities have. We can learn from each other. Be part of the solution, folks.

  23. A new name is free. No tax dollars. For the tax hawks you should like it.

    A name has a great deal of power otherwise the other bloggers wouldn't be coming up with so many nasty names to try to shut the new mayor down just a few weeks in office. I've never met the new mayor but it seems like he is trying something that is successful in business. It's called rebranding. Again, it's free.

    Racine's own worst enemies are the people who don't try to make it a better place. Racine is only as bad as you make it or as good as you make it.

  24. Someone in here has been hangin' with Monte too long. He has now been converted to a Dickert fan? Wow!

    Post: Do a story on this.

  25. ............................................________

  26. The Reason Racine is struggling is that more people are interested in criticizing and throwing stones at people who are actually trying to make a difference.

    Unless you are going to get off your couch and do something for this city keep your whining comments to yourself.

    These are the same people who don't vote but are the first to publish a negative blog.

  27. Interesting - a pig in a dress is still a pig

  28. This mayor was elected because of his "10 yr plan". A plan i am still waiting to hear about and hope is more than renaming the central city. I like the name and the idea but is this all you got?

  29. Turds will still float in Riverview right??

  30. I can't see the river. What view? At least Whalen lives somewhat in the area. Where do the rest of the police/city employees live. I say they should all have to live in district 1 or 2. Then we will see how much nonsense goes on. We want to see the plan.

  31. How bout some news stories "Dickert DID so and so". "He brought this new business here". Where is that story? Sorry for not gushing over the name change and sister city "bright ideas". Its like when your child comes up with a plan to outlaw being mean. Really? Sounds good but.....
