
April 20, 2009

Sheridan, Lehman endorse Turner

Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Mike Sheridan, D-Janesville, and State Sen. John Lehman, D-Racine, have endorsed State Rep. Bob Turner, D-Racine, in his race for mayor. Both were present at the opening of Turner's Sixth Street campaign office last Thursday.

A press release from Turner's campaign today quotes Sheridan saying: “Bob has dedicated his life to serving the people of Racine -- both at City Hall and in the State Capitol. With more than 30 years of experience governing at the state and local level, Bob Turner will serve as mayor with great ability, integrity and innovation.”

It quotes Lehman saying: “Bob Turner has so much experience to offer to the City of Racine. Bob is the only candidate that has the knowledge and relationships to work cooperatively with everyone. He connects so well with the citizens, labor organizations, and businesses here. Electing Bob Turner will assure that all Racinians, not just select groups, will have a part in restoring the city of Racine.”

The special election for mayor will be held on Tuesday, May 5. Turner came in second in the April 7 primary, to John Dickert. Also running, this time as a write-in, is Jody Harding, who came in seventh in the primary.


  1. What a shocker.

  2. Turner is Labor's designated candidate. No elected official who ever has had their support dares to oppose them even as their influence wanes.

    Lehman should grow a set.

  3. Turner has my vote. He has years of public service experience, knows the inner workings of City Hall, Has law enforcement experience in the Military Police, served as chair of the Racine Drug Prevention Task- force and is a nice person!

    Vote Turner !!!

  4. I think it is time for Democrats to take back their party frome these idiots and their little fraternity.

    What a nutless joke Lehman has become. How disappointing.

  5. Stepp needs money so she will run against Lehman, right? Huer husband's business isn't doing so great from what the word is. Lehman was a fool to endorse anyone.

  6. It is really disappointing to be represented by Lehman and Turner for so long when all they care about is what the unions want. I feel utterly unrepresented. Do I want Turner for mayor? NO

    He has not been nice when I write him letters. He was not nice to not show to the forum I attended, and then insinuate that his invite wasn't sent out with the rest. We have more drugs than ever in Racine. I do not see any differences. What did that task force do? What did they establish? I am fed up with what has been done for 30 years. It is not time to take a step back. Turner is not the candidate I want.

    If you watch that show survivor, Turner would be one of the people they keep til the end who just skates buy under the radar because he is a vote they can count on. The unions just tell him how to vote. That is useless to me.

  7. It is really disappointing to be represented by Lehman and Turner for so long when all they care about is what the unions want. I feel utterly unrepresented. Do I want Turner for mayor? NO

    He has not been nice when I write him letters. He was not nice to not show to the forum I attended, and then insinuate that his invite wasn't sent out with the rest. We have more drugs than ever in Racine. I do not see any differences. What did that task force do? What did they establish? I am fed up with what has been done for 30 years. It is not time to take a step back. Turner is not the candidate I want.

    If you watch that show survivor, Turner would be one of the people they keep til the end who just skates buy under the radar because he is a vote they can count on. The unions just tell him how to vote. That is useless to me.

  8. What would it take to recall Lehman and get a Democrat in office that actually has some stones?

    We have to hold politicans that use the buddy system accountable for their endorsements.

    "Electing Bob Turner will assure that all Racinians, not just select groups, will have a part in restoring the city of Racine.”

    OK, so John Lameman just took a swipe at another Democrat by insinuating that they would cater to special interests, all the while endorsing a candidate who he describes as:

    "Bob Turner has so much experience to offer to the City of Racine."

    Really John? Experience doing what exactly? Is he finally going to starting using that experience to help us out? How many years of experience do you have to acquire before it is ok to actually use it? I guess 30+ is the magic number. What a joke. And then you reach deep down into your vast resevior of knowledge to pull out this turd:

    "Bob is the only candidate that has the knowledge and relationships to work cooperatively with everyone."

    Yeah, except those at City Hall that agreed to host a public service by providing the public a place to view a mayoral forum, which he showed up for only to walk out. So instead of getting his message out there, Turner decides to publicly throw a hissy fit. Fantastic...that's just what I want is a crybaby complainer in office. Great way to stoke the flames of cooperation.

    Mr, I want to save the taxpayers money so that they can waste it drafting a legal document that ok's a forum that was already ok.

    And how about ducking out of the Taxpayer forum and saying you didn't get the memo? Another inspirational moment of cooperation.

    John Lehman's time has come. Racine has to move on. New Democrat blood is in order.

  9. Turner stomps out of forums, holds up others so they are forced to cancel. Where is the cooperation Lehman touts? If how this campaign has been run is any indication of the future, we're in trouble.

    I'm sick of the ALL the old boy networks. Lehman, you shoulda called two Dems running a victory and shut up.

  10. Josh, It is I who will be yawning as I drive past your picket sign when you are on strike.

  11. Lehman and Jody Harding must be working together.

    Here's what he is basically saying:

    I support KRM but I don't support funding it.

    I'm no expert on these types of things. God knows it is way over my stupid little head (thanks Jody - I still have a complex), but when you support a project that costs money, you have to actually pay for it. If you don't pay for it, then you don't really support it do you?

    Well, I guess you do if you want to appease both sides by being a total jag and say yeah, I supported KRM but I just couldn't support a tax based funding system. My opinions are based on self interest. Instead of just coming out against it, I hide behind "support" so everyone will love me.

    What I want is a tax on rental cars! Look around baby, there are rentals all over our streets. Literally tens of cars every year are rented in this city. I'm going to take that $50 and fund KRM!

    Or...just make it look like I tried by backing one of the lamest things ever proposed that has about a 0% chance of solving the problem.

    Lehman and Harding - together in their belief that the citizens of Racine are in fact, stupid.

    T to the O to the O to the L
