
February 1, 2009

Toga Party brings out the fun-loving Romans

There was no special significance to the Toga Party at Peg and Lou's Bar and Grill last night.

It was not a celebration dating from Pope Gregory, best known for reforming the Julian Calendar and having it named after himself back on Feb. 24, 1582. There was no special confluence of Mars and Jupiter to make note of. No famous Romans born or killed on Jan. 31 to remember. No toga-centric anything that anyone could recall.

Just an excuse for a party at a neighborhood bar ... but it drew out the best from the locals, many of whom showed up in hand-crafted togas (they no longer sell 'em at Target) -- some made from sheets, others from ... ahem, drapery material. If you weren't there, you missed a good time, in a place very much like the Sam and Diane's Cheers, still in reruns somewhere:
Where everybody knows your name,
and they're always glad you came.
Peg and Lou's has been owned for three years by an actual Peg and Lou, Peg and Lou Larson, who've fashioned a bar for the locals up on Douglas Avenue, a fun place that's not expensive, that's always trying to liven things up. That's Peg dressed as Cleopatra in the front row, with Lou at her side. In a month or so, they'll be hosting a beach party -- complete with sand. Bring your own Speedo.

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