
April 18, 2009

Oliver leaves Turner campaign

Here's some "insider baseball" from the mayoral campaign trail. Craig Oliver is no longer working for Robert Turner's campaign. Oliver, a local political activist, worked on Turner's campaign in the primary. But now, depending on who you ask, he's left the campaign or was asked to leave the campaign.

Who really knows what this means in the larger picture of the May 5 special election, but it may be a sign Turner is getting serious about the race. Opponent John Dickert has two hired political guns working on his campaign, and Turner has hired a new campaign organizer for the special election.

Let's hope both teams realize the mistake they're making by attending a secret meeting with business leaders on April 20. (Incidentally, Pete questioned my characterization of the meeting as "secret." After all, we reported the meeting is happening, so it can't be that big of a secret. But I stand by the description because organizers are purposely excluding the public. It's almost worse. If they held it in secret, no one would know. But this meeting everyone knows, they just can't attend. They're keeping the content of the forum secret. In other words: "What happens in Sturtevant, stays in Sturtevant.")

It's about time the JT weigh in on this story. Hello, editorial board! We know you don't like to get involved in messy endorsements, but you can certainly stand for campaigning in public. Then again, the JT is a member of RAMAC so they can just attend. Let's hope they plan to send someone - maybe Publisher Rick Parrish or Editor Steve Lovejoy? - and report on what happens. Or perhaps our daily paper should resign from the organization in protest of their secret forum. At the least, Parrish should resign his seat on RAMAC's board.


  1. I'm sure Craig Oliver was a liability to the Turner Camp. I'm not really a Turner supporter but I do have to give him credit for ousting Oliver, if indeed that's what happened.

  2. Excellent move Mr. Turner. Now the Dickert hacks won't be able to cry about the Oliver name. LOL.

  3. Oliver is well known around Racine, but not for good reasons.

  4. shequayla jackson4/18/2009 12:34 PM

    Word is he was asked to leave because he violently threatened the organizers of one of the debates.

  5. I heard Oliver was threatening some of the people who were in charge of the YPR forum when it was held at Gateway last month.

  6. That is very good news that Craig Oliver is no longer associated with Robert Turner's campaign. The next people that need to go are Keith Fair, and Jim and Joyce Smith. Robert Turner, if you are serious about becoming the next mayor of Racine, you need to oust these other people. You cannot afford dirty politics or have political baggage trailing you. They are a liability to your campaign.

  7. Let's see. Candidates meet all the time with the Journal Times editorial board, a meeting that is not open to the public. Some, but not all, material may be relased in the form of a press article, editorial, etc.

    Candidates attend at speak at neighborhood gatherings, typically by invitation. These gatherings are open to the invited guests, not the public.

    What's wrong with a group or groups wanting to speak to the candidates?

    The Racine Post hasn't made clear why it believes invited-only events are "wrong."

  8. Bob Turner has my vote! Years of public service experience, Knows the inner workings of city hall, a military veteran, connections at the State and Federal level, and an overall nice person. No hidden agendas.

  9. It is apparent that the efforts vto smear a campaign do not stop. Craig Oliver left the campaign because he has a family member that ill. Now with that said why don't Dustin stop with the shallow journalism that simply leads to speculation and inuendos.I believe he lost some course work in journal. Dustin you are an example of Covert Racism through your White journalism!!!! You throw rocks and hide your hands. Why don't you come out and just endorse Dickert.At some point the people will get smart and realize that you do not know how to investigate a story. Maybe John does not want negativity in his campaign, but you continue to give people a avenue to spew hatred that will land right in his lap. So continue to do your part to add to the Racial Divide. You call on the JT to report, that's the only source for real news.Dustin it is sad but true, you can not even hold a candle to those young ladies at the JT. REPORT REAL NEWS!!!!

  10. It is true however that Oliver threatened organizers of a forum. If Turner didn't ask him to go for that reason, shame on Turner because he should have! I guess my original opinion of Turner was correct.

  11. I wouldn't support someone who made a habit of threatening others no matter their color. Here we go with the race card. Problems with Oliver have nothing to do with his color, the guy just has a lot of issues.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Anonymous 1:17 is Craig Oliver.

