
February 20, 2009

Mayoral candidate supports taking away welfare recipients' right to vote

Racine Mayoral Candidate Jody Harding supports taking away people's right to vote if they're on welfare or receiving other forms of government subsidies.

Harding first shared her opinion in February 2008 on her blog, "The World According to Jody." (Read the post here.) She writes:
In American hearts, the vote is probably our most sacred right, so what I am about to say may shock you.

I believe that any individual who is receiving a government subsidy should lose his/her right to vote for as long as s/he receives that subsidy.

This right would be reinstated as soon as the government subsidies ceased; however, no vote could be cast as long government “aid” was received. By “aid” I mean any form of payment from the government, whether it be cash or voucher, food stamps, housing allowance, aid to dependent children or farm subsidies. Any payment or reduced expense funded by the government should cause its recipient to lose his/her right to vote.

The only exceptions would be

* Payments for work that would receive a wage in the private sector
* Social security retirement benefits
* Short term unemployment benefits
* Any benefit that improves the community at large, such as the provisions for police, public schools, public roads, etc.
* Any other government benefit would cause the loss of the right to vote.
Harding confirmed her stance in an email to RacinePost on Thursday night.
I think my blog post was very clear, and concisely stated my opinion and, equally important, my reasoning. I would compare the vote of people living on government subsidies approximately equivalent to politicians voting on whether or not to give themselves a raise.
According to state data, 209 Racine County residents participated in the state's W-2 program in January. Another 1,500 people received housing vouchers from the Housing Authority of Racine County and 29,058 Racine County residents received food stamps in 2008.

Harding believes as long as these people receive government assistance, they shouldn't be allowed to vote. The same appears to go for anyone who receives disability payments, the 597 pregnant women in Racine County and the 5,907 adult caretakers in Racine County who participate in BadgerCare.


  1. wow. Apperantly people who use government assistance are 2nd class citizens. The elite, and members of the majority class as Harding retain full rights as american citizens.

  2. So much for the renters' rights she advocates!

  3. is her other solution a poll tax?

  4. This is quite a frightening stance for an alleged servant of the people to take.
    Creation of an underclass of citizenry is not only morally repugnant, but shows her complete lack of understanding of the most basic constitutional rights we, as a people, have.

  5. You guys missed the best part of her post: "Should the barnyard animals be allowed to decide who eats Henny Penny’s bread?

    I don’t think so."

    She just compared half the voters to barnyard animals - smart move. About as bright as filing for a race two years early.

    What about her landlord supporters who take section 8 renters. Should they not be allowed to vote? What about the people with government backed student loans? What about the people she works with who claim a mortgage interest deduction or any other tax deduction/credit?

  6. as an addendum to my previous post; Jody, when you say, "By “aid” I mean any form of payment from the government...", would that include your salary as mayor should you be elected? And, would that include your voting in the council should that be necessary?

  7. Hmmm. Where to start?

    I guess I am on the opposite end of this -- I think if you are receiving any form of government assistance, you should be REQUIRED to vote. Now, I realize this isn't feasible or practical.

    Legions of women before Ms. Harding and I, fought incredibly hard to give us this basic American right. I'm stunned that one woman would want to take that right away from another, simply because she is poor.

    As an American citizen, and one who is impacted by our current financial status, I receive government help with healthcare and insurance. As a responsible individual, I helped with the last presidential campaign and make a point to keep track of our current political climate.

    I will be one of the first in line for that mayoral vote, Ms. Harding.

  8. Looks like she has accidently found a way to disenfranchise corporate executives.

  9. this idea is so disgusting i am at a loss for words. you absolutely just lost my vote - thank god i'm not on any aid, thank god i have been fortunate enough not to lose my job - in THESE TIMES! jody jody jody... i am disappointed

  10. I'm a disabled veteran who receives about $125 per month disability compensation/"aid". I assume by her reasoning I'd lose my right to vote? Impossible to take her candidacy seriously after comments like that. Why not just toss those down on their luck in prison? Problem solved.

  11. Sniff sniff guys smell that? Is something burning?

    Oh, there it is, she's toast!

  12. Sick. Does she not realize that many women receive aid because they survived abusive situations and need some extra assistance? How dare she run for mayor when she has such a twisted view of so many of Racine's residents. Or does she not want them to have the right to vote because they wouldn't vote for her?

