
April 4, 2009

Racine's LGBT Center has successful opening

See photos from the grand opening.

Bruce Joffe sat contently behind a desk Saturday as more than 100 people wandered through the new LGBT Center he opened on Junction Avenue in Racine. The crowd was actually down from the 200-some that gathered outside of the center earlier to hear speeches and officially open the city's first center dedicated to the gay community.

It was impressive morning for Joffe. Not only had he managed to open the center, but he opened it with the strong support of some of the area's leading politicians. Mayor Tom Friedel, five mayoral candidates, State Sen. John Lehman, State Rep. Cory Mason and several aldermen were on hand to celebrate the center's opening.

But perhaps most impressive, one guest noted, was there was no opposition to the center. No one protested out front or caused problems inside. People who did attend were overwhelmingly positive about the center and its potential.

Joffe noted the center already had 87 individuals, families or corporations join as members, and another stack of emails from people who have expressed interest. The center also has a robust schedule of events planned for the next two months (see the daily schedule and upcoming events here.)

Ray Vahey, president of Center Advocates Inc. in Milwaukee, a group working for full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people of Wisconsin, attended the opening.

"It's a wonderful thing you've done here," Vahey told Joffe.

The center itself is nicely refurbished. It's decorated with art, including a small gallery in the back of the center. There's also a large flat-screen TV to show movies or just to watch television.

The building's exterior was cleaned up as required by the city's condition-use permit, which drew some opposition back in December.

But on Saturday, the center only drew support from the community.


  1. Thank you Bruce Joffe and to all the others who helped create this center. Bravo!! It's a beautiful place.

  2. So now in addition to thugs walking around Uptown, we'll also have a bunch of fairies prancing around. Gotta love Racine!!

  3. The numbers seem exaggerated. These pics do not depict 200-300 people.

    I hate not being able to trust a publication because of its previously demonstrated biases. Is there a single news source in Racine that just reports the news - minus their personal beliefs?

  4. Just another reason why myself and others don't give to United Way. Money could be better spent on other things that add value to the community.

  5. Gee...too bad it didnt open in 1979 instead of 2009. Best wishes

  6. No need for negative comments. You don't have to agree with other people's lifestyle, but be respectful of your differences. LGBT Center, I wish you well and hope you can give the support, help, and education to others.

  7. Congratulations on opening, LGBT Center! I know many people who for whom this is a wonderful thing. Best wishes to the Center and community!

  8. Bravo Bruce and Company!! How awesome you opened such a wonderful SUPPORTIVE place. This can only enhance our city, and should be a welcome addition. Not only are you offering a place to hang out, watch movies, and socialize, you are contributing to the well-being of many people. The services and education you will provide will be a much needed opportunity.

    No need for hate here. So sad of you to judge based on what? People you have no clue about? If you'd take your time and get to know the "community," I assure you it's cleanier, nicer, better, happier! To bad about United Way, a amazing organization that gives ALOT to our city, services I'm sure you've had the privilege to experience!

  9. yeah there were at least 200 people outside during the ribbon cutting ceremony. I'm extremely happy I was at the opening ceremony it was a very moving event and there were so many people from all walks of life that came together. This center is going to be a huge asset to Racine. Thank you so much to everyone that helped open the LGBT center.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Instead of Racine being known as "Little Chicago" we can now be known as "Little San Francisco". Such an honor - NOT!

    I would like to know how a person walking around with a toilet on their head dressed like a mime in a wedding dress is going to add value and help Racine? I'm anxiously waiting on someone to tell me.

    United Way and Dave Maurer you should both be ashamed of yourselves for blowing donation money on this. Racine needs jobs and other training programs, not this garbage.

  12. I am pleased to have attended the event. It was another positive sign that our city is open to supporting a variety of needed services for our citizens. We grow stronger as a community when we can respectfully share in these events. I met some dynamic, creative people who have already contributed talent and resources. Thanks to the impressive number of people and organizations who contributed to this center opening.

    Supervisor Diane Lange

  13. Congrats Bruce, What a wonderful thing you are doing for the community! There will always be negetive judging in our world, but you continue to push past all barriers and fight for what you believe in. A wonderful, commendable quality of yours! The best of luck and wishes to your beautiful new place and your hard work in always looking for a way to make others lifes a little better and easier....i just admire that about you!!!!!

  14. Dustin: Which Mayoral candidates were on hand for this event? I am curious.

  15. I thought devote Catholics were against this type of thing? Helding? Dickert? Am I missing something here?

  16. I saw ... Karas, Dickert, Helding, Turner and Plache.

  17. Is it just me or are the pictures unavailable? There is a placeholder but no photos that I can see.

  18. apparently helding was there. but i doubt he would deny it, and lie to you.

    never the less he went to this trash and he lost my vote.

