
March 3, 2009

Racine-area police get $408,829 in federal funds

Gov. Jim Doyle announced Tuesday that the state will receive more than $30 million in recovery act funding "to protect local police jobs, create hundreds of criminal justice jobs and increase public safety and reduce justice system costs." $11 million of that goes directly to municipalities.

Our share? $408,829.

The Byrne Justice Assistance Grant program allocates that much to us collectively, or suggests dividing it this way:
  • Racine: $365,206
  • Racine County, $10,906
  • Village of Caledonia, $11,970
  • Village of Mount Pleasant, $20,747.
“Public safety is my highest priority and one of the most critical components to economic recovery in Wisconsin,” said Doyle. “These funds will help local communities avoid deep cuts to police service and will protect public safety through investments in rehabilitation, supervision and community reentry programs.”

Doyle also announced $529 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds for transportation improvement projects, which he said will create and save about 13,000 jobs. No details about where it would be spent were released.

1 comment:

  1. And we all know that this money is all tax money that Obama does not have. So guess where it's coming from. YOU
