
March 25, 2009

Ryan on the budget debate

Whether you've taken sides in America's budget debate or not, here's what our congressman, Paul Ryan, R-WI, 1st District, has to say. Ryan, Republican ranking member on the House Budget Committee, has strong opinions, and some of them are on video:

Ryan on the President's "gusher of new debt, new taxes, and more spending"

Ryan previews budget debate on CNBC's "Squawk Box"

Ryan’s opening statement at markup of FY2010 Budget Resolution: “We can do better. We must do better.”

Ryan’s Closing Statement at markup of FY2010 Budget Resolution: Asks Blue Dogs to stop fiscal train wreck, restore American ideals


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That would be the Republican ranking member - minority party ranking member - Republican member with PRESIDENTIAL ASPIRATIONS IN 2012 who will say anything to move those aspirations forward.

    Remember; the Racine Post is a bias BLOG - without even the attempting to be objective.
