
February 3, 2009

DRC presents annual achievement awards

The Downtown Redevelopment Corporation held its annual meeting Tuesday night, and incoming chairman John Busey and outgoing chair Denise McKee presented Achievement Awards to the following:

CPR Showcase Award went to Chad Alexander
and Marco Anderson, for the rehabilitation of 304 Main Street.

Mike Pilger of the Racine Heritage Museum won the Downtown
Showcase Award for the museum's Underground Railroad exhibit.

The Corporate Citizen Award went to Porter's of Racine,
the city's oldest retail business, founded in 1857. Porter's was one
of the first stores in the country to display furniture in room
settings. The award was accepted by Micah Waters.

The Best New Retail Award went to Michael Hefferon and Brad Cuttress,
who opened Upurea on Main Street this summer.

The Downtown Champion Award went to Jo Labre of Dover Flag
and Map, who organized the merchant's gift certificate promotion
this winter, making over 400 phone calls in the process. Jo couldn't
attend, due to the illness of her husband, John, so the award was
accepted for her by Mary Osterman and Dorothy Ward.

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