  19. Some people are just Christians when it is convenient to them.Values for our children? Someone please explain to me how. It will backfire because it is not right. It is not Biblically sound and all you hipocrits can continue to rationalize as to its merits.

  20. Anon 6:55pm. I am a Christan and I believe in rights for all people, and treating people with dignity and respect at all times. Everyone has the right to their own opinion and believes and no one set of belief is the "right" belief.

  21. "The numbers seem exaggerated. These pics do not depict 200-300 people." The photos show only a snap shot in time; this was a 6-hour open house event. I guess if you look for bias you will always see it, but it is not present in this news article.

  22. Tunrer can make this but he could not make two community forums?


  23. Still can't see the photos - the place was nice and they had friendly people and a nice event -

  24. Anon 5:08: You must be missing some Java or Flash thingie.

    Go HERE for Dustin's photos on Flickr.

  25. Thanks Pete - that worked!

  26. Charles Adams4/07/2009 9:36 AM

    They weren't toilets, they were cheeseheads spray painted white. And they were dressed as Nuns...not mimes. So it is perfectly acceptable to put a yellow piece of foam on your head covered in body paint whooping around like a moron in the freezing cold, drunk off your butt, but using it for a costume is taking it too far. Bravo to all the candidates who showed up, the devout Catholics, the republicans (whether some deny or accept their presence), the democrats and all people who believe that having a place where one can feel safe in this city is a step in the right direction.

    Oh and "little San Francisco"? really? Haven't we beat that cliche to death?

    Good work Bruce and all who have made this into a reality. I had a great time on Saturday!!

  27. So walking around with a cheesehead spray painted white, mocking a religious order, while promoting tolerance is acceptable behavior? I find that very interesting and quite insulting to all Christians not to mention very hypocritical. Nothing like slapping the face of members of the clergy and all those that attend religious services.

    You are very wrong Charles Adams – we already do have a place for these people in Racine and that place is the 4th floor at the former St. Luke’s Hospital. We have a very helpful staff and comfortable rooms complete with padded walls for the people in this story. Obviously they need some serious mental help.

  28. Anon 5:38, why do you care? The LGBT is not for you to use or understand. But then insulting a group of people that enjoy life and are having fun is hateful, and very christian of you.

  29. Charles Adams4/08/2009 5:33 PM

    Well, Anon Chapter 5: Verse 38

    First of all, show your face as well as your credentials (i.e. your medical degree and license) and I will take your diagnosis of gay people and where they should go seriously. Sounds like you know padded rooms well, I am sad I didn't get a post card from your visit(they have gift shops!)

    Second, I feel no need to respect people, groups or religions who promote hate and/or stupidity in their doctrine(s). And if you feel insulted, well so be it...get insulted, swim in it, until your fingers become pruny. I have to say though your post hit a hypocritical apex when your narrow minded assessment and condemnation of homosexuals then demanding respect, that is talent I tell you, good work!

    Quick question though, in all seriousness now; how do you feel about the show "The Flying Nun"? Deplorable, right? I mean look at the disrespectful nature of THAT!! The endowment of "magic powers" like flight, next thing you know BOOM...water into wine. Infuriating, BUT she was just so darn cute, you can't help but just love Sally Field to pieces. Oh the conundrum...

  30. Mr. Adams (I'll make a big assumption that you are still a "he", but with this group its feasible you are one of those "he-she" things)

    It doesn't take a medical degree to know that gays, transgenders, and whatever other freaks sitting in your little outhouse are very confused and mixed up individuals with serious mental issues. I don't see straight people prancing around proclaiming they are heterosexuals to the world. Why must gays constantly shove their gayness down everyone's throat? Keep it to yourselves like everyone else. No one wants to hear your sick, twisted, and perverted stories or beliefs.

    This organization is doing nothing but lowering property values and giving Racine an even worse name in the world. Enjoy watching your "Brokeback Mountain" on the "large flat-screen TV". What a joke...

    I strongly encourage the few people with sense and morals in Racine to avoid the businesses/organizations that support this garbage. Your money could be better spent at other businesses/organizations that actually support this community and don't promote this nonsense. (i.e. Educators Credit Union, United Way)

  31. anon 10:14 It's people lke you that make Racine an ugly place to live.

  32. Its people like anon 10:14 that are trying to keep values in Racine. Talk about a losing battle lately!

  33. LGBT: Sick? Perverted? Disgusting? I think you're going to find out just how sick and disgusting it really is when one of your members tries to recruit someone's son or daughter into your ranks. You people and your supporters are no better than Gary Becker. The first time one of you is caught going after one of our young people you might as well just paint a big bullseye on your clown costumes because some father is going to come hunting for you, and I hope he finds you.