  14. Dustin,
    Who are Dickert's hired political guns or don't you know? Once again you show your lack of training. Who? What? When? Where? Why? and sometimes How? That was quick course an it won't cost you nothing!!! As I can remember you went into detail on the other story.

  15. Post 1:48,
    Once again speculation,Craig Oliver is not going to take credit for that post because it was me!! I recently was told about this site and I you will be hearing from me because this not journalism, it is editorialism.

  16. ann 1:30 i think you need to look at what your saying before you blab out stupid false faces.
    first off Mick Burke? he's not even apart of the dickert campaign!
    and monte osterman being a child molester? I want to see what you have to support that or are you just saying that because you want to help trash another well respected person in Racine?

  17. From the tone of the Turner campaign posts on here I would guess Craig Oliver is still part of the campaign. Are there any bricks laying around?

  18. Plenty of bricks laying around but you seem to be the one that is throwing them.All a person has to do is go to the Police Department and gather information, but no, you seem to just rely on innuendo. Stop the negativity?? What a joke!!!!

  19. Craig OLiver is a racist, along with Keith Fair and Ken Lumpkin. Turner did the right thing by shedding him. Oliver, Fair and Lumpkin do not know how to, nor do they make an effort to work with the rest of the community. They enjoy playing the angry black man but they will no go anywhere. At least Turner learned long ago how to build bridges and work with other people. Still not voting for him, nice guy and all but I don't want a mayor beholden to the unions.

  20. You people are ridiculous. At every opportunity that presents itself you small minded individuals bash any black person that stands up for the rights of minorities. Just so that it is clear, I AM NOT CRAIG responding. Also, Craig did not threaten anyone. The individual that is running around accusing Craig of threatening her ought to tell the truth about the distasteful e-mail she sent out. As soon as a person of color stands up for themselves they are accused of being threatening. Be assurred of one thing, there are a few African Americans in Racine that are not afraid to speak out against the injustices that occur against people of color and no matter how many times you all use the blogs as a smear campaign, NOTHING, NOTHING, will stop them for speaking out against injustices that go on in this community. Oh, I forgot you perfect people have a right to judge others.

    Since you all are such an expert on who should leave the Turner campaign, who do you recommend? NOT ONE OF YOU, know the reason that he is not with the Turner campaign and no explanation is warranted.

  21. Wow, it seems like there is more to the story.

    Also, it was just admitted on here that Craig Oliver did threaten a women in an "email". When is Craig Oliver going to produce this email? What lead up to it? What was the context? Is it ever appropriate for a man, Craig Oliver, to use violence against a women or is it OK in a political setting? All these are valid questions that should be answered.

  22. Sorry anon 3:39 - as much as you'd like to write this off to a case of racism, you are way offbase, but I'd guess you already know that.

    I guess anon 3:39 feels that if a person is black, they can act anyway they like, even if it means threatening them with violence. (And by the way, this is not the first woman who was threatened physically by Oliver, I know someone else. How many others are there?)

    Sorry anon 3:39 - being born black does not give you or anyone else a pass to behave any way you like without suffering the consequences. Start taking responsibility for your life - being black is no excuse for thuggery and violence.

    There is no place for that type of behavior anywhere, I could care less what color you are. What a pathetic excuse.

  23. First of all it was not a threat and you should do your homework before you spew this type of negativity. Kelly Galleher from Yes We Can started the whole dialoque and once again the Black Men in this community were expected to sit mute. One would have to question WHITE PRIVILEGE at this point. Just know your place people and we will speak for you. Unfortunately it does not happen. it makes little sense to me that an Organizer from one of the organizations who's purpose is to bring and speech togetherness would continue to allow this types of dialoque in her name. Once again silence people with White Privilege. That is why we can't come together as far as race relations are concerned. People need to grow up and only speak what you have knowledge of. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to speak!!!!!!

  24. It is so interesting that I am being discussed on this blog as being a racist. Those that know me only know me as a person that seeks the truth and I really do not care what color you are. It is interesting to me what caliber of people are residing in our populace in Racine. The beauty of cultural diversity should not sometimes but always be celebrated. There is not a racist bone in my make up, only to bring correction to a generation that has run a muck under the anonymous title. One of the things that my mother always taught was that if people are talking about you that means they care about you. With that being said, Thank you for caring about me. Once again the invitation is always an open one to call me and lets talk about what bothers you.I usually do not respond to the blogs but sometimes they just get too ridiculous and some people tend to believe them. Have a great day!!!

