
March 4, 2009

Helding turns in official papers; first candidate to collect needed signatures

Alderman Greg Helding won the race to be the first to enter the race. Helding officially filed his papers to run in the April 7 mayoral primary. The official papers require between 200 and 400 signatures.

Helding also announced his official website. Here's his full press release:
Alderman Greg Helding Monday became the first candidate to file official papers to declare as a candidate for Mayor of Racine. Helding, who led all candidates in recent WRJN online polls, is running on a platform of reform after the forced resignation of Racine’s former mayor.

"Out of every terrible situation, we all have an opportunity to use this as a chance to make dramatic improvements," said Helding. “We must make changes right now to make this city a better place. This appalling incident should be all the motivation we need to take some bold steps forward as a city. I believe the citizens of Racine agree and I think that is why I have had such overwhelming support in the polls."

Helding filed more than the legally required number of signatures, and has more coming in the next few days.

"People want to see a change right now," said Helding. "That is why I found it so easy to collect these signatures. They are responding to my plans to deal forcefully with gangs and drug dealers that are ruining our quality of life. We cannot tolerate it any longer. Teachers, parents and businesspeople have told me that our schools are not getting the support that they need. They want a Mayor to lead on education, not blame others. Our city and our schools must improve together."

"Sadly, child sexual predators are still menace to our city," said Helding. "My previous attempts to deal with this problem were blocked. We have not taken the simple steps other cities have taken to protect ourselves. People want me to take action and I will."

Helding also announced the launch of his website,, where voters can read about his plans for Racine and keep in touch with the campaign.

"This is the end of something terrible and can be the beginning of something tremendous. That is what my campaign for Mayor is all about," said Helding.


  1. Helding=Socialist

  2. Alderman Helding is not a socialist. He is a progressive, There is a difference. By and far he is the best choice for mayor.

  3. Helding Rocks!

  4. Karas is a fool.

  5. Want another 4 years of the Becker era? Vote Helding! He is full of insane ideas like paying for everyone's college education.

  6. Take a look at his website - he is full of all sorts of crazy ideas - like actually dealing with crime. He is the only one I have heard so far who wants to kick a** on crime.

  7. How does he plan to fight crime? By having the rest of his family hired through the backdoor on the Racine Police Department?

  8. Helding wants to evict homeowners for selling drugs. That's hardly a socialistic or progressive "idear." How about we start with making drug offenses and parking tickets the LAST priorities for the police?

  9. "Helding wants to evict homeowners for selling drugs."

    Yeah, so? The majority of homeowners in my neighborhood who do not sell drugs would be all for this. We are tired of seeing drug deals go down on our street and nothing being done about it!

  10. Let me get this right - Greg Helding is 36 years old AND A GRANDFATHER????? (Information taken from his website)

  11. Anon 8:10 -

    What are you trying to say? Why are you taking shots at a guy's family?

  12. If someone is not responsible in their personal life, how can we expect them to be responsible as mayor?
