
January 28, 2009

Rep. Cory Mason will NOT join race for Mayor

State Representative Cory Mason, D-Racine, announced today that he will not run for Mayor of Racine in the special election this Spring.

"While I am honored to have so many wonderful people ask me to consider running for mayor, I know I will be able to better serve the Racine community where I am now," he said.

Mason was first elected to the state Assembly in 2006. Earlier this month Speaker Mike Sheridan appointed him to the Legislature's Joint Committee on Finance.

"I believe I can do more for Racine, Mt. Pleasant, Sturtevant, and Elmwood Park as a member of Joint Finance than I can as mayor of Racine. As a legislator, there are things I would like to be part of accomplishing for our community: establishing KRM, increasing job training to get people back to work, holding down property taxes, investing in our schools and expanding access to affordable health care, just to name a few," Mason said. "Committing my full attention to the budget and legislative process will help ensure my vision for Racine is achieved."

When I spoke to Cory this weekend, he was clearly debating: "Am I a bigger asset to Racine staying where I am on the Joint Finance Committee, affecting some regional issues like taxes, KRM ... or being the mayor. I don't have the answer yet."

"Keeping the city moving forward is a really important job," he said. "It's an unfortunate set of circumstances we're in. You've got to have a captain."

Speaking of disgraced Mayor Gary Becker, he said, "Gary did some positive things for the city; you did have to acknowledge that he had a direction for the city. That's what made his personal conduct so doubly painful... setting the city back."

Mason is a lifelong resident, "born and raised here, went to Case High School, had family here for five generations. The Racine story was always that every generation got to do a little bit better than the generation before." As the father of a month-old daughter, he said, "that's what motivates me."


  1. Racine is better off. Go Jody !

  2. Pete all the way. Viva La Revolution!!
    Sweep away all the Becker Cronies!

  3. How can someone who does not live in Racine be considered a lifelong resident?

  4. Colt-

    You wont support Paul Ryan because he is a RINO but you'll support a socialist like Karas? Give me a break. What did Karas do while in office? Nothing!

  5. Apparently Cory decided he did not want to live here.

  6. Cory Mason lives in Racine with his family. I've been his house several times.

  7. Now we may get Turner running to recieve 2 paychecks worth $120,000or more. Great pay for 2 part time jobs. I would ask Turner to tell the voters, before he runs, that he will keep both. Racine has full-time problems and does not need a part-time mayor.

  8. This is the best news I've heard so far this year! I'm with Downtown Racine and the Paul Ryan supporter!