  25. Looks like Oliver like Fair have lots of anger issues.

  26. The racist talk spewing from "anonymous 4:59" is sickening. Wow. Such blatant racism is something I don't see too often.

    Keith Fair and Craig Oliver - please go check into some anger managment classes, and while you are at it some diversity training classes would help too. You both obviously have racism issues.

  27. One again Fair you dropped your race card-let me pick it up for you. You are a has been and the voters sent you packing!!!!

  28. To the person that posted at 4:59 p.m. you are right on the mark. Kelly Galleher and ran around and tried to potray herself as a victim when she is infact NOT. And for Bono, the days for black people bowing down to white folks is over. So if it makes you feel better to believe that Craig has threatened any one go right ahead, but just know this whether you are a white male or white female, no one is going to take the back seat to you and let you just say whatever you want to say. If Kelly Galleher is such a great person she would acknowledge that the e-mail she sent unprovoked by anyone started a firestorm and then wanted to act as if she was so innocent and came under attack by Craig. Would it have been better for a black woman to have put her in her place? What a joke you people are.

  29. Oops sorry Keith, I was reading another post I thought was yours. Actually the one you wrote isn't bad, it's the one above it.

  30. Actually I know for a fact that Oliver threatened another woman, it happened at least a few years ago. It's not a rumor, it's fact. That's why it's not too difficult for me to believe he'd do it again to someone else.

    Anon 5:27 - the only people turning this into a race issue are people like yourselves. You have some serious racism problems if you haven't figured that out yourself. Or wait, I guess it's ok for blacks to be racist? Nobody buys your line of bs anymore - save it for someone you might be able to intimidate.

  31. Why can't we all just get along!

  32. I would beg to differ with you about packing, because i am not going anywhere. As a matter of I refuse to hide under an anonymous label and i am reasonably sure you can appreciate this. I really believe that people of good will should continue to fight against institutions that promote negativity and racism, but can't we disagree and still get along in this semi- perfect environment known as the blogs. it never has bothered me to communicate as long as it is open and respectful to all parties concerned. Once again call me i am very approachable. For those that feel differently, well you really never met and why then should I care. Diversity, Anger management class not needed, but always looking fo improvement. Thank you!!

  33. Excuse me! that was my post, I hit the wrong button.

  34. Bono, I take it you are a witness to this and could testify in a court of law if called upon? This is what I think,so that you all can put a rest to this subject matter,Kelly should come clean and acknowledge that NO ONE threaten her person, property or family Again, if speaking up for oneself when a person of another race says something outline is racist, then I'll be a racist.

  35. So what I am getting from the anonymous comments which I assume are from the Turner campaign is:

    1. Craig Oliver threatened an organizer of one of debates, Kelly(?), and it is no big deal.

    2. Craig Oliver threatened her with violence but she had it coming.

    3. Craig Oliver threatened her with violence but she provoked him so it is her fault.

    4. Craig Oliver did not threaten her with violence but it is still her fault because she stuck her nose where it does not belong.

    So which is it.

  36. Anon 6:22 - so why do you cry the race card when a white person sticks up for themself by claiming someone of another race did something out of line?

    Sounds like you have different standards for different colors. That is true racism at its finest.

  37. Anon 6:22 "Bono, I take it you are a witness to this and could testify in a court of law if called upon? This is what I think,so that you all can put a rest to this subject matter,Kelly should come clean and acknowledge that NO ONE threaten her person, property or family"

    Ok - how dumb was that. You get all over Bono about no evidence and then immediately tell someone else to come clean about something for which you supply no evidence for.

    Was that intentionally ironic or just stupid?

    just in - new blog post from anon 6:22 titled "people shouldn't blog"

  38. Sarah it is simple, he never threatened anyone. And again, I say Kelly could put an end to all of this by acknowledging that NO THREATS WERE MADE TO HER PERSON, PROPERTY OR FAMILY BY ANYONE. As for Anonymous that posted at 9:02, I don't have a different standard when it comes to racism, Craig and Keith have been attacked at every opportunity presented on Racine post and called racists. I will stand by my statement. If defending oneself from a person of another color makes a person a racist then so be it. I doubt very seriously if you have ever been personally attacked by either Keith or Craig so what puts you in a position to call them racist.

