
April 11, 2009

Spangenberg for mayor in 2011?

It looks like Alderman Jim Spangenberg is planning another run for mayor.

Spangenberg, who finished fourth in the April 7 primary, has an announcement on his Web site that reads: "Thank you for your support! Look for me in 2011."

It'll be interesting to see if a big field of candidate joins the 2011 race. Current Mayor Tom Friedel, who will leave office in May and return to the City Council, hinted he may run in 2011. Jody Harding had been planning to run in 2011 before the special election popped up, and Greg Helding likely will be interested.

Plus, Jeff Neubauer, who owns Kranz Inc. and was a big supporter of Kim Plache, may be in a position to jump back into politics.


  1. Running against an incumbent is a different race than running in a suddenly opened seat. The scandal of it all attracted a large field. I don't see many people lining up to unseat an incumbent who will likely have a significant money advantage by 2011.

    One would think Jody Harding would have learned her lesson with her showing in this race. People heard her negative message and it did not play well. She should run for County Board - that crowd seems to be more her cup of tea.

  2. 100% behind Jim!

  3. I guess some people need more than one wakeup call, huh????????

  4. The City of Racine will get one no matter who wins in May.
    Both are nothing more then Hacks of the Democratic machine.
    Turner will get my vote becuse at least he has done everything he has told me he would do.
    But come 2011 Please Jim Run

  5. Colt, why do you think anyone cares what you have to say? You think you are all important.

  6. You still feel you need to pick at Jody. She originally was going to run in 2011. She knows it takes time to get support. I don't see you Anon 6:46 or Heckler, trying to do something to help the city. She can straiten out the financial mess we are in. Now we will just go deeper into debt. Will anyone be able to afford to live in Turner or Dickerts Racine? Only if you are on welfare.

  7. 9:47

    You seem too.

  8. How about Jim Kaplan for Mayor? He would have my vote.

  9. Keith Fair!

  10. Ok, you guys who support Turner.........can you please tell me what he has done in his 19 years of representing us in Madison? Please tell me how the hell he has done anything for the working people of Racine?

  11. 6:11

    He is not John D.

  12. ABD (Anyone But Dickert)

  13. Jim Kaplan? That would be a vote wasted. What has he accomplished as an alderman or supervisor? Nice guy and all but he is a liteweight who would be underfunded and outdebated.

  14. Kaplan would get as many votes as his buddy Ray Fay. It takes more than a few scripture quotes and a teary eyed speech to be Mayor.

    I hear Kaplan has challengers lining up for both seats next Spring.

  15. Jim "Death of West Racine" Spangenberg shouldnt even be alderman. I dont understand how anyone takes this guy with an ounce of credibility. West Racine died on his watch. After Jim became alderman the majority of businesses in West Racine closed and nothing has been done to make the area any better. Shame on this man for even thinking he could be mayor.

  16. Kaplan?? Underhanded parking fiasco outside his home. Janes School fiasco. "Who me??", "What did I do that was wrong???" Blah, blah, blah. Truly a Christian?? Anyone can read the bible for goodness sakes.

    Now his wife will respond, let's hear it..................

  17. Thinking here that SEC filings of publicly traded companies could yield interesting facts.

  18. I hope Jaimie Charon throws his hat in the ring too. I was very impressed on his views on crime reduction, taxes, education, and business development/jobs. Keep an eye out for this guy.....

  19. What could be done to "save" West Racine?
    A Condo development without sufficient parking?
    What would that do but fall to becoming a low rent apartment building that actually worsens traffic flow and land value in the area. Look at the Kenosha Brassworks development or the many vacant condos in downtown Racine.

    Until infrastructure is in place to make Racine attractive to new residents that are willing to shell out good money for higher density residential units within the City of Racine itself all commercial areas within the city will be faced with problems of reduced viability, vacancy, and so forth as other, more desirable commercial areas exist.
