
April 8, 2009

McCarthy wins full term, endorses Dickert

Alderman Terry McCarthy wrapped up his third election in three years Tuesday night with a fresh two-year term to represent the city's ninth district. Now he actually gets some time off.

McCarthy ran three years ago against Pete Karas and narrowly lost. He then ran in a special election after Karas resigned his seat because of an obscure state law that threatened his job. This spring he easily defeated challenger Christian De Jong.

Now, he gets to put away the campaign signs and take some time off from elections.

McCarthy said at Dickert's victory party Tuesday night that he was endorsing Dickert in the May 5 mayoral race. The two have been friends for a long time, he said.


  1. Why did't Dickert run against Becker in 2007 if he was so worried about the quality of Racine? I am told that they are "no longer friends", and I would think that that would have been enough motivation for the man to run against Becker. Very curious indeed. Something isn't right here.

  2. Dickert = Becker

    Turner has issues but next to Dicker Bob wins!

  3. Colt - what is it about Dickert that bothers you? Go talk to the man! You've got some idea about him that is obviously not right. I know you Colt, and I know John Dickert and also Bob Turner - and if you knew John too I know without a doubt you wouldn't have the opinion of him that you do.

    As for anon 6:11 - I guess you could ask that of ALL the candidates? There is only one that put her name in before Becker went down (Harding). Helding is/was a closer friend in recent years than Becker which probably explains why he didn't run sooner. But what about the others?

  4. Oops my last post I meant to say Helding is/was a closer friend in recent years to Becker than Dickert was. I need more coffee before I write!

  5. His campaign team bothers me the most!

  6. Campaign team? You mean Turner's or Dickert's? I don't really know who's on Dickert's team but the people I know on Turner's team bother me. People like Jim Smith and Craig Oliver for example.

  7. Dickerts!!!!!

  8. what is see with dickerts team is a lot of excitement about their candidate, people are taking interest in him because they know he will lead the city back to where we had it once. O'bama started the "it's cool to be excited about government again". our church's school got a new principal a couple years ago and many people are now excited and interested in our school again. to me it's the same energy.

  9. If this election is by the friends someone keeps look at Turner. Jim and Joyce Smith, Craig Oliver....I will think of more. If it is based on who you keep mear you Dickert wins hands down.

  10. So who is Mcarthy? Why is his endorsement important? He is turning into one big politico!

  11. Wow. A new record.

    It did not take long for Turner's team to start throwing mud and turning the campaign dirty.

  12. The reason why Dickert couldn't run against Gary Becker is that they have the dirt on one another regarding the demise of the Imaginarium project, in which the City of Racine lost $500,000 and a local financial institution lost probably even more. The issue came up before Becker's first mayoral election but the voters didn't see the writing on the wall. The rest is history, unless we repeat the same mistakes by electing Dickert.

    Talking of history, Dickert last night declared Bob as history and himself as the future. That was utterly laughable. Bob is a totaly decent, and honest human being who loves the City of Racine and has served it for decades. Yes, he may not be a smooth-talker like Dickert, but I would rather trust the City to a mute guy than a fast talker who will take us to the cleaner like Becker. By the way, Bob's speech problem is not a learning disability. It was the happy result of an accident that almost claimed his life. Those of us who know him well are very proud to call him our friend and the City of Racine will be well served to elect him the Mayor.

  13. see what is happening here?

    mccarthy and other city council members are/going to be endorsing dickert for mayor.

    it is going to be the same as it was with becker in there. the mayor and all his buddies on the city council nodding their heads.

    so much for change.

  14. Imaginarium project now that would be a story for the Post
    We have I think major players and mayor crime

  15. Turner's people stole my campaign sign. Turner has not impressed me. I don't see what he has done or has been doing for all his experience in office. I don't work for a union, so I don't need him.

  16. I agree, Dickert has MANY idiots in this town fooled. If elected, it will be a hoot of a time just blastin' him in these blogs. Honeymoons don't last forever John, many of your "friends" now won't even look twice at you when things get muddy in the future. Just ask your friend Gary Becker, he will tell you. Good luck, you will need plenty of it.

  17. ANON 4:40:

    Keep wishing and hoping for that story. Dustin is a closet Dickert supporter and will not dig up dirt on him. I used to praise Dustin and Pete up and down about reporting on the tough stories in here that the JT refuses to print.
    Lately, however, they seem biased (especially around this election, deleting negative posts about John Dickert, etc...) and it is disturbing to say the least. I knew a good thing wouldn't/couldn't last. It is their site, they can do whatever floats their boat I guess.

  18. McCarthy was and is not one of the usual "good old boys".

    Bob Turner might be a great guy - but if that's the case, why is he surrounding himself with the questionable people he has working for his campaign? That says an awful lot about him, and what it's saying is not so good.

    I don't think the people who supported Becker should be criticized too harshly - they were all hoodwinked and kicked to the curb shortly after he was elected or in the years following. Just ask any of them.

    Becker put up a great facade and used his friends to get him elected. Once they were no longer useful they were gone. By the time he was ousted for the child porn, he had few real friends left, if any. He had many artificial political friends like Greg Helding for example.

    And let's face it, Becker didn't do a terrible job as mayor, it was his personal life that did him in.

    I know John Dickert and his wife, and I am confident they will represent the city well and honorably. He will not embarass us like the former mayor and I know he cares deeply about Racine and will do a great job.

  19. Dickert = Becker. God save us all.

  20. Turner says he wants "to put Racine back in place." He's been a State Representative for what - 16 years? Can anyone name one single thing that he's done for the city in all that time? Nothing that I can think of. He's a waste of time.

  21. OK...First...since Mr. McCarthy is the actual subject of this article, I would liket to say congratulations on your well deserved win. You are a good person that truely has the best interest of Racine in you actions. I am glad so see you have a more secure position on the common council.

    That being said, which would some of you bloggers prefer, a common council against the mayor so nothing changes and the city goes down in flames - the direction it could easily go, or a common council that works together with the mayor. You might not agree with all of the changes, but how would you know if something works if you don't try?

  22. McCarthy is a waste of space on the city council. That guy hasnt done a thing and wont ever do anything that really benifits the city. Terry makes a great yes man though.

  23. I also want to mention Im voting for Dickert. I just think McCarthy is useless on the city council. He shouldnt even be a neighborhood watch captain.

  24. West Side Willy4/10/2009 8:09 PM

    Ok people - for the record - and this you can find and prove for yourselves: The Imaginarium project was taken down not by Dickert or Becker or the bank. It was taken down by Jim Smith as a purely political play. Remember you read it here first, Jim Smith killed the Imaginarium and that is his legacy. Jim Smith is a tyrant and uses the dirtiest tacticts available to try and discredit political opponents. He rolled over on the children of our community for his own political purposes and that is why he is a complete disgrace.

  25. Wrong West Side Willy, Stop trying to save Dickert's "name". The Dickert machine is poop.
