
May 21, 2009

Four in court for 2007 drive-by killing of 12-year-old

Four men will be charged with the fatal shooting of 12-year-old Marize Jones here in 2007.

Alan Johnson, 27, will be in court tomorrow; LaQuinten Wilson, 23, Jimmie Green, 27, and Tarrance Banks, 28, are due to be arraigned today by the Racine County District Attorney. All four are being held in the Racine County Jail.

Police say the April 22, 2007, incident occurred in front of 1618 Albert St. when four persons were shot in a drive-by shooting, leaving Jones dead.

Dartavis Shelton, 25, pled guilty to his role in the shootings in 2008.


  1. Good job RPD - let's keep getting these thugs off the streets.

  2. Man oh man, the Blacktivity in this city never stops.

    Sure isn't like it used to be in the 70's.

    Mommas must be proud.

  3. Great job RPD! I have a hard time understanding the mentality of these lowlifes.

  4. What a shame. Four of them. Are we really doing anyone any favors by locking up four people? How many others are going to take their place on the streets? We need to get a better handle on things. Where on Earth are the mothers and fathers? I think it is time that mothers and fathers see themselves in trouble for their underage children's behavior.

  5. first all of yall with the negative comment need to look at your self and ask yall self if yall ever did any thing wron out of the four i have a child by the 23 year old and know what kind of person he is and also know that he did not do this and hopefully when they go to court they will see that to isnt it always innocent until proven guilty which he hasnt but though out it all i know in my heart and mind that he was not there and that even though this i will remain by his side no matter what the vertict should say i beleive in him and trust him

  6. Thank you for allowing comments on this topic (unlike the online site of a former employer of both Pete and Dustin).

  7. Anon 2:45-

    Get an education please.

  8. To 2:45 p.m. Is yous kiddin? If you ain't, I sho hope yalls chillin get demselfs a edumacation--some hows. Hows does yall no he dint do it? By jings that'll be gay! (as my ol pappy wud say)

  9. Depressed In Racine5/23/2009 3:14 PM

    Anon 12:08PM, no we are doing anyone any favors by locking these four murderers away. Rather than housing them in jail cells at a cost of far beyond $100,000 per year for the four of them collectivly, they should be taken out, stood up against a wall and shot. Just like their 12-year-old victim was gunned down. That is the ONLY way to send a message to those who might consider taking their places. People of this intellectual level only understand one thing, "If I kill and get caught, I'll be killed." Not only is the death sentence a real deterrent to SOME others, but it also keeps a killer from killing again.

    And to Anon 12:45PM have you ever heard of the word "punctuation?" My guess is that you were brilliant enough to drop out of school because you weren't learning anything and didn't want to continue wasting taxpayer dollars for an education you didn't want.

  10. Anon 12:08, I don't understand your thinking. None of the four accused of this crime are under age. They're all adults over 21 years old.

    As far as parents being responsible for their children under 18 years old, the liberals in our government have been taking that responsibilty away from them by passing laws that if they reprimand a child or dole out corporal punishment they can be jailed for child abuse. When the right to discipline a child is taken away from the parents, how can you expect them to control the children. My sister-in-law believes in "time out" as a punishement. It doesn't work because her child knows that no matter what he does the worst that will befall him is to have to sit in a corner for 30 minutes. Are you suggesting that that is what we do with these four alleged murderers? What alternative do you offer besides jail? The death penalty or just tell them it was wrong, not to do it again and let them go?

  11. Now if the Journal Times wants to cut costs they could probably get Anonymous 2:45 to write a daily column for minimum wage.

  12. Anon 12:08: My husband and I are with you on this one. The precepts prohibiting physical punishment have produced a plethera of pathetic perps. Punishment disciplines people and helps deter other idiots. And let's be honest, it'll remove 4 sperm donors from the streets too!
