
March 18, 2009

Former Sen. George Petak opens consulting firm

Former Racine Sen. George Petak is opening a new consulting firm in Madison. Interesting to see Petak embracing his controversial vote in favor of Miller Park. The vote placed a 0.1 percent sales tax on Racine County to help pay for the Brewers' stadium.
Former State Senator George Petak has opened a new consulting practice in government affairs and lobbying in Madison, Wisconsin.

Petak, elected to the Wisconsin State Senate in November, 1990, served from January, 1991 until June, 1996, when he lost a tough recall election called in protest of his casting the deciding vote for Miller Park in October, 1995.

Since 1998, Petak has established a prominent presence in the state capitol, having worked in significant public relations, government affairs, and lobbying practices in the Milwaukee and Madison markets. He also served as Deputy Executive Director for the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority (WHEDA), from 1996-1998.

He has developed a strong bipartisan approach to government affairs consulting, combining his years as an elected state senator with those of a seasoned lobbyist to best represent the interests of his clients in both the legislative and administrative arenas.

Petak said, “Tough economic times require that a capable, veteran voice be available to deliver a reasonable message to lawmakers on both sides of the aisle and at every level of government. I am excited about new opportunities to provide that voice to the broad array of client prospects in the marketplace.”

George Petak Consulting, LLC, is located at 106 East Doty Street, Suite 210, Madison, WI 53703. Email – Phone – 608-225-7218


  1. George Petak needs to roast in a million hells. May his guts turn to worms.

  2. and i thought he was going to run as a write-in for mayor...

  3. Racine has gotten nothing out of this debacle. Nothing. Worst vote by a republican in the history of Wisconsin.

  4. Maybe George Petak will support Kim Plache for Mayor? Help us all if this happens.

  5. Lone Ranger, the kind of comment you made is absolutely disgusting. You evidently disagree with the tax hike, but it's no justification for speaking so hatefully against another human being. And more broadly, it's worth noting that the atmosphere of hate generated tactically and cynically against Petak by Democrats who generally support tax hikes to prop up industry, create jobs, provide bread and circuses, etc, was at the time terribly hypocritical. The fact that the feeling endures is shocking.

  6. 11:13

    Sorry The scum not only IMHO vitiated his oath of office but also met behind closed doors with the owner of the Brewers makes me feel that he was PAID to vote they way he did.
    I have no forgiveness for scum from lower hell that do that GOP or Dem.

  7. This just goes to show that there is life after being voted out of public office!

  8. Petak should be cleaning out toilets at the Brewer stadium after sticking taxpayers with a waste of money tax! Sad to see that he was given good paying jobs as his reward, and rewarded with lobbyist money. He will obviously do anything for money.