  13. Oh am so shocked by this I can't even describe my horror. How could she say this and mean it? But she does mean it, she confirmed it. Does it even need to be explained just how morally repugnant this is? I am reminded of another group of people who thought it best to take away individual freedoms based on socio-economic circumstances. They were called the Nazi's.

  14. Well in my eyes that just cost her the election. I was going to keep my eye on her to see what she was about, different from the start since she wasn't a politician but wait. I have multiple scelorisis worked my butt off for over 25 years until I had to go on SSDI (which I earned the right from paying into the darn fund) and she's saying I am second class and can't vote....Well Jody, find a cure for MS put my health back to 100% that I can function like a normal person and I'll be happy to pay taxes to NOT VOTE FOR YOU

  15. Gosh Jody, with all the people on housing assistance in the downtown area, how will Keith Fair be able to get enough votes to win Alderman?

  16. considering older americans are the only ones that vote in droves, and are predominately on social security i guess the polls should be pretty quiet next go 'round.

    What a lune.

  17. who does this woman think she is?

  18. I never realized so many people were on the dole.

  19. Our little Jody is an elitist. That is one of the stupidest things I've heard. Jody, honey, any U.S. citizen 18 years and older has the right to vote. You can't take that right away nor will we let you. How dare you suggest that. Crawl back under your rock so you can be with "your kind of people." This educated woman, not on assistance, will NOT vote for you.

  20. Good candidate you'd make, Jody. Do you realize you don't have the authority to take anyone's voting rights away? What a moron you are. Give it up, girlfriend.

  21. This should effectively end her candidacy.

  22. I received student loans for college and am still paying them off. Does that mean I should not be able to vote?

  23. Here's what I wrote about it:

  24. The glamor shot on Ms. Harding's blog "allow me to introduce myself" page is classic: evening gown, beauty pageant hair, string of pearls. Ladies and gentlemen meet Cheese-head Barbie, our own hometown Marie Antoinette...cake anyone?

  25. Should the person that has been on AFDC for 12 years with three kids on chap 8 housing etc have the right to vote? Why?
    FYI at one time you had to own property to vote was that so bad?
    Or is it better to have the TV crowd run this counrty?

  26. How stupid some of you people can be. She is not say EVERYONE on ANY kind of government assistance shouldn't be allowed to vote. The statement clearly is aimed at those who are living off the government and who REFUSE to do anything to get off of it. You know, those that are the drain on society sucking up the tax dollars that WE working stiffs are paying.
    She is not saying that people with disabilities or with school loans who are trying to better themselves shouldn't vote, only those lazy 3rd and 4th generation welfare bloodsuckers that contribute nothing to our society and constantly vote in the latest liberal who's going to increase their handout.
    The people in Central and Northern California have for years been trying to split the state into 2 or 3 states because they are tired of paying the Southern California welfare bill. If their right to vote is temporarily suspended while they receive a free living (and do nothing to become productive in our society), I see nothing wrong with it.
    Put it this way, try to better yourself to better our society, and pay taxes, then you get your right to decide how those taxes are spent. But, suck a living off the rest of us who ARE footing the bill and you should have no say in how OUR hard earned taxes are spent.
    Remember, when Roosevelt initiated the welfare plan it was only a 2 year program. We have the liberal Democrats to thank for expanging over the past 60 years into what it has become today.

  27. That says is quite clearly. Jody, you got my vote!

  28. What I want to know is why none of these people getting these checks are required to take random drug test. Us "working stiffs" do! I see so many of these welfare people in my apartment complex buying their crack on the first of every month. Its scary and disheartening.

  29. Are people who work for companies with government contracts next on her list?

  30. Government contracts? That's just a stupid statment.

  31. Ever read Starship Troopers? That's my idea.

  32. They walk among us......

    She is more loony toons then some that are locked up!

  33. Thank goodness for the Constitution of the United States. Her idea has about as much chance of becoming reality as her ability to win the election.

  34. Wow. I think I'll go bang my head against the wall now.

    So just exactly what percentage of this town would be ineligible to vote if Jody had her way?

    This is such a narrow-minded way of thinking and really, truly sad.

