
March 23, 2009

Problems around Sixth Street?

We reported on the status of the Sixth Street reconstruction project last week. The word was merchants want Sixth Street shutdown so construction gets done sooner. Initial plans had called for one lane of traffic to remain open during reconstruction of the Downtown street.

The project is a bit more complicated. First, there hasn't been a meeting yet to set the schedule for the roadwork. Nothing can happen until that meeting happens.

Second, shutting down Sixth Street could open the city up to a lawsuit because it bid the work as requiring one lane of traffic to remain open. Switching the project after it was bid may cause problems. It may also require the contractor to give back money because the project becomes cheaper if it gets done in four months instead of eight.

Third, there's talk the road work could affect - even cancel - this year's Party on the Pavement. That seems like an odd idea given the popularity of the event and the fact that Main Street and Monument Square will be open. But more than one merchant suggested the Party could be canceled in October if the Sixth Street issue isn't resolved.

More on this as it develops ...


  1. Maybe Mr. Sutherman at the DRC has something to do with this. He sure doesn't seem to like things to go smooth down there anyway.

  2. Giving money back because work is done sooner ?? whats wrong with that ?? Another example of how government spends your money ! Who's buddy got this contract ??

  3. Here is a clear example of how Rick jones runs City Hall and there is nobody to stand and tell him he is only an employee. I believe this meeting should take place and there will be no lawsuits. He controls by FEAR!!!!

  4. I was good friends with a construction company owner and he said when bids go out for anything they already know who is getting the job. M-m-m-m-m-

  5. IMHO the DRC hates 6th St and would like to see it fail. For the way I see it too many nonwhites.
