
February 18, 2009

Plache makes it official: She's running for mayor

Kim Plache made it official today: She's running for mayor.

The former Democratic state senator sent out a press release Wednesday evening announcing her plans to enter the special election. Starting Feb. 27, she's taking an unpaid leave of absence from her job at the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority to campaign.

Plache also intends to drop out of the School Board race. She's not legally allowed take her name off the ballot, but she won't campaign for School Board and will resign if she finishes in the top three.

"If I didn't have to die to get my name off the ballot, I'd take it off," Plache said. "I'm completely focused on running for mayor."

Plache is also addressing her residency situation. She and her family now live in Mount Pleasant, but are in the process of selling their home and buying a new home in the city. Plache is now renting an apartment on Eighth Street near the City Hall Annex. Her 10-year-old daughter will live with her full time, and her husband will take care of their home until it sells.

State law requires Plache to establish residency in the city before taking office. Living in the apartment is one way to establish residency.

Plache said she'll work on her campaign at night until her unpaid leave of absence kicks in. She's hired a campaign manager, is making contact with community leaders and working on fundraising.

Here's her complete press release:
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2009, RACINE, WI – Kim Plache announced today that she will be a candidate for mayor in the upcoming special election. As Mayor, Plache would focus on:

(1) Retaining and creating family supporting jobs,
(2) Holding down taxes by controlling spending and working with people in Madison and Washington to bring more money to Racine,
(3) Reaching out to diverse groups of people to help create and push for effective and new solutions to long term city problems; especially crime, poverty and student performance in our schools.

"We must do everything in our power to retain and create jobs, cut costs in city government, bring in new money and to implement and expand effective solutions to our long term problems," Plache said.

Plache continued, "One thing we know for sure, if we keep doing everything in the same way that it has always been done, we will get the same result. That is not acceptable."

"Many good things that have been done in our City and we can’t afford to lose ground on the progress that has been made in reducing crime in some of our neighborhoods, in downtown revitalization, in improving the quality of life for our citizens through the enjoyment of our natural resources, but now is not the time to rest on our laurels."

"Now is the time to press forward with new leadership."

"We are right in the middle of one of the most dynamic regional economies in the world. If we are going to grow and protect jobs, we need a strong regional transportation system so we can take maximum advantage of that regional economy. If we want more jobs here, we must press forward with rebuilding I 94 and we must get KRM built."

"I am ready to lead this City. Everything I have done in my professional life has prepared me to be mayor of Racine," Plache said.

"My entire professional life has been devoted to working on behalf of Racine residents and area businesses. The work I did in the legislature and since that time on behalf of Racine improved our economy and quality of life."

While serving in the State Legislature, Plache wrote legislation to create the Center for Advanced Technology Innovation (CATI) to help drive innovation and job growth. Plache enabled the Healthcare Network by getting liability insurance for retired healthcare professionals who treat low income patients, and secured funding for the Root River Pathway. For the past five years as Senior Community Relations Officer at Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority, Plache has increased home ownership and supported both business expansion and multi-family development for families and senior citizens in Racine.

Plache says the next mayor must be skilled at bringing diverse groups of people together to solve tough challenges.

"No person or group can solve these long term challenges alone. We must bring people together, roll up our sleeves and work together on creative solutions. We must look beyond the city’s borders and work with other municipalities and the state and federal government to strengthen our economy, reduce costs and protect our natural resources. I have a track record of doing just that."

Kim Plache, 48, was born and raised in the City of Racine. She attended Racine public schools and graduated from Horlick High School. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from UW-Parkside and a Masters in Public Administration from UW-Madison. Plache represented Racine in the Wisconsin State Assembly from 1988 to 1996 and the State Senate from 1996 to 2002.

She currently serves on the UW-Parkside School of Business and Technology Advisory Board and the Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corporation, Southeast Wisconsin Advisory Board.

Plache is married to Paul Hable and they have one daughter, Eve.


  1. written like a true politician.

    just what we need...


  2. Is it 1996 or 2008. New leadership

  3. How can we trust someone who moves back into the city just to run for mayor. Why wasn't she here the whole time being supportive and helping fix our problems? Instead she fled the city when things got tough and now wants to rent a temporary residence to run for office. I don't want a mayor with a temporary mind set. This is a typical career politician.

  4. Go Kim! Go. Makes Colt so happy!
    Colt Loves Kim!

  5. Colt maybe you can persuade her not to pay Jameel Ghauri and the gang to do election day knock-and-drags like she's done in the past. Even Obama's campaign didn't buy into that crap.

  6. Kim is perfect and Colt just OHHHH...
    For Kim Colt would back Obama!

  7. I think if we hold out, we can get some candidates from the cemetery to arise for the mayor's job.

    Why weren't these wonderful public servants doing or saying anything for us during the last six years?

    It's like watching dogs fight over a scrap of meat.

    Greed and power. That's all. Nothing to do with the people who live, love and work in Racine.

  8. Kim moved out of the city because she really wanted to run for county exec in '11. She'd reside within the county and not have to move. School board was just a stepping-stone for this political opportunist.

    According to the GAB, she only has to reside in the city 10 days before the April 7th primary election. So, she's hired a campaign manager (and will probably work out of her apartment/office).

    She's serious about pursuing the mayor's office, but is she the right candidate to bring what is needed to make Racine a great city?

    I don't think so.

  9. OK, so tell me WHAT DID SHE DO IN MADISION!!! NOTHING! This is a joke and not what this city needs, she failed all of us while serving in Madison. We need to bury the politics of old...sorry Kim, stick to the School Board.

  10. It is a legitimate concern:

    You wanted to run for the school board but did not believe in public education enough to put "your kid" in the system...she goes to the expensive and exclusive Montessori school.

    That speaks volumes to voters. want to run for Racine mayor but did not believe in city enough to stay, work, you want to move back, jump in quickly and take over as mayor.

    Please explain.

  11. Another phony carpet-bagger.

    She'll win, Demos love these types of candidates.

  12. Just think of the war.
    Kim Vs Turner vs Q.A. cant wait.
    But I still am a KIM fan.

  13. Flee the city and then come back to run for office? Come on!

    Colt - while you and others are fighting it out to save your neighborhoods and this city, your beloved Kim left for a cushy suburb. Don't worry, though, she rented an apartment in the hood so she can be close to her knock n drag crews at the Bray Center.

  14. Just what we need, another tax and spend liberal Madison has been.

    One person said, "Why weren't these wonderful public servants doing or saying anything for us during the last six years?". Well, somone did step up to the plate last August (2008) and filed to run against Becker in the 2011 election because she was tired of what that clown and his puppets were doing to the city. That person was Jody Harding. NO ONE else had the guts to face him.


  16. ""I am ready to lead this City. Everything I have done in my professional life has prepared me to be mayor of Racine," Plache said.""

    With the notable exception of actually LIVING in Racine.
