
March 20, 2009

Want to be a Gateway College trustee? Apply now!

How'd you like to help run Gateway Technical College? Serve on its board, hire its president, make big academic decisions?

Well, here's your opportunity!

The Board Appointment Committee for the Gateway Technical College District Board of Trustees is accepting applications from district residents seeking appointments to the board. Deadline to apply is noon on April 7.

Those holding the seats up for reappointment are Ron Frederick, Rebecca Vail and Ron Jandura. The three-year appointments begin July 1, 2009, and end June 30, 2012.

There is one vacancy for Kenosha County, one for Walworth County and one districtwide seat. The districtwide seat must be filled by a school district administrator, and among the two remaining seats, one must be an employee member and the other an employer member.

That employee / employer distinction is interesting. The first refers to anyone who works for any business in the Tri-County District; the second refers to someone who is an employer in the district (with at least one employee); neither means someone who works for Gateway.

Jayne Herring, Gateway director of communications, further explained in response to my query, that, "The board make-up is an interesting formula where its members represent a county and a type of individual — a role one fills in their community (not at Gateway). Those types are employee, employer, superintendent of a school district with K-12 grades, elected official, and one 'additional' member."

Applications must be notarized and include two letters of reference; applicants must be present at the April 29 meeting of the appointment committee at the Burlington Center, 496 McCanna Parkway. Chairpersons of the Kenosha County, Racine County and Walworth County boards of supervisors make up the interview committee.

Those interested in applying can find forms online, at county clerks’ offices and at the various campuses.

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