
February 9, 2009

Infusino All Sports called in for review

Infusino All Sports, 3458 Rapids Drive, was called before the city's Public Safety and Licensing Committee Monday night for recent incidents at the north side bar.

Police detailed at least nine incidents at the bar, including several fights, in recent months. Representatives from the bar, including owner Egidio Infusino, said they'd taken several steps to address the problems, which they said were caused by a handful of troublemakers. The bar uses a scanner to check all IDs, hires bouncers and has a video camera system.

But committee members said several reports of really drunk patrons causing problems suggested the bar needed to do a better job of cutting off people before they became dangerous.

The bar owners are due back before the committee in two weeks to discuss changes to reduce the number of police incidents at All Sports.


  1. They should change the music it plays so they would attract a differnt group of people. It started out being a different kind of bar than it is now.

  2. This place is a dumb anyhow. I never understood why people flock there?

  3. good. its about time. that place is a haven for undesirables!

  4. Anonymous said... 8:00PM

    This place is a dumb anyhow. I never understood why people flock there?

    That's where you go if you are a "wanna be jock"...

  5. See black people, you are not picked on. This is a white bar getting hassled. Obama really IS working wonders already.