  39. Anon 9:16 seems to know exactly what happened. Why not publish the message or what you know of what was in it?

    The fact that you say you have that knowledge must mean you were involved in some way. This Kelly wouldn't have to explain herself because it would be obvious what happened. So instead of putting it on that woman, maybe you should be the one that comes clean with what you know.

  40. No, Kelly started this horrible RUMOR AND LIE and since she represents "Community for Change", she should be the one to clear up this mess. Its no use with you people, your mind is made up. I'm done.

  41. Way to chicken out. Your true colors are shining through.


    Man up. You called out someone based on something you pretend to know but apparently are clueless. What is it and why are you so scared to divulge it? What are you hiding?

  42. What a scam. There is no e-mail. This guy doesn't have anything and then when he is asked to supply proof for his accusation he points fingers at other people, pouts and calls it a night. What a tool.

  43. Just think what Racine will be like if Turner wins.
    Folks like Oliver and Fair running Racine even further into the ground.

  44. On a scale of 1 to 10

    1 being utterly ashamed and 10 being Jody Harding Level depression -

    Where would rate Bob Turners opinion of the morons working on his staff that posted on this blog.

  45. Keith Fair has a record of intimdating people he does not agree with. When he was on the city council he verablly attacked a representative from the Uptown District-yelling "who the hell does she think she is coming in here" and when he was with Cohens Project New Life, he threatened the former mayor and city staff when financial irregularities were pointed out. As a police offcier for Kenosha, he was found at raider practices when he had called in sick and as a unified employee he was asked not to come back because of the way he treated the students. And lets not talk about problems with the reverend's ministry and his support of problem bars in Racine. Turner would be well served to keep his distance from the ilk of Fair and Oliver.

  46. People, settle down. This is very simple. The Community for Change liberals have been in the tank for Dickert since day one AND Turner employs race hustling poverty pimps who are a disgrace to Racine.

  47. In response to the last comment about Community for Change supporting Dickert, I would like to clarify a few things.

    First of all, as an organization, Community for Change does not endorse candidates.

    However, in our organization, there are many politically active folks who have supported a variety of candidates. Many people liked more conservative candidates like Spangenberg. We have members who have publicly endorsed both Turner and Dickert.

    In fact... the bloggers here may find it interesting that Keith Fair himself is a member of the organization he is so vehemently opposed to. Here is his profile:

  48. Wow, Anon 12:57 and Keith Fair just got PWNED!

  49. It is interesting how the very same people that make racist accusations throw rocks and hide their hands. Once again that the alleged break down of my career is not true. I just hope that Racine as a whole is not this shallow. I support Community 4 Change and have never denied it. This campaign is not about Keith Fair, but of course those of ill will act like they believe that it is. Thank you for the attention but it could be directed in a more positive direction. Once again i will continue to answer these false accusations and not under the banner of Anonymous. Thank you and have a nice evening!!

  50. Keith - I'll give you some credit for not going bat crap insane on this blog. You got nailed a few times but didn't retaliate too much.

  51. Since a representative from Community for Change has come out and defended its position on politidal endorsements, why don't they clear up the accusation that Craig Oliver threatened one of its members since the organization knows that he did not threatened ANYONE.

  52. I read the email. He threatened violence on a woman. He needs to explain himself.

  53. Produce the email and the whole community will see what a farce it is. ???? Is there a different in threatening a women and a man? Fear mongering at its best.

  54. Julie, since you read the e-mail tell us what he said. Also tell us what Kelly said that generated a response from a few people to her e-mail.

  55. It is so laughable to hear people complain of Racine and its racism. I grew up in a truly racist town. Where people of colore where called by horrible slang terms. Just because someone of another flesh tone disagrees with you does not make them a racist. There are even places where being of dark flesh is the majority and not minority. So enough already.

  56. Charge these fools a buck a blog, Craig Oliver will have a big bill.

    Turner's campaign was a comlete joke, now with Oliver ousted, at least on the surface, things look a bit more serious.