  35. Yes! Yes! Yes! Finally a politician willing to stand up to the trash bringing our society down. Excellent idea!

  36. To Dustin Block (who chose NOT to print the entire article) and to all you bleeding heart liberals who want to support those who refuse to work for the handout they recieve every month, why don't you go to the blog and read THE WHOLE THING, instead of just taking a part of it completely out of context and attacking someone who finally has the nerve to take a stand against the career welfare leeches.

  37. I did read the whole article and I find Jody Harding severely lacking in her thought process. I'm also not a "bleeding heart liberal." You can't put people in a box with a label, Jody. In fact, this voting rights issue isn't even something you could do anything about. There's a big difference between people who are scamming the system, and people who legitimately need assistance. You and your ideas are laughable.

  38. A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.

    It would seem that democracies could avoid that inevitable demise with the prohibition of voting by those receiving largesse (gifts) from the public treasury.

    If that premise is right, then it would seem that Jody's thought process is legitimate.

  39. Felons are not allowed to vote either. Does that make those of us who are not felons elitists?

  40. Allen. From where did you arrive. Fundamental rights involve life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

    Since when did voting become a fundamental right. One is not even allowed to vote for the first eighteen years of life.

    And it can be taken away from you with a puff of marijuana.

    Voting to give yourself other people's money is a conflict of interest. Do you believe that we should have the right to do that?

    Really, Allen.

  41. Allen really misses the point when he talks about "aid." You obviously read the Henny Penny blog, Allen, but you missed the point in it. If you work for what you get from the government, Harding says that is legitimate. But when you get assistance without working for it (farm subsidies was one example) then you lose the right to vote.

  42. I like to be different, so I "didn't" use anonymous. So will this include Ms. Plache, who's getting gov't. assistance for her 8th St. apartment?

  43. With one swift move, Ms. Harding has alienated both the liberal and conservative sectors of our community. On the one hand, she has demonstrated a feeling of superiority and entitlement by separating herself from those citizens who recieve assistance. This attitude has lost her the liberal vote. On the other hand, she has suggested a concept that violates Constitutionally guaranteed citizen rights - an idea that is sure to disgust the conservative population.

    Ms. Harding - I'm not in the least worried about you actually winning this election, and far more concerned about the impact your presence in Racine has on this commmunity. No one should be walking around with the idea that they are somehow superior to another citizen, and, thus, more deserving of a citizen's rights.

    I have a couple of questions for you, Ms. Harding -

    1) If you are in fact employed with WHEDA, will you be giving up your state benefits in order to retain your right to vote? After all, employer subsidized healthcare and retirement is technically a form of "aid".
    2) If a citizen recieves county aid, but not federal, will they lose only their voting rights for county issues/elections? What if they receive federal aid, but not local? Will that only impact federal elections?

  44. All I can say is wow! I really don't think the people who live on assistance are interested in voting for anybody. If they are on short-term or just lost their job, they should be allowed to vote for somebody who promises to bring jobs in. Receiving a grant to go back to school or receiving disability after working and putting into the system for 25 years is a far, far cry from somebody who has 10 kids and has never held a job. To lump everybody in the same category is just wrong. This would also disproprtionately affect single moms, who do work but get help with child care or whatever -- because the fathers refuse to support their children. Some of these woman have never received assistance before. The fathers who are thousands of dollars in arrearages forcing these woman into the system, they still get to vote, right?

    And let me say I was a single mother, I did not receive child support, I have never received any assistance from the government, I have been at my place of employment for over 20 years. But that could change tomorrow. You lost my vote. Thank God I still have that right.

  45. Harding is a racist who is afraid to walk the streets of Racine. Look at her interview on the insider and she calls us ignorant. Her and her little sidekick are two of the biggest slum lords in Racine and she thinks by blogging she will win this election. Problem is she needs to get out and interact with us little peons but she wont because she claims the streets of Racine are unsafe. So instead she holes up within in her house and dreams up this stuff while sitting in front of her computer.

  46. I hear George Meyer is going around telling people that Jody Harding is getting rid of both the city administrator and the finance director positions because she is an accountant. Interesting. I also understand that she has promised George Meyer the Building Department job.

