
May 1, 2009

Ryan 'shocked' by news of Chrysler plant closing

First Janesville's GM plant -- 1,300 jobs lost since Christmas -- and now Kenosha's Chrysler plant -- another 850 jobs going; you'd think by now...
WASHINGTON – Wisconsin’s First District Congressman Paul Ryan issued the following statement regarding today’s news reports about the closing of the Kenosha Chrysler plant:

“I am shocked, surprised and deeply disappointed by today's news. From my conversations that took place with Chrysler executives this year and as early as Wednesday evening, I had been given assurances that this would not occur. I learned about this troubling development from news reports today and not from either Chrysler or officials at the White House that negotiated this bankruptcy restructuring. We are still trying to ascertain the meaning of this court filing.

"In fact, the details surrounding Fiat’s involvement in these restructuring plans gave me hope on the prospects of securing a new product in Kenosha to keep these jobs. Sadly, the crisis in the auto industry has hit Southern Wisconsin especially hard. With this gut-wrenching news, I am committed to continue to do all I can to support those in our community hit hardest by this loss, as we work to rebuild and revitalize the Kenosha community and Southern Wisconsin.”


  1. Well Paul, While you were running around trying to screen test for the GOP Poster Child, as usual, The First Congressional District, AKA YOUR District languishes in a serious way.

    Surprised? YOU should have been all over it you fool! You have been busy attacking Obama and trying to promote yourself into prime GOP country and you DESERTED US!

  2. Couldn't agree more. Nothing on the national scene but Ryan being screen tested and his babbling about a budget that he knew wouldn't pass and it was a remake of the same old Bush hash, in the meantime, his district back home rots.

  3. Hell we have money left in our checks lets simply give the car manufacturers more bail out funds.

  4. Yeah Paul Ryan was all over the media trying to fit the cookie cutter profile of what the GOP thinks will retool their party. Meanwhile, he wasn't taking care of his district, and oh my he is shocked. Well S h i t, Paul, what where you thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Obama ran on the message that he would bring jobs back to the US. No rewards for moving jobs out of the US. Forcing things like the quick Chrysler fix seems to have sent work to Mexico. Some don't want to blame Obama for this one but the GM and Chrysler pressure to meet the demands of his government all happened on his watch not Bush. Blaming the GOP and Ryan for this one doesn't work either. The dems have shut out all GOP voices and proposals since they have been in control the past two years.

    At some point Obama and the Dems have to take responsibility for their actions and stop blaming the past. This is the dems show now so they own it. Wake up this is the promised change. This didn't happen during a GOP congress or President Bush its happening now under the new congress and president.

  6. Within 60 mi of Racine the largest Wind Power event in the WORLD will be held. Would have been a great place for say RAMAC or RCEDC to send a mission to and try and recurt business for this area. Must be easier to try and build slums and hand out no bid contracts. I mean who cares if we have another 800 looking for work we have an Uptown art project.

  7. Quick - someone say tax cut and make it all go away!

  8. Rees Roberts5/03/2009 10:40 AM

    I wanted to say something which reflected how I felt about this but I couldn't come up with anything better than the very first post. So, I hope you don't mind but I will merely repeat it here:

    Anonymous said... Well Paul, while you were running around trying to screen test for the GOP Poster Child, as usual, The First Congressional District, AKA YOUR District languishes in a serious way.

    Surprised? YOU should have been all over it you fool! You have been busy attacking Obama and trying to promote yourself into prime GOP country and you DESERTED US!

    So well said. Thank you Anon 5/01/2009 4:32pm

  9. History will show that Obama did far more to make the end of the auto companies then anything else. If fact Government Motors has a huge advantage over everyone else but what does it matter? In 2 years no one will have any money to buy a car anyway.
    Marxism does not work.
    Cap and Trade will kill the economy
