
May 30, 2009

Party kicks off the Sunny & Chair Summer '09 Tour

The evening was called Wingstock -- a conflation of Wingspread and Woodstock -- and it was billed as a preview of Racine's Sunny & Chair Summer '09 Tour. And indeed, the 53 colorfully painted Adirondack chairs were artfully displayed throughout Wingspread's grounds, where they could be, and were, admired by the party guests.

But in reality Saturday night turned into a back-to-1969 party, with danceable music familiar to the over, 50 set, many of whom arrived decked out in their best '60s finery: tie-dye shirts, bandannas, peace signs in various colors.

By Tuesday, all the chairs will be displayed downtown, where they will remain through Labor Day, until they are auctioned off at the Chair Today; Gone Tomorrow public auction at Memorial Hall on Saturday, Sept. 12, to benefit the Downtown Racine Corporation, which has staged the public art event since 2002, bringing dogs, cats, bears, fish, otters, birds, lighthouses and spheres Downtown in previous years.

Lois Solberg, as colorful as the chair she sat in

Craig and Helen Johnson Leipold,
and their son, Connor, 17, tried out the big chair

Gary and Rebecca Alvarado (note her matching earrings, too)

Artist Crystal Johnson needs to grow into her sunglasses

Alderman Q.A. Shakoor insists every part of this outfit is original

Flower power motivated Terry Leopold,
DRC's special events
and party planner extraordinaire

Sean Hirsch, Deadhead

Meet Sean Hirsch, 27, the party's most ardent Grateful Dead fan. He says he attended his first Dead concert at nine months of age ... but his mother attended a Jerry Garcia Band concert when she was pregnant with him. But so what, you say; where's the proof? Well scroll down to the next picture and view just a few of the tattoos on Sean's back. Case closed!

The band 1969 enthusiastically played all the best '60s music;
hear them sing Somebody to Love, Woodstock and more HERE

Sonny and Cher wannabees Patty Aude and Mike Pilger

Wingspread's lawn turned into a 1960s dance floor


  1. how groovy to see the elites playing pretend games.

  2. That is what I thought anon 10:12. The exclusive few who get the first peek at the chairs. It did look like fun, why not do the same for the everyday common folk of Racine? Bring people downtown and have costume contests with music for the peasants.

  3. Hey, c'mon. This was a previously-announced fund-raiser, with tickets costing $125 per person.

  4. I'm glad that rich liberals can spend $125 to have a good time - they worked for it and it's their money. Just don't tell me I need to pay more when someone like me has a very different understanding of what $125 is.

  5. Exactly, Pete. $125 per person.

    I'd feel better about it if at least it benefited a charity, but this was for DRC.

  6. Who has an extra $125 per person laying around? That is an exclusive fundraiser geared toward certain types. I have done a little fundraising here and there. They had to know the average person would not be showing up. Anyway they can make it better by having that sort of celebration for the common folk.

  7. These chairs on going to be on public display all day this summer downtown. If you want an event for the "commoners", then come on down to first friday this week and check out the chairs.

    Some people are never happy.

  8. "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Racine does have its problems, but before reducing crime or any of the other issues in the city, I wish we could reduce the number whiners and complainers in Racine. They can find wrong in anything in Racine - even fundraisers.

  11. So, DRC is a charity now and requires fundraisers? DRC benefits only DRC, not needy people in Racine.

  12. DRC helps put on a number of events that come to the city - that pour money into local merchants, hotels and restaraunts. Many people are needy of free and reasonable things to do in Racine - so quit whining.

  13. Yes, let's reduce the whining before we get to that annoying criminakl activity. I was punched and robbed last year, but one of those damn Christians held me down and preached to me last week and this was FAR worse. Please put together a task force on this whining!!!

  14. These are not the "elite pretending to have a good time" but are people who give a damn about this community and not some negative bloggers who NEVER have anything positive to say!
    BRAVO DRC on another job well done.

  15. Yes Bravo, you put on a silly event at Wingspread. Oh how great. What do you have to give in return? There is the kick off fundraiser every year and you just got a bail out to pay for events/music downtown. These art projects bring in $100s of dollars at auction. Anyone checking the books?

  16. Hey Anon 12:18, live a little. Do the unexpected. If you really want to get those rich folks upset, scrape together the cash and "intrude" on their fun. Maybe you can spoil their high life antics by burping and farting loudly! Wouldn't that be fun?! I think so. Remember Caddyshack?

  17. The security is not that great. We could just streak through the gathering and escape in waiting canoes on the river that runs through it.

  18. Go for it - you'd just offer some additional entertaiment, but no zitty butts allowed.

  19. I want to party with you cowboy - in fact the last three posters - I'll even use some Nair on my butt so it isn't fuzzy!

  20. So many bitter people. Seems Racine is still the same ugly city I left 20 yrs ago.

  21. I look forward to this public art display every summer. I am featuring "Sunny and Chair" this week on my blog:
