
March 21, 2009

Edmands seeks third term as Mount Pleasant clerk/treasurer

Mount Pleasant's clerk/treasurer Juliet Edmands is seeking re-election this spring.

Edmands, seeking her third four-year term, is being challenged by Kim Forsman. Edmands has worked for the village since 1993 and is a certified municipal clerk and treasurer through professional organizations.

Edmands sits on the Racine County Convention and Visitors Board and was a key organizers of the Kids Connection Playground in 2000. The group raised $220,000 for the project in the Caledonia-Mount Pleasant Joint Park.

Edmands is a life-long Racine County resident interested in Community Beautification Projects. She's an advocate for Mount Pleasant receiving its own zip code and post office.

In her job, she edits the village's newsletter, handles records requests, manages the tax roll and runs elections. Part of her election duties include managing a staff of 120 election workers.

The Mount Pleasant clerk/treasurer election is on April 7.


  1. Edmands has become way too politically involved in her position. A Clerk/treasurer should be more concerned about the nuts and bolts of her job rather than taking positions that the trustees should be dealing with. Just look at her involvement with the political action committee called Impact. It's time for a change.

  2. Don'f forget: Edmands broke the law when she organized and ran IMPACT, a political action committee that blatantly ignored campaign laws and threw last year's election to John Hewitt with over $5,000 in illegal contributions. She routinely breaks the open records law by overcharging, delaying, and withholding information. She uses the village newsletter for political purposes - remember how she bitterly complained about the "Citizens for Open Government" in the newsletter? Well she did that while she was running a PAC herself. She deliberately makes false representations in the minutes of board meetings and has to be corrected by trustees and others so that her lies don't stay on the public record. She bullies elderly people who come into village hall to do business with her. She makes many, many, many mistakes in the information she sends out. Naturally, Kim Forsman has less experience, but remember, Edmands had no experience when she started. Forsman will learn the job, and will be a huge improvement. Residents, this election is the one and only chance you will ever get to rid the village of the pox that Edmands has put on it. Vote Forsman, and fix this problem.

  3. Vote for a breath of fresh air. Kim Forsman can do a better job than J. Edmands no matter how many certificates Edmands has. Vote for change. This comment is from someone who has observed Edmands.

  4. Juliet Edmands is not fit to be the clerk treasurer. She lacks the education and the people skills to hold the job. The rumor circulating the village is she would like to remove her two competent deputies Sue Stearns and Sue Brewer and replace them with her two lackeys Jo Gleason wife of Racine County Supervisor Mark Gleason and Stephanie Kohlhagen. Because Edmands is so incompetent she has them doing some of her work at the village both as a part-time paid position and as a volunteer. Edmands is the same person who berated last year's 2008 trustee challenger Ruth Gedwardt for requesting a re-count. This from the village clerk who is suppose to be impartial. Residents be aware. If you are not on the side of the village, they will write nasty articles about you in the village newsletter. Is this what you want? For the few that support Edmands if you have not been hit by her venom you are lucky. But for the residents who have been hit by her ignorance, her lies, be watchful, she is a vindictive woman. Do we want this to continue in our small 26,000+ village? It is time for a change. Keep both Sue Brewer and Sue Stearns and get rid of Edmands, Gleason and Kohlhagen. Vote for Kim Forsman on April 7th. She is what we need.

  5. Vote for Kim Forsman on April 7th. It doesn't matter how many initials Edmands has at the back of her name. She is still incompetent. Kim is the best choice for a new Mt. Pleasant.

  6. Edmands' inability to produce meeting minutes and other information she is charged with maintaining is well known in Mt Pleasant. Her handling of recent elections in Mt pleasant has lead many inside and outside the Village to question the results of the close elections. These issues along with the inappropriate way she handles the public make her unfit to continue to function in this role. These are core functions of the job and she fails daily.

    As an elected official she has been hired by the Village to perform these tasks. If she was in a non-elected position and performed this poorly she would have been fired long ago. It is time to fire Edmands on April 7th.

  7. To find out more about Juliet Edmands visit the mpcitizen website. If you do not believe what you read on this website, do an open records request on IMPACT and see if Juliet Edmands the current village clerk will give you all of this information. Good luck on that. She is known to charge .25 a page, give you half of what you requested and go in the back room and laugh at citizens who do open records requests. By the way, Mt. Pleasant residents this is a law that you can do an open records request and expect it to be some in a reasonable time. With Edmands you'll be lucky if she can read the open records request, let alone understand it.
    Vote for Kim Forsman on April 7th. She is smart, friendly and is a new fresh face which is so badly needed at the village.

  8. Juliet Edmands sometimes tries hard and does okay, but there are those lapses where she just doesn't get it. Like attacking others in her village paid newsletter. Or her newsletter that said: "The Village Board is NOT beholden to any developers or special interests" -- then a few months later she was doing a political action committee funded by developer special interests to elect the incumbent village board. So, unfortunately, it is time to vote for a change.

  9. Anon 3/23/2009 9:50 AM: Don't forget the ILLEGAL part. Edmands was running the special interest PAC, but also IGNORING THE LAW as she did it. The Clerk is the de-facto cop on campaign finance laws. If she can't even follow them herself, how can we rely on her to police others?

  10. Juliet Edmands makes a lot of mistakes. She will have people who will vouch for her but these are people who catch her on a good day when she is smiling and being very helpful to all, including the elderly. But these days are few. Her friends will say she has experience and that shouldn't be overlooked, that Kim is new and not experienced. So I ask those who use this as an argument in retaining Edmands as the clerk. The former Mayor Becker was charming and had political experience should we give him a free pass and ignore that he broke the law because he has experience? So because Juliet has held this job for such a long time she should be put back in because she has experience. Take a look at the Sheriff's Report...she broke the law. Are we to ignore this? If we do, what does this say about our 26,000+ village? The laws do not pertain to the current village clerk and three trustees but to only those who are silly enough to believe in them. I still believe in the law and it should be for all of us including Ms. Edmands.
    Vote for Kim Forsman on April 7th.
