
February 27, 2009

Shakoor meets with Olympia Brown to discuss vote against LGBT Center

Alderman Q.A. Shakoor II apppears to be trying to shore up support for his mayoral run.

Shakoor met with Rev. Tony Larsen and the Olympia Brown Unitarian Universalist Church tonight to discuss his vote against the gay community center in Uptown.

Shakoor was one of three City Council members to vote against granting a conditional-use permit for the LGBT Center. He said at the meeting more discussion was needed on the issue.

The LGBT Community Center appears to be doing well. It recently received a $10,000 grant from the Cream City Foundation to help with the start-up.

We weren't at the meeting. If anyone can report what happened, please post in the comments.


  1. First, to set the record straight, we tried to set up this meeting with QA a couple of weeks ago, before his bid for mayor. So, I don't think it should look like he was stumping for votes.
    He stuck to his guns about wanting to hear more discussion as to his reason for his vote. Well, he got it, but this time from a different point of view. He had received a lot of anti-gay phone calls asking him to vote against the center and I think he was afraid to show support on his vote. He seemed to think that this is something that could be at one of the community centers and did not understand the need for a safe and secure place where people can go without fear of being hurt or judged.
    In the end he did say he would vote for the center if given the chance but I would like to see him stand up and say he is in support of gay rights. You won't see a change in attitudes until the leaders in the community stand up for that change. Obama and Julian Bond have both stood up in support of gay rights. We need that on the local level too.

  2. Hmmmmmmmmm, let the splashing for survival begin...........

  3. Damage control.

    As much as I like Q.A and think he would be a good Mayor he can not beat Bob T or Kim P. Let alone Pete K.

  4. I hope there is a question on the LBGT issue at one of the mayoral candidate forums.

  5. In an odd turn of events, it was Helding who stood up in support of the LGBT center's rights.

  6. Why? Q will just ask for more time anyway to think about an answer!!!!!

  7. Can you give him until April 8th to get back to you with his position?

  8. What question(s) about the LGBT "issue" would you like the candidates for mayor to be asked?

  9. QA is a Scout leader.
    The Scouts of America are one of the largest anti-gay organizations in the nation.

    Do you really think he'll come out in _favor_ of something that will cause a conflict in interest with something else?
