
February 2, 2009

Polar bear? No. But how about snuggler Eliza...

Given the winter weather, we asked Countryside Humane Society whether they had any polar bears available for adoption.

Alas, no. But they do have Eliza, a 1-year-old Pekingese and Chihuahua mix.

Eliza is a white and beige female, who's a little shy at the shelter, what with all the noise and activity. But she warms up quickly when taken out of the kennel area.

She's a small dog and would do best with a family with teen-age children. Both of the breeds she is mixed with can act like a large dog in a very small body; they can be bold at times, and submissive at other times. But Eliza is a real snuggler who only needs to know you a few minutes to show this side of her.

Come meet Eliza at the Countryside Humane Society, 2706 Chicory Road, or call (262) 554-6699.

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