
April 22, 2009

Mozol proposes three-year terms for City Council members

A few notes from the City Council meeting:

* Alderman Robert Mozol wants the City Council to consider extending aldermanic terms from two years to three years. The proposal was referred to the city's Committee of the Whole, which is the entire City Council meeting as a committee.

* Mayor Tom Friedel wants to adjust staffing at the city's CAR25 TV station. He wants to switch from three part-time employees to one full-time employee and one part-time employee.

* The Council voted to send a collective bargaining agreement with Local 430, AFL-CIO, Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, back to the Personnel and Finance Committee. The proposed agreement runs from Jan. 1, 2009 to Dec. 31, 2010. The Personnel and Finance Committee had voted in favor of the agreement at its April 13 meeting.



  1. Is it to hard to run for re-election every two years because you're so busy doing nothing on the city council? WE NEED TERM LIMITS! It would be nice if the residents of Racine started caring about who their elected officials are too.

  2. i've always been opposed to term limits, but after watching this city council....

  3. I think two years can be an eternity with some of these bozos.

  4. Three years sound like a good idea. These people have been doing a good job.

  5. Everybody's a critic. Where are you guys when it comes time to step up and run for office?

  6. Mrs. Schubert4/22/2009 7:32 PM

    We do need term limits. We need new blood and ideas. Some of these aldermen on the student council have been there too long, and usually because they run unopposed. We should never have an uncontested election. As far as doing a good job for Racine - tell me, just how good is it in this city? Are you happy with the taxes, crime, education, jobs, roads, ordinances? Do you believe this could be a better city if we get new people with new ideas on how to do things? Not everyone is cut out to be an alderman, nor does everyone have the time to commit to the many meetings and obligations that are required. Still, if you are interested in making a positive difference, or if you know someone who is, tell them to run for alderman in their district the next time an election comes up.

  7. Urban Pioneer4/22/2009 10:02 PM

    Come on!!! You just all sat around and wrote ordinances that will PREVENT businesses from coming To Racine! At least we can hold you to the fire for that in LESS than 2 years!

  8. Urban Pioneer, I mean Ken, I mean Jody's campaign...

    Please get a grip. The city just passed an ordinance limiting retail liquor licenses, not preventing business from coming to town. My neighborhood is constantly littered with trash from the liquor stores around here. Miniature bottles, beer cans, blunt wrapper packaging, and other trash.

    I for one want the city council thinking about neighborhoods. It is about time they step up and deal with the proliferation of alcohol.

  9. anonymous, i mean women's temperance society, i mean terry mccarthy...

    how on earth can you tie liquor licenses to economic development and property tax growth? does it all have to do with dollars for the city?

  10. This council is afraid to vote against each other. One starts there head bobbing yes and the others start bobbing yes right along with them. Lets hope we do replace them. Prove yourself in 2 years and get reelected.

  11. We need good folks in office,we need to PURGE the fools who go along with Little Gary to RCEDC and DRC.
    Thank God we can vote for Jody who at least will end the good old boy network at City Hall

  12. I believe (2) years is plenty of time. Alot can change in a persons life in (3) years. This is only part time position so I think (2) years is plenty. It will also stop alderman from becoming LAZY and only wait till election time to do anything.

  13. Colt -

    1) Jody cannot win.

    2) If she somehow does, she has no clue about how things work.

    3) She has to work with the city council to get anything done.

  14. 5:46 the City Council being made up of the good old boys is one of the many things wrong with Racine.