  47. To Just Amazing...

    Looks like you didn't read her whole blog. She sepecifically excludes people on unemployment and people who are receiving assistance but are also working or going to school. It is only referring to those people with the 10 kids you mentioned who will do nothing to even try to get off welfare. Do you want to keep paying those people's bill?
    And yes, they do vote. The liberals round them up every election in vans and busses, take them to the polling places and hand them cartons of cigarettes for their liberal vote. Don't you read the paper?

  48. What about all the grandmas and grandpas? They become ill and have to go into a nursing home. Their finances get sucked dry within a few months time because of a crazy health care system and they wind up on medicaid.

    They've worked hard all their lives. They've voted in every election. They read the paper, they watch the news. You are going to take away their informed vote?

  49. Well I'm glad she has made it so obvious to me and many others that she doesn't belong in public office. Better now than after she got elected. Thank you Jody for showing your true colors early on.

  50. What are you all complaining about? This is a non-issue! There is no influence for this sort of thing at anything less than a national level. We're voting for mayor here, not U.S. Congress.
    Besides, if I apply for a job somewhere and get hired, is it my place to tell the employer how much he as to pay me? What kind and how much the additional benefits should be? Not on my planet. I should have no say in whatsoever, with the exception of accepting his pay scale or opting to not work for him.

  51. Sounds like most of the folks complaining about this are the ones leaching off the government.

  52. On a related note, why is it that the teachers' union and school districts can agree on salaries, knowing that there won't be enough money left in the budget to operate, then whine about underfunded schools, then put out a referendum. Of course the referendum will always be voted in because there are plenty of voting teachers to pass it each time.

    Why are deliberate budget over runs allowed knowing full well that the taxpayers will still pay in the end? Isn't this called conflict of interest?

  53. You NOW have my vote. Don't you guys realize that she wants all the ghetto thugs to get the H out of here? What a wonderful idea. I LOVE IT!!!

  54. reminds me of:

  55. Wow.
    Read David Kay Johnston's book about welfare for the wealthy.

    Obviously your beliefs do not square with reality.


    Pulitizer Prize-winning journalist explains how the national myth of redistribution of wealth from the wealthy to the poor is the opposite. (2:26)

  57. This is not about redistribution of wealth from the wealthy to the poor, it's about breaking the middle classes back by taxing them do death while the lazy get a free ride.
    It's not a race issue either, like so many of you seem to think. There are significant numbers of whites, blacks and hispanics playing the system so they don't have to work. It's only you racists that see this as an attack against the black poplulation, of which there are many who are descent hard working people. I suppose you lefties think it's OK to continue subsidizing the illegal aliens that are drawing welfare and voting in our elections. Whatever happened to having to be a U.S. citizen to vote or draw benefits?
    Yep! Jody for mayor!

  58. Gee Dustin another "Drive BY" political Shooting? I wouldn't start wearing the Scalp on your belt just yet.

    In Jody's Blog which is well before she expressed a public interest in running for Mayor. She actually pointed out a real scenario that is happening right now in America, in Nov 2008 a slight majority of mostly welfare recipients, Govt. Employees, Illegals and those who represent them, Unions and other people who receive inflated compensation voted for Obama and the Dem's to run everything in Washington and in Wisconsin. And the first thing they did with their new power was EXACTLY what Jody referred to in her Blog from FEBRUARY of 2008! Tax increases on the wealthy/ producers. We ahve heard for several years about those awful companies and how GREEDY they are, Exxon, Haliburton, the Banks and many others, and at the same time we ahve to Bail-out unsucessful business like Chrysler and GM.

    We demonize in the media and at Democratic political rallies those rotten B*stards that made money, and pity the losers. Rather than give GM another 15 Billion so they can lose tha too. we should give it Exxon and let drill with ANWAR!! But I digress,
    the 53% to 47% election was exactly what Jody foresaw! We my already have reached the tipping point where the unproductive and undeserving can VOTE themselves others peoples wealth. It's happened many times in the past, and every time it ends bad. Think Juan and Evita Perone, they came to power by demonizing the rich, and promising the poor everything, Hugo Chavez, and Fidel Castro..there are dozens more. So look around you if you are close to the middle income, and you are supporting big Govt. ideas. The Dem's in America want you to be dependent on them, so u will continue to vote for them. but make no mistake you are NEXT.

