
January 8, 2009

Need a job? The city is hiring

The city looking to fill a few jobs and commission openings in the near future. Here's what's available:

* The Health Department needs a secretary. They must be bilingual and be able to type 50 words per minute. The position interacts with several Hispanic clients and requires a great deal of data entry. Some applicants have applied, but failed the typing component. Applicants can practice their typing skills at the Workforce Development Center before applying for the job. The position has been open for nearly a year, so if you're qualified, the department is ready to hire. Apply through the Human Resources department.

* The city needs police and fire dispatchers. Testing begins Jan. 15, so get your resumes into the city's Human Resources Department. The city has 3-4 openings for full-time dispatchers. You need a bachelor's degree to apply.

* The city's Affirmative Action and Human Rights Commission needs to fill two appointments. The commission is required to have an attorney who is a member, and is recruiting to fill that spot. It also needs an at-large member. Given the changes coming to the commission, this could be an important, and powerful, position to take on. If you're interested in applying, or for more information, contact Affirmative Action Officer Jerry Scott at: (262) 636-9175.


  1. The City really should update their site - if you go to their employment page it says that no jobs are available at this time.

  2. "...The position has been open for nearly a year..."
    Does that mean they have not been able to find a qualified candiate in a year's time?? Seems odd, when the unemployment rate is what it is. Or is it that job candidates these days are so poorly prepared? One would think that there would be a line of people wanting a tenured, union, government job.

  3. I'd like to know why you need a bachelor's degree to be a city dispatcher. I would think some courses at Gateway would suffice for something like that.

  4. I don't think you need a bachelor's degree to apply for dispatch. I am sure that's a mistake.
