
March 4, 2009

Maack requests review of mayor's reimbursement and travel policies

The City Council agreed Tuesday night to review procedures for reimbursing the mayor for certain expenses. The request came from Alderman David Maack, who also suggested the City Council president sign off on the reimbursements.

The proposal was referred to the Personnel and Finance Committee.

Here's Maack's letter:
February 16, 2009

To: The Honorable Tom Friedel & Members of the Common Council

From: David L. Maack, 5th District Alderman

Memo Re: Reimbursement Policies

I am requesting that the appropriate committee review reimbursement and travel policies as they relate to the Mayor. In addition, I would like to propose that in the future, the City Council President should also sign off on the Mayor’s reimbursement requests.

Thank you for your consideration.


  1. Thank you about time! Now look into Becker's and if he owes the city money lets get every penny

  2. there does need to be some sort of accountability, but to have one elected official approve the expenses of another elected official is ludicrous.

  3. Duh.....Took long enough

  4. What ever happened to "Checks & Balances"...gezzz, I learned that in grade school.....