    Let's give Jody a chance to show what happens when Govt. ONLY spends what it MUST, not everything it WANTS.

  59. To Kling Man: you better get your facts straight before shooting off your mouth. Rich and Jody are not two of the biggest slum lords in Racine. They own 2 small apartment buildings (a 3-unit and a 4-unit), I hardly call that big. Not to mention that of the 7 apartments, 5 of them are rented to people who DO receive state and/or federal aid.
    You're probably one of the people holding a grudge against them because you got evicted for lease violations or refusing to pay rent.

  60. Does she want to get elected? Does she remember what city she is running for Mayor in? This is Racine. There are a lot of people with Government assistance. So because people are down on their luck she wants to take their right to vote away. This makes no sense to me. I will not vote for her.

  61. Kling Man, I am Rich Harding. It is my wife and I that you are slandering. I am NOT a slum lord. As was previously stated (accurately), we only have 2 small buildings. I would be more than happy to bring them up to pristine condition if everyone renting from me would pay their rent on time and in full. Those who WON'T deny me the funds to do so, and those who CAN'T often receive monetary reductions in the monthly rent to help them, they are not charged late fees and are sometimes given the opportunity to perform custodial duties in compensation for reduced rent. We have even been known to write checks out of our own pocket to WE Energies to help them pay heating/electric bills, and can prove that!

    When I go into an apartment and see crack residue ruining the carpets, holes punched in walls, windows broken, etc. and they are refusing to pay the rent, I evict them. Sounds to me like these types of people are probably your best friends, or you're one of them.

    It is also true that 5 of our 7 renters DO receive SSDI or energy assistance or some source of subsidy. If Jody and I felt we were "above" these people, we wouldn't even rent to them. But, as you see, we do. We have, in fact, been installing new energy efficient heating systems in their apartments to further reduce the heating bills.

    So maybe you better get your facts straight before you spew your trash about other people. As a matter of fact, if you're so gung ho to give my tax dollars to someone who refuses to work, why don't you take 25% of your next paycheck and hand it to someone who's been on welfare their entire life and is making no attempt to remedy that.

  62. Honestly, I'm so glad she's running because she will suck all the rightwing-nutjob votes out of the system with no way of winning herself. Greg Helding must be grinding his teeth right now.

    Mr. Harding, are you, by chance, taking advantage of the energy-weatherization program out of the Kenosha/Racine Community Action Agency with your recent heating systems updates? You sound like you qualify and they pay the largest portion of the costs for improvements for housing where people who qualify for energy assistance live.

  63. I am voting for her. Get these mopes out of racine!!

  64. Talk about slander Mr Harding. Your comment to Kling Man, I quote, "Sounds to me like these types of people are probably your best friends, or you're one of them."....May I ask what you're basing that assessment on?

  65. (I tried to login as Rich Harding, but it won't let me)

    What did I base this on? Read what he said! He knows we are landlords, and because we are so small and very few people know that we are, he seems to have, what he thinks, is inside information.

    He also refers to Jody's "little sidekick," I can only assume he is referring to me. If he's referring to someone else, let him spit it out and say who he means, instead of disguising it.

  66. God, I hate you left wing liberal idiots. All you want to do is give this country away to the welfare suckers and illegal aliens just to get their votes and make yourself richer.

  67. He means George Meyers.

  68. Mr. Harding - you are incredibly rude. I don't think it is appropriate for the spouse of someone running for mayor to respond in the manner that you did. The comments made here have not merited the level of disrespect that you have shown to other bloggers. If this is how you respond to a few minor comments on a blog, I'd hate to see how you would handle the real heat as the spouse of the mayor.

    And, just out of curiosity, aren't you violating the confidentiality of your clients by indentifying them as recipients of SSDI and/or energy assistance? That is poor professional ethics. If your wife is elected mayor, how freely will you blog about the information that you are privy to as a result of your relationship with her?

    Your behavior is demonstrating to me - a voter who does not receive assistance, has never been on drugs, is a fantastic tenant, and is fully aware of her Constitutional rights - that you and your wife are simply not prepared for the roles of Mayor and Mayor's spouse.

