
February 24, 2009

Vote, so Root-Pike WIN rain garden can win $10,000

The Root-Pike Watershed Initiative Network of Racine is one of eight national finalists for $10,000 rain garden grants funded by the River Network and Miller/Coors.

The winner will be decided by votes from the public at the River Network's website. OK, let's be perfectly clear: GO HERE AND VOTE NOW! Summaries of all eight contenders are listed, along with "vote now" links. The top four vote getters will receive $10,000 and the other four will get $1,000.

You can only vote once.The deadline is March 6. Winners will be announced at on March 10.

The $44,000 in grants were made possible by MillerCoors, which partnered with River Network to support water sustainability initiatives in states where the company has breweries. MillerCoors is committed to improving its water efficiency and has designated water conservation and water quality as sustainable development priorities.

River Network believes that strong community-based groups are our best opportunity to protect and restore our rivers, lakes and watersheds.


  1. How will a $10,000 grant be used - will this fund more research here, will it go toward building a rain garden, ???

  2. A full description of Root-Pike WIN's project is


    along with details of all the other contenders.

  3. Thanks Pete - their project looks very good, but the projects that are looking at mercury contamination and car battery removal (potential for lead contamination), and I'll bet the others, look good too. Mercury and lead are my two biggest fears and it is too bad that we have all been sold CO2 -