  69. I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public.

    Glenda Alexander

  70. For the record:
    I attempted to respond directly to Ms. Harding's blog on this subject. However, she has not approved my comment. Perhaps the freedom to express oneself is another right that Harding believes should be carefully doled out according to her own set of standards.

  71. The above comment was left for both MR and MRS Harding, not for Gina B who responded just before my message appeared.

    Glenda Alexander

  72. Hey Gina B: Who made you god?

  73. I hate these f*cking Liberals!!

  74. After reading this article, reading the blogs, and going to Jody Harding's webpage and reading what is on it, I have to just shake my head. No one wants high or constantly increasing taxes. So you want to eliminate positions at the City, not hire more police or fire fighters, possibly farm out work such as snow removal and garbage pickup. You want the work to be done locally. So, what happens with the local people who are currently doing these jobs? How much money do you actually believe you would save? High and growing unemployment - what can you do that many before you have tried and failed to do with bringing new jobs here? While I agree that City Development has done a poor job, and there should be fewer restrictions, can you go against Johnson's and on their influence about what type of businesses come here? Unchecked crime - you think our police need to be better educated when it comes to knowing the law. You feel having more police or having the police walk the beat isn't the answer. Well it is part of the answer. We have a great police department who are out there everyday trying to get rid of the thugs and working with the community to make this a better place to live. Decrease in population - yes, we have a decrease, but looking at the numbers we consistently have stayed in the 80,000 range. You talk like you are going to come in and clean up Dodge. Jody, you are naive in how things work or don't work. Your blog about people receiving certain kinds of assistance shouldn't be able to work until they are off the assistance. Give me a break. Yes, there are people out there that abuse the system and don't want to work. We need to clean up the system to week those people out. There are many good, hardworking people and students out there that legitimately need assistance. You have no authority to take away their right to vote. I find the comments your husband has said in these blogs insightful and it shows the true moral character of both of you. I find you both laughable and unprofessional. You don't stand a chance.

  75. Meant to say able to "vote" until they are off the assistance, and "weed" those people out.

  76. The Kling Man says that Harding and her husband are finsihed. If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen. It is clear that Harding is divisive and will divide the community, not bring it together. It is also clear that Harding will alienate the city council which she would need to carry out her agenda, other elcted officials who she will need if Racine is to rise out of its current state, the business community who she needs to stay here and the citizenry who she is asking to follow her.

    The true test of character is how one reacts/responds under pressure and both Harding and her spouse flunk! Grade-F

  77. If Harding takes money from Community Action does that disqualify her from voting Kay? By the way how was Karas's kickoff?

  78. I am not sure who disgusts me more, Mrs. Harding, or her husband! I'd like to think that the voters of Racine are intelligent enough to send Jody packing. Its bad enough that she is making such snobby, elitist comments publicly, then her hubby has to come to her aid when the voters question?? If she is going to make such outlandish comments while running for public office, she better get used to a lot of criticism. Harding was exposed to NOT be the "higher class" person when her hubby came to a blogger site to argue with those who disagree with her. That is NOT how things are done while running for office. Very low class people. I suggest Mrs. Harding takes an 8th grade civics class to be educated on who has the right to vote in this country. I also suggest Mr. Harding takes some ethics classes, so he will understand that stooping to arguing on a public blog site is not the way to win your wife votes.

    I would expect this couple will be taking much more heat in the near future!

  79. Jody and hubby Harding live in the Twilight Zone. You think by being divisive you will get the votes to be Mayor??? I was curious about you, honey, and saw your "The World According to Jody" and read what your wrote on your website and watched and listened to your video. You really are a smug, self-absorbed person who doesn't have a clue. I think it's time for you to move again. The sooner the better.

  80. You really think you are all-knowingly and all-important, don't you? People like you are scary. You can come clean. You are just trying to get some material for a book, right? Or are you really as crazy as you sound? Check the ego at the door, sweet stuff. Come back down to reality.

  81. Voting in our society is a privilege, not a right. If, it was a right, then felons would be filing absentee ballots from their cell. Though I feel ending voting for welfare recipients would be difficult to endorse, I fully understand why Jody would feel the way she does. How can you look at OctoMom, Nadya Suleman, and not know something is very wrong with our society. Girls dreaming of being moms without any regard how to pay for them. Girls so selfish they deny their babies fathers. Nadya squirreled away money (our money) to pay for cosmetic surgery and artificial insemination which brought 8 more onto the welfare rolls. No government should tell people how to live, but those same people must not demand us to pay their way. Go Jody!!!

  82. You know it is really sad. I am very frustrated with welfare too. We knew of two woman getting paid to watch each others children. They laid around inside and shoved all the kids outside for the community to watch. While they collected pay checks. We complained, inquired but gave up. Then low and behold they have a big scandal and a reporter digs in and investigates. This kind of fraud was happening all over locally. We think okay we want the people on welfare to work. But they can't because they have children. Well why not allow for child care help. Sounded great. How long did it take some of them to figure out how to commit fraud? Those criminals deserve punishment. They ruin what is supposed to be a helping hand for those who really need it. I am very frustrated. Why should we all work and support their loafing fraud minded butts?

  83. So people who receive Social Security disability payments can't vote? Who is she kidding? Why should my mom not get to vote? She is on disability and is about twice as informed as anyone I know.

    You know, I'm not a local guy - this woman is really embarassing your town, of which I've only heard good things until that point.

  84. Wait a minute here...So when I was a single mom, working full time (40+ hours a week) and going to school two nights a week, she would say I couldn't vote? That's ridiculous. I was receiving grants to go to school, and help with paying the child care expenses. I worked hard at my job and worked hard going to school. Let's face it folks, if you are a single mom it's hard to pay all your own expenses. Women get paid less than a man for the same job and now she wants to punish those same women by taking away their right to vote? Who does she think she is? The women who worked so hard to fight for my right to vote would be rolling over in their graves.

  85. Madamx, Wolfman and Kling Man seem to be so extreme left, maybe we should just let them pay for all the career welfare suckers out of their income and give the rest of us a break.

    Have you seen Jody's blog lately? She acknowledges that it was never meant to be a practical solution, or even a tenable one. And when was the last time you heard someone say, "OK, maybe I was wrong"? You'll never hear that from a liberal.

    And so, you got this little liberal quack (not even a degree in journalism) Dustin Block stirring things up and making a big deal out of something that isn't even a mayoral issue, and all you liberals can do is scream about it and run with it.

    You people are pathetic. I hope Jody wins and persuades the conservative voters in Racine to get rid of all the liberals on the city council so we take our city back from those who would give it away to all the welfare cheats.

    I certainly hope the Kenosha Bystander stays in Kenosha. He's the last thing we need more of in Racine.

  86. This Kenosha Bystander happens to be a conservative, as well as a SHE....But, anyways....

    Of course Jody is now singing a different tune, putting a different spin on this, and Dustin cannot be blamed for Jody's lack of judgment on this issue. She screwed up on this one and the best thing her supporters can do is BE QUIET about it. However, this was a fairly big blunder that I doubt can be undone easily. people will remember her words come election time.

  87. Wow. The ignorance on here is INCREDIBLE!!!

    Historian, Alexander Tyler, said "A democracy can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most money from the public treasury."

    Author, Alexis de Tocqueville, added to this idea saying, "The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they can bribe the people with their own money."

    This is precisely the situation today. And a majority of Americans have bought into it hook, line and sinker. The measure of a politician is how much he or she can raid from the public treasury to provide the latest preferred entitlement. This nation has become a giant shell game of one group robbing from another while other groups do the same to yet others, and they to yet others -- the first group included. The more people who are getting handouts (please read her exclusions), the more votes the one who is going to give more handouts is going to get.

    This is precisely why our Founding Fathers created a Republic, not a Democracy... our Republic has been destroyed.

  88. Who doesn't get government money?

    Does Harding drive on roads? Yep, they're subsidised by the gummint. How about people who went to UW, where tuition does not cover the costs? And then we have all the folks on Wall St. who, in the parlance of the faux-populist right, are "living beyond their means and expect us to pay for it."

    I'd say Hardings comment was equal parts ignorance and class hatred.

  89. ok i guess she must have grown up welll of because if she was a preson like me who had to be on asst do to the fact that major companies keep closing door and no is hiring any where at any comp. then i guess then she would understand but not all of us grew up with the silver spoon in our mouth and do the best that we can to put food on the table and provide for our kids i mean come on ladie live where the rest of us do then you can say something

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